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Author Topic: thoughs on New Geneva  (Read 5531 times)


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thoughs on New Geneva
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:41:58 pm »
I plan on installing my new Caldera Geneva late this spring, and have started to give it some half serious thought.  I'm hopping folks might be able to chime in and help me out.

Electrical: currently I have an 05 Caspain and looking at the wiring diagram for the 07 Geneva, it looks identical. Thank you Watkins.  :)  Did I miss something? It's a pretty straight forward schematic.

Slab: Currently I have my capsian on pavers and compacted sand. This was originally installed for my POS nordic. It held up well, no shifting so I made the area slightly bigger for the Caspian, and it's worked well. However, From reading the Caldera manual, it seems that I must pour a 4" concrete slab. Is this aboslutely necesaary? Any ball park figure on what  slab might cost, and when this can be poured. (lets say a 9 x 9 area?)

I was hopping to get to the local Caldera dealer and look at the tub in person, but they have hours for the unemployed (MF 9-5)  :P.  I called and asked if in the warmer weather would they be changing thier hours?  I got a mixed answer.  Groan.  My 2 seconds on the phone with the dealer didn't give me a great sense of enthusiaism, and I hope I just caught them at the wrong time.  I found out that also do decks, which excited me, as my wife and I have been playing with the idea of redoing our decks, and are shopping for a contractor.

I'm debating on weather to do a wet test.  LEt's face it. free tub. Nice free tub.  :)  My wife is concerned about it being too big. Me? I'm of the school of thought that it want matter too much here. What would others do? Wet test it?

Other than that, I'm looking forward to my new Geneva. It's my understanding I'll have to pick up a set of steps and a cover lifter.  Once again, I was hopping to get into the local dealers to see what they had for steps, and what they might cost, but...that may not happen in the near future....

« Last Edit: February 28, 2007, 03:43:59 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

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thoughs on New Geneva
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:41:58 pm »


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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2007, 04:06:44 pm »
OK,Drew, this is just what I would do...
First find out if that dealer has a filled Geneva..I'll bet he does. Ask when a good time would be to wet test, you don't have to explain that you already own one. Based on that time, take your wife to a nice breakfast or lunch, and go and enjoy your wet test...I have a feeling you will be even happier than you were when you won the tub. This is your official celebration! Holy Cow, Drew YOU WON A HOT TUB!!!
Get a feel for the dealer and how they treat you at the wet test and decide if you want to purchase your steps, cover lifter and steps from them.  That way you aren't feeling like you wasted his time with a wet test...it was really a "dealer test".  It can work out great for all of you.
Hey if it were me..I'd be there tomorrow..Go wet test and enjoy the anticipation and excitment...you lucky dog! ;)

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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2007, 04:21:19 pm »
I'd be there tomorrow too if it wasn't for this pesky thing called work.  Taking time off cost me  $$.

Dealer test. Yes. that's exactly what I got to do.  :D

I'm thinking though, someday my wife has off, I'll force a day off as well and take the time to check it out.  I think I will toss my cover lifter business to the incrediable Doc Spa, who  I am sure will give me the lowest price, on the highest quality lifter. Foks, can check out the fine products that doc offers at http://www.rhtubs.com (hpw that for sucking up for a discount? Too obvious?). I think I want the official "caldera steps" so I want to see what those will run me. Plus if this guy is decent, I might toss a complete deck pacakage at him, and if I have to pour a pad, most likey see if he is competiive.

oh yea....sucking up to   Speaking of Doc, I did see his new state register for tub dealers. It was empty...I actually think that could be a great tool so I entered my old dealer in there....you should too.

anyhow....my point is...well, now that I think about it....i have not point.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 04:31:27 pm »
re: "Any ball park figure on what  slab might cost, and when this can be poured.
(lets say a 9 x 9 area?)"

I think mine was an 8 x 8 for like $400.
No I didn't not check the guys citizenship, but he did a great job.

re: "the local Caldera dealer and look at the tub in person,
but they have hours for the unemployed (MF 9-5)"

LOL...awesome line....I gotta remember that one
"they keep hours for the unemployed".....LOL
you know how I feel about this ridiculous topic!
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« Last Edit: February 28, 2007, 04:33:38 pm by Zep »


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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2007, 04:36:26 pm »
As far as the lifter Drew.....check to see that it can be mounted,and won't interfere with the fiber-optics,and won't be a problem mounting the brackets in "X" area.  Chas might possibly know the do's and don't's as far as cover lifters go.

My opinion,a wet test for that tub isn't necessary! You'll love it :)

My tub sits on a 4" bed of concrete,1/4" polly pebble,and finish is pavers.  Have moved it twice since I've owned it,and no leaks etc etc.

If you do go the route of re-doing your deck,and you're gonna have a contractor do the work,check references,BBB,pictures,and over-all feel for the contractor. Plus,get several bids,so you know where you stand in regards to price,with the contractor the tub store is recommending.

Lastly,if you do go wet-test,get us some pics of you and the wifey,in a showroom :)


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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2007, 12:07:10 am »
You can use a CM1 as lifter.

My opinion is if you want to wet test with local dealer, you should go through Watkins and have them set it up.
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Re: thoughts on New Geneva
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 01:10:49 am »
Drew, I'm surprised your dealer wasn't very enthusiastic. Does he know that you were the winner of the big contest?  ;D

I guess you could wet test but I'm sure you will love the Geneva. Mr. Bill_Stevenson really loved his Geneva and spoke highly of the model.
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Re: thoughts on New Geneva
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2007, 09:02:43 am »
Drew, I'm surprised your dealer wasn't very enthusiastic. Does he know that you were the winner of the big contest?  ;D

I guess you could wet test but I'm sure you will love the Geneva. Mr. Bill_Stevenson really loved his Geneva and spoke highly of the model.

I wasn't overwhelmed with thier enthusiasm when I called. But I'm not bad mouthiing them. I haven't even met them yet, and I'll chalk it up to an akward phone call.  But it does slighty raise a flag.  I was trying to get a clear answer if they would be changing thier store hours anytime in the near future, and if so when, and what those hourse might be. I was told maybe around Easter....okay.That doens't help too much. (When is Easter this year? I assume it's near Passover.)  I mentioned that I had won the Caldera contest  with no response.   Maybe it wnet over their heads, or the lady on the phone was preoccupied.  I dunno.

I don't think the wet test will make a difference, I'm taking the tub.  :D  But I would like to see the color options in person (I'm 99% sure on my choice) and look at the steps and such.   I was sent all the manuals, and I didn't read anything about cover lifter mounting and if it would effect the lighting. That's a good point, as the Geneva has outside cabinet lights on 3 sides. Thanks for the heads up on that., Autoplay.

This will be my first tub that has diverters and I'm curious on how that will work and the therapy it will provide. Right now, I'm drooling over the neckjet from the pillows, and wondering how the wrists jets will work.  8-)

My wife is getting more excited about doing a deck than the bathroom this spring, but I just found out we will be away for the  few days that the local  Home Show is in town.  I may drive into Boston (35 miles away) this weekend for that show, just to see if there are any contractors out there, that work in my area. -  I know in some states like Texas, 35 miles  is considered " just across town" but here in MA, it's worlds away.  ;D   Really.  At the very least, I would also like to see different ideas on railings, steps, layout, desing, lighting etc and I'm sure there might be one or two hot tub dealers there.  :)

I'll keep folks posted as I move through this adventure. And post pics as I install.  :) Any other questions suggestions, et all would be greaty appreciated.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 09:11:54 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2007, 11:01:54 am »
I just received a phone call from Jeff at the Mothership. he wanted to check in with me and ensure things with my upcomming tub were going well.  He's heard that I haven't been able to visit the nearest dealer due to thier store hours, and he wanted to know if there was anything that he could help me out.    

In addition to talking about my hot tub, we had a great talk about tubs, the industry, and dealers in general and also about what I needed.  I tried to tell him that i wasn't complaining at all, -Hey FREE GENEVA HOT TUB!!!! but he didn't care about if it was free or not, he wanted to make sure I was not just satistfied, but thrilled.   He set me up with a newer dealer about 20 minutes away who, from our conversation can help out with discusing the tub, accesorys, pads, delivery, et all and has hours that are much much more conveinet for me.  The new dealer  may also be able to help me with my non hot tub related deck plans.   Perfect.  :D

Jeff knew of Chas and Chris (terminator) and spoke very highly of them, (as well as I did too.  ;) )

So I should be moving on my new tub in the few months and I'll take lots of pics.  :) I'm hoping that by the end of May I'll be all set with my Geneva.  8-)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 11:05:54 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2007, 03:43:51 pm »

Jeff knew of Chas and Chris (terminator) and spoke very highly of them, (as well as I did too.  ;) )

Hey, I know Jeff, too. 8-)  And he knows me.  :o  As big as Watkins is, many of us know each other.  Jeff should be quite helpful.  I can hear him say he wants you to not just be satisfied, but to be thrilled.  I need to remember to tell my customers that! ;)

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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2007, 09:42:32 am »
Hey Dan,

Jeff struck me as a quality guy.   I have to say of all the folks I've dealt with in the hot tub world. Watkins consistenlty has some of the best trained, and amaialble folks.  I don't know what Watkins slips into thier brand of kool aid they serve during the trainings, but it seems to work.  ;)

I did get down this weekend to the dealer he recomened; Dudley Hot tub in Dudley MA. I was impressed. Especially since this is new store, that hasn't even been open for a year. It's a husband and wife team with about 10 tubs on display. It was a very nice set up and overall a  very good visit.   I got all my questions answered.

 The owners wife and my wife decided on the color of the new tub. I was thinking of going with a silver shell, but they both convinced me to go with the Sterling marble.  I had to agree, it looked the best.  (a smooth white shell with very  slight, very light traces of marbling.).   :)

I spent some time going over the differnt cover lifters he had, steps, colors, operation of the tub, installation, accesories, just about everything.   My wife and I are now getting very excited about this.   ;)

I'm going to go with a 5' set of steps, and was very impressed with the pro lift 2 lifter.  I will also grab an adidtional filter to swap out when I clean them.

Funny, I'm driving away and my wife askes me "how long do you think you were in there?"

"I dunno. 1/2 an hour?"

She just laughed.  2 hours.

Time flies when you're having fun.  :D

Anyone in Central MA or Northen CT shoudl check out Dudley hot tub.  It's worth the visit. It's a  quality set up with some very nice folks behind the counter.  :)

« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 10:35:34 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2007, 10:44:49 am »
Sterling marble is our most popular color.  It is the same as Sundance/Jacuzzi call Platinum.  I think it is their #1 color also.

What color skirt and cover?
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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2007, 10:55:34 am »
The only color choice with the sterling marble is the coastal grey cabinet- which works out great, as that's the color we wanted. The pool I put in last year has a grey wall and the new tub will coordinate perfectly with it.  The previous pool had a brown wood motif to it, and so  on our current Caspian we chose the redwood skirting.

The cover will be grey, as well as the steps.

The pro lift 2 cover lifter attatches to the sides of the cover, as oppose to the Cover mate that I have now which has a bar across the center of the cover.  The pro lift was VERY easy to operate and worked with more of sliding action (slide the cover toward the back and it lifts up, as opposed to a direct lifting up with the CM1.

Any problems with the pro lift 2? Is one design better than the other? (side attatchement V across the center hinge)?

I was also amazed at how light the cover was.  I thougth my existing cover was in good shape, but noticed that after 2 years, it is heavier.  (I assume some water has been absorbed into the foam?).

The other things I liked on the Geneva that I don't have now is the clean up cycle up button.  On the caspain, I have to go into a menu mode to get to the clean cycle,  on the Geneva, the "Clean" button is on the control panel.
Not a big deal, but when friends use the tub and I'm not there, It's a pain to explain how to get the pumps to the clean mode.

I like the Actual temp being displayed. (As opposed to displaying the set temp).  the aux control panel is also a nice touch.   I am definatly stepping up a few grade from the Caspian to the Geneva, and the little extras are  nice.  

The lights are sweet. I like the outside skirt lighting.

There was a significant difference on the Geneva's ozone nozzle. It's mounted on the side of the footwell and was pushing out a stronger finer spray than the bottom mouted nozzle on my caspain.  I don't know  if it makes any difference, but it was interestting.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 11:02:14 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2007, 01:08:24 pm »

First of all congratulations on your good fortune!  Gomboman had sent me a private message a while ago telling me the good news.  Second, my Geneva was (still is AFAIK) on pavers without any problem.  But, and it is a big but, it is in Florida and you are in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Actually we have a home in Framingham too.  Out of curiosity where are you?  Anyway, the concern I would have with pavers would be movement of the base during seasonal changes.  What are the local experts telling you?  On balance, I would lean toward a steel reinforced concrete pad for the Geneva up there.




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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2007, 01:19:09 pm »
Hey Bill.

I'm in central Ma.  A tiny little town called Boylston.  I spoke with the dealer who will be handleing all this; Artie at Dudley Hot tubs, and he felt the pavers would suffice. I've had the pavers there for four years or so, and they've supported my Nordic, and my Tiger River without any issues.  Artie will be comming by to discuss a deck project tomorrow night, as well as scope out the site for the tub.
07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: thoughs on New Geneva
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2007, 01:19:09 pm »


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