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Author Topic: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!  (Read 8748 times)


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Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:21:27 pm »
Wow I wonder if some dealer sold a 100 new tubs to one customer!

Disease leads to replacement of 100 hot tubs at 3 local resorts

Legionnaires’ disease victim settles lawsuit and campaigns to
save others from suffering

By Bob Cuddy - May 01, 2007

A San Luis Obispo developer is replacing 100 hot tubs in three of his resorts
in this county after a woman allegedly contracted Legionnaires’ disease at
another of his resorts in Monterey County more than five years ago.

The new tubs at the SeaVenture Resort in Pismo Beach, The Inn at Morro Bay
and the Apple Farm Inn in San Luis Obispo will cost him more than a quarter
of a million dollars
, according to John King of King Ventures.

King’s insurers also settled a lawsuit that cost them slightly less than $1 million,
filed by Stacy Intille, the woman who said she contracted Legionnaire’s disease
at King’s Marina Dunes Resort in 2001.

County health officials ordered the change locally after Intille, a nurse for 16
years, contacted them and they inspected King’s San Luis Obispo County resorts.

Intille told The Tribune she has made it a campaign to make sure nobody else
goes through what she did.

“As a survivor of this horrible disease,” she wrote in an e-mail, “I am working
now to educate others and to make changes in our public health system to
address the risk of Legionnaires’ disease from spas.”

Intille wrote that she stayed in the Marina Dunes Resort from Sept. 7-10, 2001,
and twice used the hot tub, located on a balcony.

She developed flulike symptoms, including fevers, stomachaches and coughing.
Eventually, she learned she had Legionnaires’ disease, a respiratory infection
that can include pneumonia. Between 8,000 and 18,000 people contract it in
the U.S. each year.

County Environmental Health Director Curt Batson said spas
used by the public must be drained after every use
then disinfected and cannot use separate heaters or filtration.

King’s three local resorts did not meet those specifications, Batson said.
He told the developer to get the spas up to standards. King has until October.

King told The Tribune he has been gradually replacing the tubs with a safer
product and has completed about one-third of them. He also has reviewed
the procedures used by hotel staff.

“We want to make sure these things are really safe,” he said.


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Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:21:27 pm »

D.P. Roberts

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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 11:46:54 pm »

and the Apple Farm Inn in San Luis Obispo

I stayed there just a few years ago, right about the time these cases were happening. Didn't go in their tubs, though. Yuck.
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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2007, 11:48:19 pm »
I LOVE the SeaVenture Resort in Pismo Beach! Every room has, or at least HAD a spa on the balcony. Some overlooking the beach. They were all soft tubs and as I understand it, were purchased directly from the manufacturer. Sorry, no dealer commission :-)

Ok. so the spas kind of sucked and were noisy as all get-up vibrating the deck. But the place is 5 star all the way. VERY nice restaurant and the rooms are totally spectacular! Just turn off the spa before going to sleep.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2007, 07:42:26 am »
I thought I remembered Legonaires being an airborne infection.  Seems like a lot of money to spend to combat the "alleged" cause.

A week from tomorrow I will be enjoying a public hot tub on my way to Nassau.
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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2007, 08:45:01 am »
re: "I thought I remembered Legonaires being an airborne infection."

When this happens it is usually indoor tubs...Bubbles form in
the contaminated water from the hot tub jets. The bubbles rise
to the surface, burst and disperse the bacteria into the air (aerolization).



"Hot tubs and whirlpool baths - because they are warm and moist -
can provide a fertile breeding ground for a number of disease-causing
organisms, including the Legionella bacteria which causes the sometimes
fatal Legionnaires' Disease"



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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2007, 09:02:10 am »
I am extremely hesitant to take a dip in ANY public hot tub since I have become more knowledgable about the upkeep and maintenance of the sanitary level required to keep things clean.

I know it takes some attention to keep the sanitizer at a safe point, and usually I hardly ever see anyone paying any attention to the spas in hotels and resorts.

Plus... there is an endless stream of people coming and going into these tubs.

Small kids, young teens eating and drinking in them.... YUK !

I usually reserve my soak for when I get home.



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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2007, 09:28:29 am »
I stay away from resort hot tubs.  

Before I knew any better, and didn't have my own tub, I loved resorts that had hot tubs and it was always a great treat.

But now,  even the lower end hot tubs for home have better therapy than the round jetted tubs you see at resorts, Sitting them just doens't cut it any more.

After learning about water sanitation in hot tubs, (and heard some of the horror stories of pepole having thier un toilet trained kidsinthem, , or college kids getting sick in them, an other stories), I think I'd rather soak in a toilet than a public hot tub.

Hey, At least the water in the toilet gets changed out  after every "use".  ;D
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 09:29:36 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2007, 09:43:52 am »
I am sure it's actually rare to get sick from even a public tub.

I am not a complete germ freak.....but I lean that way
so I would not sit in a public tub like at a YMCA or motel
especially after reading all these news stories and just
knowing how alot people handle their own hygiene.

Speaking of germ-freakism.....in the past year I began
trying to wash my hands every time after I shake someone's
hand.......and knock on wood.....but I have not been
sick with a cold or flu since I started doing this....of
course when we run an ad for applicants and I am doing
interviews I am running to the sink all day after shaking
every applicants hand at the start and end of every interview!


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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2007, 10:10:40 am »
Hey Zep, get yourself some hand sanitizer. It is very effective, maybe more so than a quick wash in the sink. I know this first hand (no pun intended) as we did experiments with the kids at school. The cheap Walmart brand Germex (I believe that is the name) performed even better than Purell. They use hand sanitizers in the pharmaceutical industry before they put on gloves. They wouldn't waste money if it wasn't effecitve.  

I get  angry in church (of all places) when everyone is sick and hacking like crazy but they want to shake your hand during mass!! :P Our answer to that was keeping disinfecting wipes in our pockets and cleaning our hands immediately after that segment of church  ;). I keep sanitizer in my car incase we stop for something to eat from a drive through.  All this and I don't really think I am a germophobe...I was just "soaking" in my fish pond with stagnant water, dead tadpoles and rotting leaves...ahhhh. Kind of like one of those expensive spa mud treatments with essence of sulphur! :o

I actually went in the hot tub (my friend insisted) at a local health club last week. There was so much chlorine in the water that it made my eyes water and by the time I got home to shower, they were bloodshot...I could have thrown my bathing suit into my tub and effectively sanitized it for days  ;D

One thing I think about lung infections as a result of improperly sanitized hot tubs is using the air injectors. I know in my tub when the pumps are on high and the air is full open there is a mist that rises on the water surface...I can feel it and I am sure we breathe it. So I guess the potential is there because it isn't just steam, it is actual droplets of water..  :-/
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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2007, 12:37:25 pm »

Thanks Bonibelle.....I will try that.

I work with some guys that are big on shaking hands...

Whenever I see them coming I always try to grab something
so I have something in both hands and then they don't try to
shake my hand.

I am also amazed at the number of "swine" that come out
of the stall in public restrooms and just walk right out the
door without washing their hands.....and then it is these
same bozos that try to shake your hand or grab the grocery
cart handle just before you use it.



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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2007, 01:33:20 pm »
Look when you get your grocery cart, the store have started to put in disinfecting wipes to let you wipe the cart handles. NEVER put food or anything unwrapped in that front seat...All I think of is dirty (leaky) diapers!! :P
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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2007, 01:50:15 pm »

Approves of the hand wipes. ;)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2007, 01:58:35 pm »
Look when you get your grocery cart, the store have started to put in disinfecting wipes to let you wipe the cart handles. NEVER put food or anything unwrapped in that front seat...All I think of is dirty (leaky) diapers!! :P

Oh man !  You had to say that.

Now all I can think of is my bread and eggs with poo all over them.   BARF !


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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2007, 02:59:27 pm »
Sorry, I didn't mean to gross you out.  You could always use those wipes to clean that area also. I know when my kids were little I made a seat protector so that they weren't sitting on that plastic and they couldn't touch the handle area of the cart.
I will tell you that there is definately such a thing as overkill with all this. My youngest actually developed a compulsive behavior because we would tell him to wash his hands and not touch this or that. He would wash his hands so much his hands bled and got infected.  When we went to Disney world, he wouldn't sit in a seat until I wiped it off. It stopped him from biting his nails, but otherwise caused more problems than it solved. We were lucky that we were able to finally get through to him and he stopped the compulsive handwashing. Still he will slop around in my putrid pond water, but will use hand sanitizer if anyone shakes his hands or he touches public things.  I have a friend who carries a salt shaker in her purse because she won't touch them in restaurants. :o
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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2007, 04:59:23 pm »
LOL @ carrying your own salt shaker....those
greasy salt shakers have made me think too.

I read that even ice machines are bad.

I have heard menus in restaurants and TV remote
controls in motels have been shown to be germ filled.

I agree....you can go overboard and can't live germ free,
but I think it does make sense to "be smart" when you can
and avoid certain high germ items.

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Re: Buy a hot tub, don't use a public one!
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2007, 04:59:23 pm »


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