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In reading my hotspring manual last night it mentioned that ozone is the only way to oxidize foam or soap in the water. I tend to agree since the clarifier helped quite a bit but my water has steadily improved in clarity and I think a lot of this is due to the ozone running 24/7.
The water is VERY clean and nice. The water DOES NOT foam when pump 1 or pump 2 is on separately - only when both pumps are on at the same time. The foam dissipates within seconds of turning off the pumps. The water is NOT NASTY. The filters are clean. The water did this from day 1.
SpaNE,It's just bubbles that are created when the jets are on. No worries. Now if you have foam like suds that stay on top of the water after the jets are off for a awhile(like you would see when you add bubble bath to a bathtub), you have a foam issue.
Thanks - that is what I thought. However what has me confused is that I only see the foam when both jets are on together. Is this because of the additional agitation?
Cl free = 3Cl total = 1
Do you mean your combined chlorine is 1? Total chlorine cannot be less than free chlorine. If your combined chlorine is indeed 1, I would suggest a good shock--combined chlorine should be kept under .5.
The test strips I use (Smart Test Pool & Spa Test Strips, by Poolmaster Inc.) indicate the Ideal Range for free chlorine to be between 1 and 3, and total chlorine between 1 and 3.
combined chlorine ppm = total chlorine ppm - free chlorine ppmI don't understand how your total chlorine ppm can be less than your free chlorine ppm when following the math above.
....I'm satisfied that whatever "foaming" I was getting is the result of soap products on bathing suits/body oils -and water agitiation with both pumps on high. The foam dissipates within seconds of turning off the jets. ....