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Author Topic: Worst...Customers...........EVER!  (Read 36884 times)


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #75 on: October 03, 2007, 11:03:45 am »
How's the newest ankle-biter doing, BTW?


He's smokin' and drinkin' and got a tattoo. >:(
« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 11:07:41 am by East_TX_Spa »
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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #75 on: October 03, 2007, 11:03:45 am »


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #76 on: October 03, 2007, 01:07:44 pm »
Uh oh - he has hair.

So it was the cable guy then?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

You make good - lookin offspring. I know what it's like.


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #77 on: October 03, 2007, 03:12:10 pm »
My vote is for Terminator!

I think he was the first to respond to my first post.

Terminator is funny, knowledgeable, and very generous
with sound advice about hot tubs. Term like several other
members that sell hot tubs is helpful no matter what brand
of tub you own. Term has invited me whenever I am over in
East Texas  to drop by his store and his annual spa open house
party knowing I already own a new spa made by a different maker.
The guy is just plain nice!

Yeah Term worships the brand he sells/owns
but thats a good thing isn't it? Would you really
want someone selling you something they didn't
believe in themselves? And Term's brand (HS)
from what I read is one of the very best in the

This site would not be the same without Terminator.

Please Term do not let this attempt at some sort
of political correctness ever dampen your enthusiasm
and quick wit you bring to this message board.

I enjoyed the description of the couple as "hippies"
and do not find it offensive at all.

With all due respect someone is going to find
almost anything "offensive".

One of my neighbors finds it offensive I fly my flag
in front of my house everyday.

Ummm...well 2EachHisHerOwn!

But the flag is gonna fly!


« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 03:13:55 pm by Zep »


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #78 on: October 03, 2007, 03:42:00 pm »
Dang, ya'll are embarassing me now. :-[ :)

I enjoy my virtual fellowship with you fine people on this forum, which is without a doubt the best source of spa information on the internet.  I do cut up a little too much sometimes and I admit that I don't know squat about water chemistry and other voodoo, but I have seen a lot of spas over the years and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize what does and does not work in this industry.

In fact, I am heading out tomorrow to visit the Great State Fair of Texas in Dallas to do a little spa research.  The year before last, I did an in-depth write up on my adventure.  Last year, I spent most of the day looking for Spaman (he was supposed to meet me there...I brought a bunch of Monte Cristo cigars to trade him for a new pair of Crocs, but he changed companies about that time and didn't show up) so I was unable to do much comparison.  I will try to see what I can discover this time around and report back.

Friday, I am taking Ol' Meanness to the Red River Revel in Shreveport, LA.  It is the big art and debauchery festival that Louisianerans are infamous for.  We have a booth set up next to one of the stages.  I went over there last Saturday night and there was a Czechoslavakian lady singing and she was great...but I couldn't understand her.  Emylou Harris was singing on the other stage down by the Red River.  She had a purty voice and mouth.

We will spend the night in Shreveport and have our pleasures together, something that is rare in this day and age.

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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #79 on: October 03, 2007, 04:59:57 pm »
In fact, I am heading out tomorrow to visit the Great State Fair of Texas in Dallas to do a little spa research.  

There was a small news clip last night about the winning 'fried' entry at the Texas State Fair.  I believe it was a Fried Banana Egg Roll. :-/

What ever happened to cotton candy, corn dogs and lemon-ade? :'(
« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 05:00:30 pm by 96SC »
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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #80 on: October 03, 2007, 05:16:47 pm »
Mmmmmmm.....nanner egg rolls!  I'm allergical to nanners, but in the interest of furtherin' nowledge, I shall partake and report on this newest and most delectable sounding bit of southern culinary initiative.

On another note, since I'm so arrogant and mean-spirited, I am amazed at what just transpired betwixt me and one of my customers.

It seems that about 5 years ago, a gentleman sent his son to my store with the instructions to buy "the biggest, best spa they got!".  At the time, the HotSpring Landmark was the king of spas, I showed it to the good son and gave him a price.  He called his dad, who was at "his villa in Mexico" to report his findings.  Father said "buy it", we delivered it to his local home, and made another happy customer.  Over the years, he has offered to let me use his 8-bedroom home on the Mexican coast at my leisure...all I have to pay for is $30/day to run the airconditioner.

The gentleman just came by the store to get some new filters, told me to sell his old spa so he can buy a new HotSpring Vista with SpAudio.  Then, he practically said he was going to kick my butt if I don't hurry up and take his offer of hospitality.  I don't really know the man and it's a long ways down to his place.

What would ya'll do if put in this position?

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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #81 on: October 03, 2007, 06:07:34 pm »
quote: "What would ya'll do if put in this position?
Term": Unquote

If I were you... I'd book my flight and practice how to say "Dos Cervezas Por Favor" in my best Mexican accent !

And BTW...  I'm not sure what the heck got the hippie lover so riled up.... but whenever I want to laugh.... I come to this forum and read your posts..... hilarious.

Anyone who can't see that many things you say are tongue in cheek is the one who is.... well..... an uneducamated hippie !

Long Live Cheech & Chong ( Dave's not here..... )  ;D

« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 06:08:55 pm by pratzert »


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #82 on: October 03, 2007, 06:42:13 pm »
Again, I'm out of town and, too tired to check this forum at the end of the day.....Today, when I got home, and, checked the latest n the "hippie couple" saga...I had to smile...Twinkies, Emmy Lou Harris, etc........Damn Term, if I wasn't in TN I would have purchased my Hot Springs from you!!!!!

As to the new buyer in Mexico...Take a vacation! Take the little missus! Check out the spa site in Mexico! Take the tub rat's (no offense intended)! Sell the guy a spa, enjoy your self in the process, write it off on your taxes as a business expense...(ooops, did I say that!!???)...Heck, who knows how many possible buyers you may end up with across the border......Possibly a new dealership in Mexico!!!????!!!!

BTW my new Hot Springs spa to be delivered on October 27, barring any more nonsense from the zoning folks and life in general I hope to be in SPATOPIA on the 28th....


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #83 on: October 03, 2007, 07:21:03 pm »
Thank you, kindly, to be sure.

I stayed up until 3 in the mornin' the other night trying to figure out who this myserious visitor to my store might have been.  As I have said, there have been a few folks over the years that I just did not communicate well with and a couple that it was mutual hate at first sight.  This is what I came up with as possibilities:

1.  The little Italian man- came to my store to look at a Jetsetter.  He talked very loud and growled a lot and had no concept of personal space.  He had asked that as soon as I got a Jetsetter to call him as he wanted to come and look at it.  I only understood about a third of what he was saying, but I believe he kept harping on "Bullfrog's a lotta cheapa than you'se!"  I said "Yes, they always have been.  Everyone is usually cheaper than us, but year after year we outsell 'em all.  We have cheap spas too, but the Jetsetter ain't one of them."  He kept rolling his eyes and making growling noises. I got his name and phone number.  He left.

When I got a Jetsetter in, I tried to find his number and couldn't.  Once I did, I couldn't read his handwriting, so I figured he would come back if he was serious.

A few weeks later, I was at the fair and he came by my booth.  I recognized him and waved and he kept saying "Ya shoulda called me...ya shoulda called me!"  I apologized and watched him walk away....and was relieved.

2.  "Pink" Floyd- a customer I go to church and play softball with sent one of his neighbors to my store, told him "Go see Chris, he's a good guy."  When Pink Floyd and his wife showed up, about all he said was "So, what makes these better than a Bullfrog?"  I said "Bullfrog's a good spa and if you got one you'd probably be happy with it, but they do things a little different than we do.  If you have a few minutes, I'll be happy to point out how we do things."

I showed him how he could move some of our jets around if he wanted (very few people ever move the jets even though it only takes about 30 seconds to do so), I talked about our circ pump, filtration, service department, etc.  He just stood there and didn't say anything.  He then said "Well, I've already decided to get the Bullfrog."  I say "Why did you come here, then?"  He replied "because of Davis".  I told him "Well, keep us in mind when you get ready to buy a new one."  (I can see where this might have sounded snippity, but I was not real enamored with the guy.  I no longer say this when people have bought another spa because it does sound rude.)

3.  Hippo-Sex man-  the last possible culprit would be the 300+ pound perv who approached me in the store, looked to the left, looked to the right, and leaned towards me and said "Listen, I'm gonna cut straight to the chase...I want a spa for one thing...KITTY!  I mean, I'm gonna be havin' pile-driving hippo sex in that thing and I want something that'll give me room to maneuver."  He had space limitations (the spa was going in some kind of 'playroom' with video and sound) and I told him, quite frankly, that he was going to be splashing water all over the place with his size.  Anyway, it ticked him off and he left in a huff.

I'll bet Clown Shoes is number..........crap, it's after 6:00!  I'm off to the fair!

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #84 on: October 03, 2007, 09:02:20 pm »
Well, once again, Term's story tellin' abilities reach new heights.  I'm LMAO.

But, after that little rundown (and I do mean rundown), I'd be surprised if Clownshoes admits to being "da man" in any of those episodes, even if so.

Clownie, my man!  What say you?  Is you or isn't you?
If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, come sit next to me.


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #85 on: October 03, 2007, 09:54:12 pm »
So I don't post on here that much either (although I am on here almost daily), but Term, I'm glad as hell your here.  And like a lot of other folks have said, your info and funny banter is something I always look for and appreciate.

That said, don't let us down, was the issue ever resolved?


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #86 on: October 04, 2007, 12:21:49 am »
I wonder what happened to ol' Clown Shoes??  Seems like another term for C.S. comes to mind...Chicken S*$t.

Typical of people like that.  Make a baseless comment and never come back.  
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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #87 on: October 04, 2007, 07:53:04 am »
My vote is for Terminator!

With all due respect someone is going to find
almost anything "offensive".

What the hell do you mean by that?  ;D
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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #88 on: October 04, 2007, 10:38:40 am »
i am offended that you are offended!


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #89 on: October 04, 2007, 11:17:40 am »
i am offended that you are offended! :o


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Re: Worst...Customers...........EVER!
« Reply #89 on: October 04, 2007, 11:17:40 am »


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