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Author Topic: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warranty  (Read 5057 times)


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Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warranty
« on: May 23, 2007, 07:06:57 pm »
Let me know if this is a smokin deal.  My local D1 dealer has a lotus in on consignment.  It is sold from a private party that originally bought the tub from this dealer.  she believes it an 06 model possibly an 05 but does not know since it is not at her showroom yet - will be there in a few days.

She told me it a 11-12K spa and I could get it "out the door" at under 9k.  now it is a used tub and she told me it is in fantastic shape and was kept under a covered patio and very well maintained.  It has 3 years of warranty.   It seems like a great tub for the price with lots of different jets and from what I hear this is also an excellent spa company.  So is 9K out the door a good deal?  Its gotta be right??

here is the link to the model:  Seems pretty cool


I am going to wet test the model tomorrow it looks like since they have the same tub in the wet room.

But according to the dealer this is a good spa that won't sit around for long.

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Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warranty
« on: May 23, 2007, 07:06:57 pm »


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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2007, 07:25:18 pm »
It is a great deal...on a "NEW" spa.  Not such a great deal on a three year old spa that will have "NO" warranty left.  The warranty is to the origional owner.  Also keep in mind that a wet test on a brand new spa might not be the same since the molds and jets change.  I would not pat over 7k
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2007, 08:40:55 pm »
It is a great deal...on a "NEW" spa.  Not such a great deal on a three year old spa that will have "NO" warranty left.  The warranty is to the origional owner.  Also keep in mind that a wet test on a brand new spa might not be the same since the molds and jets change.  I would not pat over 7k

I would love to see the value of used spas go up.  However, I think 7K is still high.
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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2007, 09:35:58 am »
Hi guys thanks for the input.  The D1 dealer said the spa would have three years on the warranty - but accoridng to the website it says the warranty is not transferrable?  why would the dealer tell me it has three years if it is not transferrable.  Does she know something I don't? is she lying to me?

So if no warrant I should just try to get it for 7k minimum.  But really i don't want a tub without any warranty!

It seems the D1 is a bit expensive - the only other new model she had was the Aurora II which I could get for 8K out the door.

however not sure I trust the dealer regarding her truth about the warrant of a used tub.


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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2007, 10:00:56 am »
The dealer is probably going to cover the warrenty, not Dimension 1 proper.

The spa sells for abot 10K new.

Here's some numbers I pulled out of my backside:

I think an 06 (I year old) is worth 7K
I think an 05  (2 years old) is worth 6K.

What ever deal I struck, I'd want a brand new cover included as well as new filters.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2007, 10:12:04 am »
Thanks to all - you guys are a life saver - she almost had me running down there after the phone call to put some money down!!

I just don't know if I turst this dealer - she seem to be telling me the wrong price - but then again every dealer so far has told me that a certain spa is actually several more thousand dollars then it is actually sold for.  Like the Hs store I went to told me the vanguard was like 10K plus but I could get it on sale for 8300.  Checking the interent that seems to be the going rate.  This is seriously like buying a car and leaves bad taste in my mouth.  These dealers are like used car salesmans!!!


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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2007, 10:17:09 am »
The dealer is probably going to cover the warranty, not Dimension 1 proper.

The spa sells for abot 10K new.

Here's some numbers I pulled out of my backside:

I think an 06 (I year old) is worth 7K
I think an 05  (2 years old) is worth 6K.

What ever deal I struck, I'd want a brand new cover included as well as new filters.

I think this is reasonable, but you should also consider do you need a spa that size, you can spend 7K-9K on a new spa (little smaller but still can seat 7 people) and get a 5-year warranty.

I would be a little nervous with the warranty not being a factory warranty, what if the dealer closes down, what if they change owners...
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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2007, 10:26:14 am »

I think this is reasonable, but you should also consider do you need a spa that size, you can spend 7K-9K on a new spa (little smaller but still can seat 7 people) and get a 5-year warranty.

I would be a little nervous with the warranty not being a factory warranty, what if the dealer closes down, what if they change owners...

Gary you make excellent points.   I think the owner feels the tub is worth more like 7-9K but for the reasons you explain, is why I think it gets down to the 5-6K. (plus cover and filters which are worth total $500).
« Last Edit: May 24, 2007, 10:26:38 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

Larry Becker

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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2007, 01:14:01 pm »
I think a D1 Lotus Bay would retain a bit more resale value than a standard spa. They ARE a bit more pricey when new, and are a little more rare so they would command a bit more. The Lotus Bay has one of the Massage sequencer seats and is a really comfortable spa. It's one of the few I wet-tested before I bought my Sarena Bay. I think it's even a more comfortable spa than mine...

I assume that "out the door at under $9k" means that it includes tax, delivery and start-up chemicals. That would put the pre-tax/delivery cost at about $800-1000 less than that, getting you into the $8k area. There's probably a consignment fee that the dealer charges of, say, 25%, and that gets the money back to the original owner at about $6k, or about half of what they paid for it. That sounds about right...

By going consignment, I would hope that the dealer is going to stand behind it, make sure it works well initally and would take care of any defects. I would make SURE to get any warranty in writing from the dealer. If they've been around for some time, you're probably safe. If they're pretty new, or if the dealership has recently changed hands, well...

D1 seems to take a pretty hands-on approach to managing dealers, and D1's reputation is long and good... This spa is at the top of their line for its size, so if it's in good shape, you'd be ok.

One these boards we tend to go for the absolute lowest price possible -- as if we don't really want dealers to stay in business... these guys have to make a little, and they're trying to give some value to the previous owner... I don't think the deal sounds too bad... there might be $500-750 of play in it, but not much more.  DEFINATELY get new filters, a new Vision (silver ion cartridge - their version of the Nature2, but D1's larger cartridge costs $92!!!) and start-up chemicals.  ALSO, make sure to get a curved step to match it... a regular square step won't work at all well.

Just my opinion...

Larry Becker
2005 D-1 Sarena Bay


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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2007, 03:17:44 pm »
If the factory warranty isn't transferrable, I wouldn't think that the dealer would do more than 30 days on a used spa. Personally, I've never heard of an individual dealer offering more than that for a used spa and as Gary mentioned, the dealer could sell out the following week and that's the end of your warranty.

Have you received confimation from this dealer yet as to who is actually covering this warranty and why the conflicting warranty information? I would also want it in written form PRIOR to the sale to determine any exclusions.

When a spa is on consignment, the seller wants a minimum price for the spa and the dealer gets anything over and above. Consignment is, IMO, a last effort to sell a spa as a private sale will give them a higher return on their initial investment. Either they tried to sell it previously with no luck and/or the price is too high.

I'd low-ball them after clearing up the warranty issue...



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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2007, 04:38:30 pm »
Hi gusy  - I just got off the phone with the dealer.  She told me that they the seller would warrant yot he item and that they have been in business under the same owneership for 20 years and would give me eerything in writing.  She said the spa will be in this next week and "will sell very quickly".  so I just don't know if will really sell that fast or not.  But to be honest for me to get a hot tub with this feature set and that many jets would be totally outside of my range - so this would be an only chance to get a high end hot tub cheaper.

So not sure if I low ball her and she justs laughs and the tub is sold a day later?

Gonna do some wet testing this weekend so I will get back to you all.  But man I just don't know about this particular deal!


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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2007, 04:50:00 pm »
Or it might sit there for a month...

I don't really understand how the previous owner is going to offer the warranty?


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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2007, 04:52:53 pm »
No not the previous owner - the dealer (e.g. store owner) is going to give me a store warranty in writing if i purchase.  They said they have been around 20 yrs under same ownership and I would not have to worry about a thing.

Also it is a 05 model which they told me has not significantly changed to this point.

I wish there was a d1 dealer on this forum that could chime in on this one.


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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2007, 06:15:34 pm »
I think $9K for a 2 year old tub is way high.  Lets say a good deal back 2 years ago would have been around $10K.  Take 25% off walking out the door, and another 15% the second year.  If my math is correct, that's a tub that would now be worth $6375.  So $7K is an ok deal.  

Again, this is not scientific, but I don't see how tubs hold their value better than the average domestic vehicle.  Some will depreciate more or less than that, but from what I've seen on this site, that seems to be about the numbers most dealers would quote for depreciation.

I sold my 2005 Jacuzzi last fall.  I believe it retailed around $9K, and I got about $6k for it.  (Roughly 25% depreciated)




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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2007, 09:26:03 pm »
for me something is just not right, Why does a store want to push a used spa so hard and than is willing to offer a warranty on it for three years.....just like the old song things that make you hummmmm...... ::)

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Re: Should I Get This: D1 Lotus - Used W/3yr warra
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2007, 09:26:03 pm »


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