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Author Topic: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?  (Read 16503 times)


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2007, 04:54:42 pm »
nsavarirayan:  The Marquis ozonator is a solid-sate UV system.  They work very well and have a proven track record of working 6+ years with no maintenance.  The nice thing about the solid state UV ozonator that Marquis uses is that it is just as strong 5 years from now as it is the day you get the spa.  

Like everyone has stated, you are looking at two of the highest quality and solid companies in the industry.  I would wet test and make your decision based on that and what dealer you feel most comfortable with.    

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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2007, 04:54:42 pm »


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2007, 10:46:32 am »
OK...not trying to beat a dead horse here, but can someone please tell me if I have a good ozonator.  My tub came with a Prozone PZ1.  Is this a CD unit? It says its a Corona Hybrid Arc Tube with Solid State Ballast.  It is connected to my Jacuzzi J-355.

When I went in the other day to the dealer they said they have two types. I think Jacuzzi has their own.

I also want to know if it is safe to get in the tub while it is running.  There are times when we just want to sit in the tub with no jets going and just relax.  I can't tell the difference between the bubbles from the 24/hr circ pump and the ozonator.

Thanks again.


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2007, 04:47:34 pm »
OK...not trying to beat a dead horse here, but can someone please tell me if I have a good ozonator.  My tub came with a Prozone PZ1.  Is this a CD unit? It says its a Corona Hybrid Arc Tube with Solid State Ballast.  It is connected to my Jacuzzi J-355.

When I went in the other day to the dealer they said they have two types. I think Jacuzzi has their own.

I also want to know if it is safe to get in the tub while it is running.  There are times when we just want to sit in the tub with no jets going and just relax.  I can't tell the difference between the bubbles from the 24/hr circ pump and the ozonator.

Thanks again.

Jacuzzi uses two types of ozonators, both CD units without chips that should last 5-7 years.  One is higher output than the other.  While in the spa the ozonator should stop output when any of the therapy pumps operate and not come back on for a while after they shut off.  The bubbles will always come whether the ozonator is on or off.  Sitting in the spa without the jets on should not be a problem even if the ozonator is running.  The amount of ozone generated should not harm you.


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2007, 05:22:37 pm »
Thanks Tony.  I put a call into the dealer to ask what they sold me.  They told me the Prozone and I told them I was told it was going to be a CD.  When I originally asked if an ozonator came with the spa he said yes and that it was a CD.  So now I am waiting to hear back from them.  I even called my wife to verify, and she remembers him telling us it was the CD one.  I shopped around for 5 different brands and that was always brought up in all conversations.  Every place I went to said they didn't install the UV's anymore and that they were CD ozonators.


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2007, 06:09:04 pm »
Based on various manufacture's data sheets, the Prozone PZ1 produces the most ozone of the CD or UV units I looked at and it lasts about 20000 hours or 833 days working 24/7. Based on internet searches, it costs about $100.  I can't speak of it's quality but this is the unit I will be getting to replace my ozonator.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2007, 06:09:04 pm »


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