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Author Topic: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test  (Read 19263 times)


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Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« on: May 16, 2007, 10:30:52 am »
Wet-tested the Jacuzzi J480 last night.  Could only dry-test the J465 and J355 models.  This is my third wet-test.  The other two being the Sundance Cameo and Hot Springs Envoy.

The J480 is a very nice tub.  Comfortable lounger and quality jets, which were easily controllable.  Air and diverter controls were nice and accessible from each seat as well.  Seemed like a quality tub.  The Mrs. liked the waterfall and lighting effects.  Foot dome was a nice touch as well.  Adjustable pillows were comfortable, but seemed a little cheap and didn't move that much anyway.  Dealer wanted $9,999 for the J480 which includes the ozonator, start up chemicals, and delivery.  Steps and cover lift would be extra.  Not sure if I could haggle those two into a deal or not.

The J465 seemed similar, but a little smaller from the dry test.  They were asking $9499 for that I believe.  The J355 lounger was a little too small for me so that's out.

Drawback from a visible perspecite on the 400 series was the fact that the filters are just sitting right there.  I believe it was the circulation filter that appeared to be a concern as I could imagine my kids and their friends screwing around and falling on it and doing some damage.  Not sure why they wouldn't put a cover over the filter as on the 300 series and other manufacturer's.

Another question on the 400 series, which I didn't think about until after I left the store, was the orientation of the lift/cover.  With the elevated waterfall, I would imagine the cover could not fold back over the waterfall and would need to fold back the opposite way over the control panel.  On the J480 there was a nice flat spot with the lighted logo which would make for an ideal entry spot.  However, with a lift cover folding back along that side, it would make that an impossible entry position.  Any 400 series owners offer insight into how they orient their cover/lift?

The Jacuzzi dealer also said that Jacuzzi is offering a 12-month same as cash deal until the end of the month.  That's kind of attractive.  8-)  Also said there would be no service charges during the 5-year electronics warranty period.  The HS/SD dealer stated service calls would be free for one year then a service charge ($35 right now) would go into affect.

Still think I'm leaning towards the SD Cameo, but the J480 was very nice.  Don't think I can go wrong either way.

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Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« on: May 16, 2007, 10:30:52 am »


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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2007, 10:39:37 am »
Whats makes you like the Cameo - I may be wet testing that one shortly.  Dealer has it for about 8500 here in AZ.


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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2007, 10:56:42 am »
Whats makes you like the Cameo - I may be wet testing that one shortly.  Dealer has it for about 8500 here in AZ.

What does this have to do with my Jacuzzi questions?  ;D

I liked the lounger on the Cameo as it fit me well.  I also liked that three of the seating positions had neck jets so my wife and I won't be arguing over one seating position.  Also like the jets and controls as well as the look.  The wife liked the waterfall and LED lighting.  Just my own personal preference.  Yours may vary.  Drawback is that you need to replace the filters rather than clean them.


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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2007, 10:58:25 am »
Forgot to mention that the $8500 price for the Cameo sounds like a nice deal.  My dealer wants $9495 for one.  It includes the ozonator, steps, lift, start-up chemicals, and delivery.


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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2007, 11:27:29 am »
The Jacuzzi 400 series covers all fold back over the waterfall.  This means that you can use that big lighted step as a safe entry point into the jacuzzi.  As for the price 9999 for a 480 is a great price.  1000 less than my salespeople are allowed to sell it for.
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2007, 11:39:04 am »
The Jacuzzi 400 series covers all fold back over the waterfall.  This means that you can use that big lighted step as a safe entry point into the jacuzzi.  As for the price 9999 for a 480 is a great price.  1000 less than my salespeople are allowed to sell it for.

So I take it you're a Jacuzzi store owner?  8-)

First, how can this dealer sell this spa for $1000 less than another dealer?  FWIW, they just started carrying the Jacuzzi line within the past year.  They carry two other brands which escape me at the mom.  Never heard of them, but I'm new to this spa stuff.

So despite the elevated waterfall, the cover lift can be mounted on that side of the spa and the cover can fold back over it?  That surprises me, but it's good to know.  Is there a certain lift I would need?  How high up would the cover be over the waterfall?

Anything else you can tell me about the Jacuzzi J480?  Reliability and/or operating costs compared to other manufacturers?  Thanks in advance!

I hate having to make choices, but I don't think I can go wrong either way between the J480 or Cameo.  Both are better than what I have right now...  ::)


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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2007, 11:58:04 am »
First let me say if you end up with the 480 or the cameo, congrats...you purchased a "GREAT" spa.  As far as how prices can be so different...Location, Location, Location.  My three locations are in the Los Angeles Area.  We pay top dollar rent, as well as our employees need to make more money to pay bills in an area where it takes 600k to buy a basic house.  A cover mate one works, and the cover drops back behind the waterfall and only shows about a foot.  But there is a special made covermate 3.  It is made just for the Jacuzzi 400 series.  
The one piece of advice I can give you is to ask for the 250 mg. ozone unit.  You will pay more for it but It will make your life so much easier.  most standard ozone units only produce 3.2 mg. of ozone
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2007, 01:27:38 pm »
  A few nice things the J-480 has over the Cameo are you dont need a blower to run the leg jets in the lounge seat,one of the filters (polishing bag) on the J-480 is a throw away but the cost is only 20.00 bucks or so compared to 70+ for the Sundance filter the other filter in the J-480 should last if taken care of about 3 years or less depending on use.

 Another thing would be the price,granted the J-480 is more than the cameo but its also larger.  We list the J-480 at 12,000

 The pillows may look a bit cheap but ask the Sundance dealership how much a set of there pillows run I am guessing around 150.00 to replace the entire set

   Dont get me wrong here the Sundance is a very nice tub and you would be happy with it!!!  But to me the J-480 is has more to offer at the price you were quoted.   But price is not everything you have to like it and be the spa that works for you and your family.


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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2007, 03:40:34 pm »
As I said, I really like both the J480 & Cameo.  Both would fit my family and I well.

As for the 250mg ozone unit, can you give me additional info about its benefits?  Price?  I assume more ozone production means cleaner water.

Regarding a cover lift for the J480, you said there's a special covermate 3, but I can't find info on it.  Do you have a link to a site?  All the pics I've seen of the covermate 3 show the cover standing straight up off the back of a spa.  I would prefer a much lower profile than that.  Any advantage going with a covermate 3 compared to covermate 1 or 2?

Thanks for all the feedback, guys!

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2007, 04:36:09 pm »
 The lift for the 400 series is built by Leisure concepts and was made special for the 400 series,it does stand up behind the waterfall and is the only one that I know of that is available for that spa because of the raised back.

  Any flat top spa like the J-300 series can use different ones as well as the Sundance.

  I am surprised you mentioned that you didnt fit in the J-355 lounge but the J-480 you did, they are almost the same size.

  For me I really like the J-470 I am not a lounge type person but at 6'3 I like to stretch out and in any of the Jacuzzi line without a lounge I can do that. Yep I just kickback stretch out and relax in the soothing water of a Jacuzzi spa,with its colored lights,easy music in the background and the waterfall gently falling into the water and my wife  massaging my ? Ok wake up Jim ;)  Sorry just a little sales talk there now back to your regular program.

 Either way pick what your heart is telling you.

 To add as far as ozone the 250mg is great and will keep your water cleaner but I doubt they will throw that one in, worth an ask anyway.  I think the std one works just as well.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 04:39:23 pm by Jacuzzi_Jim »


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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2007, 04:54:59 pm »

 To add as far as ozone the 250mg is great and will keep your water cleaner but I doubt they will throw that one in, worth an ask anyway.  [glow]I think the std one works just as well[/glow].

I'm always one for telling people to get a good CD ozone rather than some of the cheaper versions out there so I'm a beliver in ozone as long as you get a good unit.

When you said the standard one puts of 3.2 mg and the upgraded one puts out 250mg and recommended the upgraded version I thought that was good advice; upgrading the ozone can really make your water care easier. But then I saw your statement above and you say the standard version works just as well.

Do you really think it works just as well (and how much is the upgrade typically)?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 06:20:40 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2007, 05:36:59 pm »
 Jacuzzi and Sundance has 3 ozonators available,1 is 35mg and the other is 50mg which when we throw in the sale is the 50mg, and for the proclear management system Jacuzzi recomends the 250mg (not sure Sundance has??) with the proclear cartridge (nat2).

 Without getting into a huge ozone debate here I do think the 50mg with the proclear cartridge (nat2) works just fine, but the 250mg works better but also cost more,if he can get it thrown in for free more power to him.
  Would he save money/use less chemicals probably would the average consumer notice a difference probably not, unless they could do a comparison side by side or month by month.

 When I am doing the sales pitch and trowing in the std ozonator (50mg) I always give the pitch about the 250mg but also upcharge to 350.00 bucks some people take most dont.

 I believe Hotsprings ozone system is 200mg but around here they charge 400+ for it?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 05:39:42 pm by Jacuzzi_Jim »


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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2007, 06:23:24 pm »
 When I am doing the sales pitch and trowing in the std ozonator (50mg) I always give the pitch about the 250mg but also upcharge to 350.00 bucks some people take most dont.

Ah, 50 mg. I believe you had a typo earlier because it said 3 mg (unless I read it wrong) and I couldn't understand how that could be viable when teh upgraded version was 250 mg.

Is that $350 above the cost of the standard one or is that the stand alone price for the 250mg unit? Pesonally, I'm a big ozone fan so if someone is spending $9k on a spa I think teh better ozone units are worth consideration, despite the cost.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 06:26:00 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2007, 06:34:56 pm »
Jim......The Jacuzzi dealer I've been talking to said they include the ozonator in all the Jacuzzi spas they sell. I didn't know there were three different levels (35,50,250mg). He said it was $290 and would last 6-7 years.  Does the longevity sound realistic??


Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2007, 06:44:10 pm »
  The 250mg one runs $350.00 normal price we charge 200 to 250 for the other.
we do not even bother with the 35mg one.  And yes the people that are buying the 7 to 12,000 dollar spas are the ones who upgrade there ozonators.

  To answer the other question,if they are throwing in the ozonator its probably the 50mg, if you want to throw some knowledge around ask them which one it is that they are giving you, most consumers really dont know to ask these questions. ;)

 And the life is around 5 to 7 years maybe longer.

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Re: Jacuzzi J480 Wet-Test
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2007, 06:44:10 pm »


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