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Author Topic: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!  (Read 5778 times)


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Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« on: April 24, 2007, 09:29:17 am »
I am bummed as I'm faced with yet another confrontation with Mr Sleepy, the worlds worst Sundance dealer.  My Maxxus stereo is once again being weird.  I have it set to radio, preprogrammed the stations, the volume cranked up to the max, yet nothing comes out of the speakers.  Pop in a CD and she works great!  
Last time this happened (about a year ago) I was still in warranty.  Mr. Sleepy sent his weirdo repair guy out.  He arrives when no one is home and proceeds to tell us that the volume was not turned up and the radio lost its programming.  This is followed up by a wonderful phone call from Mr. Sleepy saying the next time his service guys comes out to re-program my radio he will have to charge me for a service call.  I explained to him that the radio was defective and it was not a re-programming issue.  However, the radio did work up until now.  
Now, I'm faced with calling Mr. Sleepy and letting him know that the radio is again doing the same thing and I expect it to be covered under warranty as it was not taddressed the last time.
Now I realize some of you might think I'm being a real hard nose here.  I can assure you I am not.  This guy sells very few tubs and more than likely sleeps in his dealership.  He has a office upstairs and when you enter his store he groggily comes down to the showroom.  His repair guy/realtor/handyman/Mr. Internet Dating/DJ is bizarre.  We know this because he hands out business cards with all this crap on it.  When he showed up to look at the issue last time he never called to say he repaired it.  So I assumed he simply never showed up. Another call to Mr. Sleepy straightened that out and Mr. Weirdo called.  He leaves a message on my answering machine that went like this; "yeah, this is **** and I looked at your radio and re-programmed it"  click, he hangs up.  Then calls back and says; Yeah **** again, I was talking about your hot tub"  click.  Then my wife calls him back using our caller ID to find out the repair specifics and Mr Weirdo pretends he never called and starts flirting with her over the phone.  Should this guy show up next time I will drown him.
So I go out and check the radio and find out it is working.  Then Mr. Sleepy calls and threatens me with his BS "pay for a service call crap".  Thats when I went off on him and explained that he needs a lesson in customer service.
So here I am with my radio issue once again and faced with calling Mr. Sleepy!  Please please please let there be a Sundance dealer here on this forum who can help.  Or shall I suffer?

Hot Tub Forum

Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« on: April 24, 2007, 09:29:17 am »


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2007, 09:51:49 am »

Those spa radios seem like they have a way to go until they
are a standard piece of equipment that are not prone to be on
the blink.

I realize it's "water under the bridge" now, but did you not see
the very poor customer service skills in this dealer when you
were investigating buying from him?


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2007, 09:58:56 am »
We researched spa's quite some time prior to buying.  Sundance is rated very high and we liked the Maxxus.  There is only one Sundance dealer here so we did not have a choice.  


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2007, 10:08:10 am »
Providing that same information to Sundance head office and/or the local rep might help...


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2007, 10:25:24 am »
This sounds like an odd problem.  The issues with stereos are usually either (a) bad stereo (b) bad equalizer (c) bad speakers (d) bad wiring.  However, we have run into an issue ONCE where the CD ozone was interfering with the stereo.  The CD worked fine, but the radio would not work.  If I were you, I would turn the power off to the spa, unplug the ozone generator, and turn the spa back on.  It may be a long shot, but its easy to do, and worth trying.  

I am bummed as I'm faced with yet another confrontation with Mr Sleepy, the worlds worst Sundance dealer.  My Maxxus stereo is once again being weird.  I have it set to radio, preprogrammed the stations, the volume cranked up to the max, yet nothing comes out of the speakers.  Pop in a CD and she works great!  
Last time this happened (about a year ago) I was still in warranty.  Mr. Sleepy sent his weirdo repair guy out.  He arrives when no one is home and proceeds to tell us that the volume was not turned up and the radio lost its programming.  This is followed up by a wonderful phone call from Mr. Sleepy saying the next time his service guys comes out to re-program my radio he will have to charge me for a service call.  I explained to him that the radio was defective and it was not a re-programming issue.  However, the radio did work up until now.  
Now, I'm faced with calling Mr. Sleepy and letting him know that the radio is again doing the same thing and I expect it to be covered under warranty as it was not taddressed the last time.
Now I realize some of you might think I'm being a real hard nose here.  I can assure you I am not.  This guy sells very few tubs and more than likely sleeps in his dealership.  He has a office upstairs and when you enter his store he groggily comes down to the showroom.  His repair guy/realtor/handyman/Mr. Internet Dating/DJ is bizarre.  We know this because he hands out business cards with all this crap on it.  When he showed up to look at the issue last time he never called to say he repaired it.  So I assumed he simply never showed up. Another call to Mr. Sleepy straightened that out and Mr. Weirdo called.  He leaves a message on my answering machine that went like this; "yeah, this is **** and I looked at your radio and re-programmed it"  click, he hangs up.  Then calls back and says; Yeah **** again, I was talking about your hot tub"  click.  Then my wife calls him back using our caller ID to find out the repair specifics and Mr Weirdo pretends he never called and starts flirting with her over the phone.  Should this guy show up next time I will drown him.
So I go out and check the radio and find out it is working.  Then Mr. Sleepy calls and threatens me with his BS "pay for a service call crap".  Thats when I went off on him and explained that he needs a lesson in customer service.
So here I am with my radio issue once again and faced with calling Mr. Sleepy!  Please please please let there be a Sundance dealer here on this forum who can help.  Or shall I suffer?


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2007, 10:38:29 am »
Yes, I will call the rep after I give Mr. Sleepy one last try!  If he fails, he's out!

No I do not have an ozonator on my Maxxus.  I believe the tub is ozone ready or plumbed for it by I do not have one.

The problem is probably an internal stereo issue.  Why   else would just the CD work?  I'm thinking it would be easy to pull the stereo and have it looked at!


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2007, 11:13:05 am »
If it's the same stereo I have in my '03 Optima, and I believe it is, then I'm guessing they need to swap in a new unit.  If the CD player works fine, and the radio doesn't, that sounds internal to the radio unit.  

The company that makes the stereo is Poly-Planar.  Their website is


Maybe they can be of assistance in at least telling you what might be the problem.  No doubt they'll leave it to Sundance, and your dealer to acually do something, but they might know what is wrong with the unit.  Sounds like your dealer may be incapable of figuring it out.
 Telling you that turning down the volume will wipe out your radio presets is just ridiculous.  If the power goes out, then you have to reset.

I'd for sure contact Sundance, since your radio is out of warranty, you might need their backing to get this resolved.  

« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 11:15:19 am by Brewman »


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2007, 01:32:49 pm »
This may be too simplistic but the Planar stereo does have a "source" button on it that is located "too" close to the power button.  If you put a CD in and it plays right away, then you simply have the SOURCE on CD.  Push it again to get the radio.  Mine is a 2003 Jacuzzi but the stereo is the same as the Sundance's of that same year.   I also got a separate orange-colored document title "addendum" for "Opertional Stereo Reciever General Controls".  It doesn't say anything enlightening but if you will PM me your email, I could email a scanned set back to you (if you don't already have them)

"pushing that button" may have been the ONLY thing the tech did when he came to your house the first time.  If so, I can see charging you for that but he should have also told you what he did/instructed you on the proper use of the equipment he sold you.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 01:38:24 pm by ndabunka »
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

Quickly approaching a mid-life crisis one day at a time.


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2007, 03:52:26 pm »
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I can't help in anyway. But your explanation of the service guy is classic and it reminded me of this guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ets0xkUk17Y ;)

My thoughts on the stereo is...it doesn't work, who cares if some other feature of the spa is causing the problem, it needs to be replaced until it works, on the dealers dime.


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2007, 08:29:03 am »
What are the odds that a hot tub repair guy would know how to repair electronics - they are worlds apart are they not?

Of course if they are going to sell units with electronics they should be able to repair them or at least replace them for you but it would seem to be two very different skill sets.


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2007, 08:43:00 am »
I'd expect the tech to be able to remove the unit and swap in a replacement.
I wouldn't expect them to crack the unit open and try fix it.  Not sure anyone other than an electronics technician would be able to do that.  I suspect with parts and labor costs being what they are that it wouldn't cost much different to just put in a new or refurbished unit.  
Either way, the dealer is responsible to fix it, or sub it out to someone qualified to work on electronics.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 08:43:57 am by Brewman »


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2007, 06:32:08 pm »
Well I called him!  His answer.....The radio has a two year warranty!  Your out of warranty! Good luck!
So I have decided to say screw this radio and screw this dealer!  I'll wait until the  thing dies all together and put something else in the hole.  I cannot believe finding a waterproof stereo to fit that compartment could be that hard. That thing can be no different than the one you slip in the dash.  Thanks for all the responses, I'll keep everyone posted.

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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2007, 06:43:40 pm »
 Thats exactly why I dont push stereo's!!  While I honestly dont see alot of issues with the ones I have sold  for the price they deserve a better warranty.

 One thing I do for customers that have had a stereo fail out of warranty is I sell it to them at our cost which is still close to 400+ bucks ::)

 You should be able to find a marine grade stereo as a replacement and get it to fit in the space.


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HE WOKE UP!Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sl
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2007, 11:30:52 am »
Mr. Sleepy woke up!!  He called me this morning and said he was incorrect when he first said my tub was out of warranty.  Turns out it is in warranty, plus.......Mr. Weirdo the spa repair guy AKA, Mr Internet Dater, AKA Mr. Realtor, AKA Mr. DJ has been FIRED!  Mr. Sleepy apparently woke up and Donald Trumped his a$$.  
The new repair guy is on his way to fix the problem....lets hope this continues to work out!  I'll keep everyone posted!


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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2007, 08:34:59 pm »
I gotta NEW stereo!  Whoooooo Hoooo!   This one tuned out OK!  Thanks everyone!

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Re: Grrrrr!  I have to call Mr. Sleepy!
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2007, 08:34:59 pm »


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