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Author Topic: Automated Chemical Dispenser?  (Read 12167 times)

Johnny D

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Automated Chemical Dispenser?
« on: May 03, 2007, 04:44:42 pm »
New to the forum, I am impressed with the knowledge and friendliness of this board. Doing some research on a new spa. The last one we had was about 25 years ago. It was a Cal Spa. I recall always futzing with the test kit and adding checmicals. I was thinking they shoudl have this automated by now but have not seen any discussion when lurking or searhing.

Here is an excerpt from a site that sells equipment. Don't want to be flamed as representing or having any interest in the company so I'll leave their name out of it. I am not connected in any way.

"Operating a swimming pool, spa, or water feature without an automated controller is analgous to operating your home heating system without a thermostat. Constantly turning your furnace on and off manually is unthinkable, yet the majority of swimming pool and spa operators control chemistry in exactly this fashion. Water balance oscilates between "under feed" and "over feed" as operators attempt to maintain chemistry control in conjunction with other work activities. As a consequence unsafe water conditions, chloramine formation, and excessive organic loading are common occurrances."

They have a dispenser for about $1,800. Aside from the money, anyone have experience with something like this?

Thanks in advance

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Automated Chemical Dispenser?
« on: May 03, 2007, 04:44:42 pm »


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Re: Automated Chemical Dispenser?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2007, 04:46:08 pm »
Hot Spring has an automatic chemical dispensing system. You can probably check it out on their website.


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Re: Automated Chemical Dispenser?
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 07:14:53 pm »
Hot Spring has an automatic chemical dispensing system. You can probably check it out on their website.

Be aware though, I think the Hot Spring system only uses Baqua, which I would never use in my tub.
It can destroy certain plastics and, apparently, some manufacturers are not fully up to speed with this regarding the type of plastics they are using in the construction of their tubs and jets.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 07:15:28 pm by Richs100 »
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Re: Automated Chemical Dispenser?
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2007, 08:10:19 pm »
Baqua used to be an issue with the plastics around the light lenses of old Hot Spring spas.  To my knowledge, there is no issue with baqua in a Hot Spring spa these days.  They do recommend you manually hose the Tri-X filters if you use baqua, but then again you wouldn't really be able to run any other type of filters through your dishwasher in the first place, so it's really no huge loss.


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Re: Automated Chemical Dispenser?
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2007, 08:32:59 pm »

Your probably right when it comes to Hot Spring Spas, but there are some reports of problems with Baqua and imported Chinese jets on another brand of spa (which shall remain nameless from me).  It appears that that problem was unexpected and sudden (after only 5 mos), so for the time being, I would stick with dichlor or bromide just to be on the safe side. Just my personal feelings.

I do wish Hot Spring had this system for Dichlor users.
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Johnny D

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Re: Automated Chemical Dispenser?
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2007, 08:53:05 pm »
Thanks for the quick response.  Went by a Hot Springs dealer on the way home. Said he has been in business with Hot Springs since 1982. I asked about an automatice chemical dispsenser and he was clueless.  I did go to the HS website and found out some info and requested a brochure.

I then asked about the spas at Costco, were they made by Hot Springs.  Said the same parent company makes them.  No service though.  

The place where I got the idea of an automatic dispenseer was at the following site.  They constantly analyze the water and dispense just what's needed. Sounds intriquing.  From the manufacturer's website: "The CAT 2000 automated controller is the water quality solution for pools, spas, waterparks and a multitude of other water treatment applications world-wide.  The powerful microprocessor-based design makes simple science of water chemistry maintenance under even the most challenging conditions.  Constantly monitoring pH and sanitizer activity, the CAT 2000 implements chemical dosing in proportion to demand.  This proportional feed capability ensures precise water conditioning without overfeeding. "


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Re: Automated Chemical Dispenser?
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2007, 09:03:10 pm »
That is an interesting website, but I think that system is designed for pools and in-ground spas which are part of the main water treatment system.

I am surprised that this Hot Spring salesman was clueless about the Hot Spring System.  My dealer had a spa set up with the system last November when I bought my new tub.  It looks like a nicely designed system.  It fits under the filter compartment lid and I believe it is completely self contained.  All you do is change out the chemical cartridges as needed.  Not sure of all the operational steps, though.  Only problem is I understand it is only available at this time if you use Baqua.
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Re: Automated Chemical Dispenser?
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2007, 09:03:10 pm »


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