Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: eightisenough on May 25, 2007, 07:16:52 pm

Title: Cameo coming
Post by: eightisenough on May 25, 2007, 07:16:52 pm
Wet testing confused me, and I think I like soaking without any jets.  

But, I looked at D1 and Sundance and think I like the Cameo.   Two local dealers (within 50 miles).  One said $9,200 including ozonator, cover, cover lift, steps and chemicals and set up, the other said $11,000.  The $11,000 would charge me $50 per warranty call, and the $9,200 nothing but he is 50 miles away and said it might take a week to get here, he would try for less.

Is that a good price?   I'[m concerend aboutthe service time.

I liked HS and Jacuzzi also but to me the Cameo seemed higher end, maybe it's my imagination.   The lounge was comfortable.
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: hottubdan on May 25, 2007, 07:20:42 pm
Wet testing confused me, and I think I like soaking without any jets.  

But, I looked at D1 and Sundance and think I like the Cameo.   Two local dealers (within 50 miles).  One said $9,200 including ozonator, cover, cover lift, steps and chemicals and set up, the other said $11,000.  The $11,000 would charge me $50 per warranty call, and the $9,200 nothing but he is 50 miles away and said it might take a week to get here, he would try for less.

Is that a good price?   I'[m concerend aboutthe service time.

I liked HS and Jacuzzi also but to me the Cameo seemed higher end, maybe it's my imagination.   The lounge was comfortable.

1.  It sounds like the more distant dealer is low balling to get the business.  Is the closer dealer willing to work with you?
2.  Which HS and Jacuzzi were you considering.  You might like the Cameo more, but most would agree it is not higher end.
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: eightisenough on May 25, 2007, 07:27:18 pm
He might be lowballing but he is willing to sell for that price.  The closer one has no interest in going down.  

I didn't mean to denigrate the other two, I'm sure it is my imagination, and maybe I just like the last thing I saw.  I looked at the Envoy, same price, but wasn't crazy about the Moto Massage and the Jacuzzi mostly the 355 or 360.    I found the trouble with wet testing was when testing one, I really didn't remember the one I tried a week earlier.  

What is a reasonable time fram to expect a service call?
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: hottubdan on May 25, 2007, 08:17:10 pm
He might be lowballing but he is willing to sell for that price.  The closer one has no interest in going down.  

I didn't mean to denigrate the other two, I'm sure it is my imagination, and maybe I just like the last thing I saw.  I looked at the Envoy, same price, but wasn't crazy about the Moto Massage and the Jacuzzi mostly the 355 or 360.    I found the trouble with wet testing was when testing one, I really didn't remember the one I tried a week earlier.  

What is a reasonable time fram to expect a service call?

My questions about the dealers would be the standard ones.  How long has each been in business?  How long have they carried Sundance?  Ultimately I would wonder if the $9200 one stay in business to support you.

If you are comparing apples to apples (identical accessories), buy from the distant guy if you are comfortable with them.  If he has to come from 50 miles away a week is more than reasonable.

Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: eightisenough on May 25, 2007, 08:42:13 pm
Thank you Dan.   It's funny, the Marquis guy knocks Sundance because he says the horizontala filter is designed poorly and has to be rotated daily to work and the Sundance guy knocks the vertical filter because he says the top 1/4 never gets used.  

The Suncance people say their jets have no ball bearings and so will last forever and the D! guy says his tubs don't use bromide and so won't wear out hbis ball bearings.   and on and on.

and with all that, my wife monly cares about the skirt color
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: hottubdan on May 25, 2007, 08:54:45 pm
Thank you Dan.   It's funny, the Marquis guy knocks Sundance because he says the horizontala filter is designed poorly and has to be rotated daily to work and the Sundance guy knocks the vertical filter because he says the top 1/4 never gets used.  

The Suncance people say their jets have no ball bearings and so will last forever and the D! guy says his tubs don't use bromide and so won't wear out hbis ball bearings.   and on and on.

and with all that, my wife monly cares about the skirt color

I sold an Envoy the other day to a couple and skirt color was the deciding factor.  All those spa guys knocking each other's products give our industry a bad name.

Enjoy whichever spa you choose.  Where do you live?  Who are those guys?

Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: eightisenough on May 25, 2007, 09:08:12 pm
I live in Westchester County, NY - funny I had selected an Envoy, b ut my wife didn't like the skirt colors.    I was getting Envoy for $9,100
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: hottubdan on May 25, 2007, 09:17:21 pm
What color does she like? :o

Did the Hot Spring guy bash the others? :o
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: eightisenough on May 25, 2007, 09:25:56 pm
SHe likes light wood, in Sundfance the Birchwood.  

I went to two HS dealers, one on Long Island in Melville.  He said he wouldn't swwell to me because I was too far away and would give me unbiased advice from someone in the business for years.    He said he thinks Hotsprings are the best, but there a some that come close:  Marquis, D! and I think he said Sundance.  He wouldn't knock anyone specifically.  

The other HS dealer in Yonkers also wouldn't knock any other brands.  He said he will only tell me how good Hotsprngs is.  So really the dealers who knocked the others were the Marquis dealer, the Sundance dealer, a D1 delaer,  and a jacuzzi dealer to a lesser degree.

Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: Neptuner on May 25, 2007, 10:27:13 pm
Sundance makes very good tubs. If you like the Cameo. get it. It is about as good a lounger spa as you can find. There are 3 lounger spas I wet-tested that I liked ranked thusly:

1. Catalina El Cortez

2. Dimension 1 Chairman II

3. Sundance Cameo
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: dax on May 26, 2007, 12:17:07 am
I wet tested a few spas and decided on the Sundance Cameo mostly due to the lounger comfort and its neck jets.  Just ordered it last weekend as my wife didn't like the colors of the ones the dealer had in stock.  We paid $9200, which includes the upgraded 250mg ozonator, matching steps, covermate I lift, start-up chemicals, the formed cup holder that fits on the filter cover, delivery, setup, and a rubber ducky.  Came with a 12-month same as cash payment plan.

It will take about a month to come in, which is fine with me because I have a deck and patio to finish before I'm ready for it.  I'm hoping to be soaking and relaxing come June 22nd.

Good luck with your hot tub search!
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: dax on May 26, 2007, 12:20:51 am
Forgot to add to my previous post that the dealer I purchased from doesn't charges anything for service calls for one year.  After that, I need to pay a service call fee, which right now is $35.  This dealer has been in business for at least 10 years and is highly regarded.  A friend also bought a tub from them and recommended them.  FWIW, they carry both Sundance & Hot Springs.
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: ndabunka on May 26, 2007, 01:20:19 am
You do realize that you can buy the less expensive spa and the local dealer will still have to honor the factory warranty, right?  There would be trip charges  but it would take a LOT of service trips to make up the price difference.  Just tell the local dealer this and see if he won't lower his price (at least a little).
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: eightisenough on May 26, 2007, 07:08:23 am
Good luck to you Dax?  I didn't get the ducky.   As far as the local dealer having to honor the warranty, that is great advice.

This dealer also sells CalSpas and Cleawater, on of those brands has more jets than I ever saw.  When I went in, I said I wanted to see Sundance so we never spoke of the others.
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: hottubdan on May 26, 2007, 10:52:41 am
In the spa industry the dealer who sells the spa is contractually obligated to do the warranty service unless he is no longer a dealer for that brand.

The closer dealer can choose to do the service.  However, he is most likely going to put you on the bottom of the list if you bought from someone else.

A continual plague on our industry.  It creates more poor customer service.

1st we bash and lie to get the sale.
Then we provide poor customer service after the sale.

Is it any wonder our industry, which has a great product for addressing so many problems, is having another bad year?

Of course I am not referring to any of my fine brothers and sisters on this forum.

Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: Mez on May 26, 2007, 08:58:04 pm

A continual plague on our industry.  It creates more poor customer service.

1st we bash and lie to get the sale.
Then we provide poor customer service after the sale.

Is it any wonder our industry, which has a great product for addressing so many problems, is having another bad year?


I have to agree with you on the Spa industry as a whole. I have to say that while shopping for a spa, I was totally turned off by the high pressure sales tactics, sleazy sales people lying, the research I had to do so I didnt get ripped off. It was enough to make me (temporarily) look into buying one online or on ebay. My reasoning was how much worse can an online place be than the dealers I visited. We have one nice place in Cinti that ahs been around for many, many years but even they used the same ole tired gimmicks and high pressure and bait and switch tactics, plus their pricing was on the high end to begin with.
It almost makes me want to start my own dealer ship...treating people with dignity and honesty, seilling decent product at a decent the name Integrtiy Spas taken yet? :)
I ended up going with a Jacuzzi btw...they were the most layed back of the bunch that I checked out.  Now if they just deliver it!
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: Taddtx on June 05, 2007, 11:20:54 am

Did you ever get your Sundance Cameo at that price?  With all that was promised?

Was it an 07 model?

I have been quoted 10195 for a Cameo, with delivery, setup, one months chemicals, and cover.   Seems you got a whole lot more for less money.

If you did get it, how has it turned out for you.  Are you satisfied with the spa,  did it meet your expectations.

Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: eightisenough on June 05, 2007, 02:48:50 pm
I ordered the Cameo, $9,200 including delivery, cover, lifter, stairs and I think chemicals.  should be delivered in about two weeks.    

Is setup once it is delivered involved, I'm not sure if setup is included or he plans to explain to me what to do ( I hope not).  I have to follow up on that.  

where are you?
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: Taddtx on June 05, 2007, 02:57:17 pm
Im in the DFW Texas area.  I can only find one dealer that carries Sundance locally.  
Title: Re: Cameo coming
Post by: eightisenough on June 05, 2007, 06:31:10 pm
hard to figure the way prices are set.  do you need a local dealer?  Can't one far away sell and the local would service?

that's how I've bought cars recenlty.  I've gone to dealers up to 100 miles away and just used someone else for service.  My local Sundance dealer said flat out no, buy form the guy 50 miles away, so I did.