Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Chad on June 06, 2007, 07:20:59 am
I've noticed the past few months that the bubbles coming out of my tub's ozone port are not as big as they use to be. I thought maybe it was due to the age of my fill but sure enough yesterday I did a complete refill and when I was finished the bubbles still weren't as large as they use to be. What gives?
RIP :-[
Could it possibly be that there's some sort of build up in the injector?
I know it seems like such a minute problem but it's really strange how they were almost a 1/4'' in diameter and now there only about a 1/16''. Surely this has happened to someone else before. :-/ Any ideas at all would be apreciated or just tell me that I'm being paranoid.
How's the volume ? At one time I noticed the bubbles from the heat vent/03 were different and the spa had been switched to summer mode.
Can you smell 03? Has your water quality changed?
1/4" bubbles from 03 sound big to me. mine are smaller and more of a soda water quality. I think the smaller bubbles are what you want.
How's the volume ? At one time I noticed the bubbles from the heat vent/03 were different and the spa had been switched to summer mode.
Can you smell 03? Has your water quality changed?
1/4" bubbles from 03 sound big to me. mine are smaller and more of a soda water quality. I think the smaller bubbles are what you want.
I'm glad you brought up 03. That was my next question. I can't smell it anymore or maybe I'm just used to it now. Either way, I found it strange that there wasn't a blackisk ring at the bottom of my footwell when I drained the tub yesterday. There was one with previous refills. It was definetly from the 03 b/c it was more aparent closer to the port. Water quality has not changed though or atleast not enough for me to notice. What do you think?
How's the volume ?
I've seen this occur as well but am unsure why but VOLUME is the key. As long as the volume is about the same you're fine. In fact, in theory its better to have 8 small bubbles of a certian volume than 3 large bubbles of the same volume since the smaller bubbles give you more outside surface area to make contact.
I've seen this occur as well but am unsure why but VOLUME is the key. As long as the volume is about the same you're fine. In fact, in theory its better to have 8 small bubbles of a certian volume than 3 large bubbles of the same volume since the smaller bubbles give you more outside surface area to make contact.
Ok I feel a lttle stupid right now. I thought Drew was talking about the volume of water in my tub.
There are definetly more bubbles, they're just alot smaller than what they once were.
Do you guys get any blackish stuff in your footwell from your 03?