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We are in the market to buy our first spa. We visited a Custom Spa dealer and he showed us many horror stories on:1. Acrylic spas: Chipping, fading, cracking2. Full foam: leaks requiring removal of foam, rodents eating and nesting in foam3. Warranty: Acrylic tub dealers voiding warranty if tub is exposed to sunlight or chemicals  (needed for pH balancing).He strongly recommended a different material called Duraplexx, accessible plumbing and also a rodent barrier underneath the spa.All sounds reasonable. The question that I have is how pevalant are these problems with the acrylic tubs and full foam tubs? What is the lifetime expected from an acrylic hottub? Any comments on the warranty issues?Thanks
Are the Hot Spring and Jacuzzi and other manufacturers being discussed addressing this problem? Also the rodents nesting and eating the foam?The company we talked to is LifeSpas (www.lifespas.com) and their tubs did not have tons of jets; the range was between 14-25 jets and the emphasis was on quality of the jet. Their primary emphasis was on the issues with Acrylic and Full Foam spas.Thanks
Ok, so it is clear that the acrylic spa part of the question is 1% of the issue. Â What about the question of full foam vs. access to the plumbing? Are the Hot Spring and Jacuzzi and other manufacturers being discussed addressing this problem? Also the rodents nesting and eating the foam?The company we talked to is LifeSpas (www.lifespas.com) and their tubs did not have tons of jets; the range was between 14-25 jets and the emphasis was on quality of the jet. Their primary emphasis was on the issues with Acrylic and Full Foam spas.Thanks
The warranty is also a concern if it gets voided for reasons like exposure to sunlight. How long do the manufacturers that you all are familiar with cover the plumbing, acrylic shell and motor/heater? Do they provide on-site diagnosis and repair?Thanks
To some people they do compare favorably (and certainly you'd expect they would to the Coleman salesman or he should go elsewhere). There is no answer to the "which is the best" question. Visit the websites of the spa makers you've mentioned and see where their local dealers are located. Here is a list I saved from another post showing the dealer locator sections of the websites for a SOME of the more talked about spa makers (there are others and I added Coleman to it as well):http://www.arcticspas.comhttp://artesianspas.com/main/dealer_locator.asphttp://www.calderaspas.com/Locator/index.htmlhttp://www.dimensiononespas.com/findadealer.asphttp://www.hotspring.com/index_spas_hot_spring.htmlhttp://www.jacuzzi.com/products/http://www.marquisspas.com/locator.asphttp://retailer.sundancespas.com/Retailers/index.phphttp://www.colemanspas.com/content/show/home/
Thank you all for your good insight.Mendocino101, have you interacted with this company? They are in the top 5 of what?The salesperson showed a copy of their warranty and it seemed to be straightforward coverage without disclaimers like water chemistry. There was a claim of high strength of their duraflexx material which was demonstrated by hammering against a well dented sample The negative pitch was against all acrylic with full foam tubs for the issues mentioned.Regards
I looked through their website - the great thing is, their Dreamscape model is Full Foam! Â Haha. Â http://www.lifespas.com/html/dreamscape.htm.