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Author Topic: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?  (Read 16506 times)


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CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« on: May 24, 2007, 04:33:53 pm »
Marquis dealer told me everyone is going towards UV - is it better then CD?

Also he mentioned that the ozone is inline and has a chance to have contact with the water.  I guess some tubs just have the ozone start from bottom to top and then not have to much water contact so it is not as effective?

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CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« on: May 24, 2007, 04:33:53 pm »


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2007, 04:48:26 pm »
Untrue on both accounts.  The industry has moved away from UV ozones and is almost entirely comprised of CD ozone units at this point.

Many spas have a way to inject the ozone into the water well before the it makes it's way into the main body of water.  


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2007, 06:09:42 pm »
This is a fact?  So the dealer is telling me wrong.


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2007, 06:14:47 pm »
Ok to clear things up is CD versus UV ozone a deal breaker?  The Marqui I like has UV - do I not consider it beacuse of that fact.  Please advise.


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2007, 06:27:32 pm »
This is a fact?  So the dealer is telling me wrong.

Is he wrong? Well, its really his opinion and while you may get a majority that think CD is the better version the reality is there are cheap UV and good UV units and there are cheap CD and good CD units so its not just about UV vs CD. I know the Marquis guys here will tell you they have a good UV unit so that should be what matters but if he's saying you'll be taking a step down if you go with a good CD unit from one of the other major manufacturers I'd say that's just him believing in his product quite a bit and exhibiting some salesmanship but that's understandable.

As far as the contact chamber goes, yes that is important. You want to mix the ozone with the water and give it a good length of hose to travel/mix before it enters the tub and dissipates. Most of the major spa makers properly mix the ozone that way so while he's right about the need I hope he wasn't trying to imply his is the only one that does it properly.
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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2007, 07:19:22 pm »
There are three types of ozonators on the market:

1. CD (corona discharge)
2. UV (solid state fired)
3. UV (ballast fired)

The CD ones are good but they will require some maintenance, usually replacing the chip $$(1-5 years depending on usage and brand).

The ballast UV ones require no maintenance but have a very short life (average of 9,000 hours)

The solid state UV ones require no maintenance and has a very long life, average of 7-years.

No matter which one you choose a spa has to be built correctly to utilize the ozone and that is done with a contact chamber (most better manufactures do this i.e. Marquis, Hot springs...

Is one phasing out another, I do not think so.
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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2007, 09:07:48 pm »
Let me open up a can of worms  ::) ... Does ozone really work ... that's the question to be asking! :o ;D

Actually as was said, all ozonators are different. I have a Del UV ozonator and from what the company told me they put out very little ozone. Heck their CD units put out about the same as their UV units.

So the questions come down to (other than if ozone really works) how much ozone does a unit produce? And how long is it in contact with the water?

People swear by it and don't. I will try a better unit when mine dies in about a year ... which leads me to the questions of what is a good ozonator and why? At this point the Prozone PZ1 is at the top of my list as it seems to be able to produce the most ozone per day and costs about $100, but I am not in the spa business.


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2007, 09:21:28 pm »
I would ask this question, Is it possible for you to have misunderstood your dealer ?....If not I am not sure what hes talking about.....The Marquis unit is one that is a solid state unit with the UV bulb but this is far different than a traditional UV ozone unit. As Gary points out this type of unit has been shown to last for as long as 7 years with no maintenance.... As for them working we have found at our store that customers who had some water issues did have a non working ozone unit... So based on our experience with the Marquis water management system than I can yes it does make a difference in water quality.


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2007, 09:33:13 pm »
There are three types of ozonators on the market:

1. CD (corona discharge)
2. UV (solid state fired)
3. UV (ballast fired)

The CD ones are good but they will require some maintenance, usually replacing the chip $$(1-5 years depending on usage and brand).

The ballast UV ones require no maintenance but have a very short life (average of 9,000 hours)

The solid state UV ones require no maintenance and has a very long life, average of 7-years.

No matter which one you choose a spa has to be built correctly to utilize the ozone and that is done with a contact chamber (most better manufactures do this i.e. Marquis, Hot springs...

Is one phasing out another, I do not think so.

What type does Hot Spring use now?


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2007, 09:43:22 pm »

What type does Hot Spring use now?

4.  The HS FreshWater III ozone system uses a Corona Disharge cell and requires very little maintenance.  Given that it uses a cell and not a chip, it keeps going like the Energizer Bunny.
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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2007, 09:46:28 pm »
I would ask this question, Is it possible for you to have misunderstood your dealer ?....If not I am not sure what hes talking about.....The Marquis unit is one that is a solid state unit with the UV bulb but this is far different than a traditional UV ozone unit. As Gary points out this type of unit has been shown to last for as long as 7 years with no maintenance.... As for them working we have found at our store that customers who had some water issues did have a non working ozone unit... So based on our experience with the Marquis water management system than I can yes it does make a difference in water quality.


You know we've been there before ... that's why I used the ::) :o &  ;D.

Based on my unit I believe I see nothing that positive since it produces very little. That's why I am willing to buy another, hopefully better unit and see how it goes.


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2007, 11:20:12 pm »


You know we've been there before ... that's why I used the ::) :o &  ;D.

Based on my unit I believe I see nothing that positive since it produces very little. That's why I am willing to buy another, hopefully better unit and see how it goes.


What makes one different from another is how is incorporated to work within the spas design, Marquis makes standard ozone on all of their spas, it is not an after thought or a add on later, the same with the way they use the frog in-line system, I believe and I think it is fair to do so that since both of this systems are thought of and incoportated as a part of their water management system that perhaps they get better results than simply adding it or having as a option later.  


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2007, 10:42:39 am »

4.  The HS FreshWater III ozone system uses a Corona Disharge cell and requires very little maintenance.  Given that it uses a cell and not a chip, it keeps going like the Energizer Bunny.

Hot Springs uses the DEL MCD-50, Del does recommend cleanig the goo build up from the hose and replacing the cell and transformer in 3-years on average. With the cost of replacing those components parts and labor you might be better off just replacing the whole thing yourself.
I am a scientist, I convert beer, wine and whiskey into urine.


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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2007, 12:56:47 pm »

Hot Springs uses the DEL MCD-50, Del does recommend cleanig the goo build up from the hose and replacing the cell and transformer in 3-years on average. With the cost of replacing those components parts and labor you might be better off just replacing the whole thing yourself.

Gary (and others)--

How do you know when any ozone generator is no longer working?

1.  Specs from manufacturer?
2.  Water quality?
3.  Testing?  If so, how?

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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2007, 01:50:56 pm »

Gary (and others)--

How do you know when any ozone generator is no longer working?

1.  Specs from manufacturer?
2.  Water quality?
3.  Testing?  If so, how?


Obviously it is easy with a UV one as you can see the light. With the DEL CD ones it is difficult if the system is still drawing air, if not drawing air or reduced it is usually the goo build up in the hose. The DEL have a little green indicator light but all it does is tell you that is has power but it does not mean it is producing ozone.

So I generally rely on the manufactures suggestions, granted they might want to be selling more parts/ozonators so they may fudge a little on those numbers.

Some you can tell by the water quality especially on a Marquis and Hot Springs, both have good ozone systems and the water quality typically changes is they are not working.
I am a scientist, I convert beer, wine and whiskey into urine.

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Re: CD Ozone vs. UV Ozone?
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2007, 01:50:56 pm »


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