My "
People/consumers are motivated by all kinds of different reasons.
It's funny....some people just wanna "stay put".
They have the "keep it simple" or the "I don't want nothin
fancy that can go wrong" attitude. Good for them!
But as discussed before...some people thought electric power car
windows were "fluff" and just something else that could go wrong.
Now power windows and power locks are pretty standard on most
new cars. And OMG yes they may go out or beark every once in a
blue moon unlike the old manual crank windows but in my mind if
they go out every few years it's still well worth it.
There are alot of people that are interested and enjoy
bells & whistles.....for example they don't just buy a car to
"get somewhere". They like a fancy stereo, IPOD, heated seats,
moonroof/ect...A Toyota will get you there, but some like the Lexus
because it offers more options.
I entertain hot tub is one "piece of the puzzle" I offer
my guests....and when they walk out into the yard and see
the hot tub water-fall and the LED lights....there is a certain
"wow factor" that makes the experience more enjoyable. I love
my waterfall....for me it adds to the moment and creates a more
relaxing experience. I have a fountain in my yard and I have
a wall fountain in my house....I love the sound of water!
But then you have people on this board that seem to think
everyone's life is exactly like theirs and for the life of them
they just can't understand why anyone would want the "bells
and whistles".....ya know..."it's just something else that can
go wrong"...."a waste of money"....blah blah blah.
And there are some that are in the spa business that hate the
"bells & whistles" because those are items that are more likely
to maybe break down and they view them as a nuisance. Of
course the window repair guy at car dealers probably didn't
like it when we switched to power windows...."heck boss now
I gotta repair electric windows that go bad under warranty".
Ya know the old "gosh if the customer would just leave me
alone I could get my job done"!....LOL
Now they are going to run for cover by saying...."oh there's nothing
wrong with bells & whistles" it's just that "Joe Public" is too impressed
by the fluff and not as interested in the fact that my brand of tub may
not need a repair for 9 years and his "fluff tub" may need a repair after
6 years. Alot of people say "WHO CARES?"!
Some people are not obsessed with "never needing to call a repair man".
It's a trade-off. Some people's sole motivation is not just "will it last longer?".
Some people will buy a product they like knowing it may mean more
maintainence, but there is something about the brand they particularly
like. It's not's not's called I have different motivations
and needs than you do.
Sometimes beautiful women are "more trouble" but that doesn't mean I am
going to run try to find me an ugly one that is maybe easier to deal with and
another guy will never flirt with.
I own a Lexus...I know Toyota makes one of the most dependable vehicles
in the world, but I might next time choose an Cadillac Escalade because
I think it's better looking, has a certain ride, and offers some different options
even though I know in my heart the Escalade would probably not be as dependable
as the Lexus SUV.
I suppose in the end it always boils down to the "2EachHisOwn".
but there are always those that feel the need to imply
2EachHisOwn-But your choice is stupid".