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Author Topic: Envoy question  (Read 1895 times)


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Envoy question
« on: May 09, 2007, 09:01:04 pm »
My famiily and I wet tested a few spas and think we like the Envoy, best.  My wife who is short fits well in a couple of the seats and I like the Captains chair.  Not sure if I like the Moto Masssage in the lounge.

I was quoted $9,469 which includes delivery and cover.  I'm in Westchester County, NY.  Is that a reasonable price?

My local dealer won't allow wet tests on Jacuzzis and the Marquis Epic I liked is more than $11,000.

Should I wet test Sundance, Vita  or Beachcomber?  Are they in the same quality league?

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Envoy question
« on: May 09, 2007, 09:01:04 pm »


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Re: Envoy question
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 11:00:54 pm »
9469 is a reasonable price for an Envoy.  The fuel surcharge that we pay here in the midwest is a pain, so I can't imagine what it costs your dealer in New York to have it shipped.  At $9469 I would probably try and get a lifter, set of steps, or a second set of Tri-X filters thrown in.

Wet test the Beachcomber and Sundance spas if you find something you like.  Not too familiar with Vita, but I know the other two are sound.


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Re: Envoy question
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 12:10:49 am »
I have a 2006 Envoy which was bought in November and I really like it.  For me its a comfortable, relaxing tub. Because my tub was an insurance replacement deal, I can't offer much advise about price.  I assume at that price, it doesnt have the SpAudio II, correct?  A cover lift is a must.  I use the Covermate II (with one gas shock).  The ozonator is standard so I would try to get the dealer to throw in a set of steps, a couple of silver ion cartridges and/or some extra chemicals or a pre-filter.

FWIW, I use the silver ion cartridge, ozonator, dichlor after each use and then alternate shocking with MPS and dichlor.  I also use the pre-filter since I am on well water.  I don't use any other chemicals (IMHO, less is better) and I have crystal clear water all the time.

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Re: Envoy question
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 06:51:10 am »
Thanks, the $9,469 quote includes:  cover mate 1, steps, cover envoy rustand all kinds of chemicals that I am not yet familiar with.   No stereo.  

Having never bought one before, are these prices negotiable?  If I offer, say, $9,000 do I have a chance?


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Re: Envoy question
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 08:56:44 am »
Thanks, the $9,469 quote includes:  cover mate 1, steps, cover envoy rustand all kinds of chemicals that I am not yet familiar with.   No stereo.  

Having never bought one before, are these prices negotiable?  If I offer, say, $9,000 do I have a chance?

The ability to negotiate is up to the individual dealer and their pricing structure. The worst they could say is no!  :)

Let them know how interested you are in tub "B" or that your wife LOVES that other spa. My only suggestion is to be in a position to make the purchase at that time if you're are going to negotiate. There's nothing worse than someone who sits there and negotiates but isn't willing to commit at the same time.

I would certainly take the time to look at the Beachcomber and Sundance as well if it is local to you. Both of those are quality spas.



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Re: Envoy question
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2007, 11:06:49 am »
Thanks, the $9,469 quote includes:  cover mate 1, steps, cover envoy rustand all kinds of chemicals that I am not yet familiar with.   No stereo.  

Having never bought one before, are these prices negotiable?  If I offer, say, $9,000 do I have a chance?

You may not get it for $9k but you'll show a desire to get a better deal and it never hurts to ask (if I don't I always woder if I left $$ on the table). If they don't budge on price and say that's the best deal they can make but you want to try for more then the next step is to get more added to the price they want. You could always ask for free chems for 6 months or store credit for a certain amount of money as that is often a more palatable way to get a slightly better deal at the last moment.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2007, 11:07:32 am by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: Envoy question
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2007, 11:39:07 am »
I tried and my dealer wouldn't even throw in a rubber ducky!  (I bought anyway)
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Re: Envoy question
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2007, 11:44:29 am »
I tried and my dealer wouldn't even throw in a rubber ducky!  (I bought anyway)

Ahhh, but you tried and in doing to you concluded that you really weren't going to get him to budge and that really was the final price. That makes writing the check easier with the piece of mind that you couldn't have even gotten a rubber duck thrown in.
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Re: Envoy question
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2007, 11:44:29 am »


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