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Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« on: February 27, 2007, 06:36:16 pm »
My new Aquacheck True tesst Digital test strip reader arrived today.  First glance, it comes in a bubble pack that can hang on a store shelf, but it is an easy to open package, definitely a plus.  The instructions were easy to understand and after installing the not supplied 2AA batteries I was out to give it a try.

Background - Dynasty 425 gallon  hot tub.  It was set at 103F, display showed 102 when I opened the cover. My last water change was Nov 1st.  (I'll have to read if the age of water has any effect on readings. )   I knew from my last check I could expect the PH and alk to be a little high.   I knew my Cl would be near zero so I threw in a minimal amount of dichlor and turned on the pumps for a minute.

I used my usual HTH test kit, similar to a Taylor type. I immediately realized it was close to dusk and that might affect my judegment of the readings.   I pressed forward and got the following readings.

CL =1
PH 7.8-8
Alk 150-160

I then used the new meter, which meant, turning it on, pressing start, dipping the test stripp and then inserting it into the meter.

After 15 seconds it showed the following

Alk 257

I waited 3 minutes and tried it again and received

cl.7 (My small addition could be starting to dilluted)
Alk 226.

I added some white vinegar and will retest tomorrow.

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Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« on: February 27, 2007, 06:36:16 pm »


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 06:42:44 pm »
Thanks for info wmccall.
Looks like one of them is giving some false readings.
Maybe a third type of testing will help decide which one is more accurate.
I'll definetly be looking forward to any further info you'd like to share. :)


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 06:52:05 pm »
Not neccesarily false readings, but different readings.  Both test methods indicate water with chlorine readings that I would expect.  Both methods show PH that are high normal to high. The same for alk.   As I also mentioned a reagent tester such as HTH or a Taylor really should  be done under optimal lighting for correct interrpretation.  It was probably too close to dusk for correct readings, but I was anxious to try it.  I'll see how the readings compare in broad daylight.

I don't think it (and I'll check withmyself) will be problem to say that the tester was purchased from rhtubs. We are in competition with their forum,not their store :)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2007, 07:18:07 pm by wmccall »
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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2007, 07:58:34 pm »

Did you wait 3 minutes and use the same test strip or a new one?

Have you ever had your water tested by another method other than the HTH kit? If yes, were the results close to the HTH kit? Of course different lot of chems can be measure differently.

Does it test for CC?  Calcium? I assume no since you didn't post. Do you test for these?

Please post results when you do other tests.


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2007, 08:01:46 pm »
I ordered one because I was tired of trying to match test strip colors.  I have found the readings to be vastly different from my test strips and I really don't trust either one.  I ordered a Taylor K-2006 and I hope that will be my final solution.  Maybe the Taylor kit will let me determine if the digital meter is at least accurate enough for weekly testing.


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2007, 10:07:46 pm »
Ok...I also received my Aquacheck True test Digital test strip reader today.
Here is what I did.
First I tested with my Taylor kit. Readings were:
FC = 0
TC = .5
PH = 7.0
Alk = 110
Then I did a test strip (AquaChek):
FC = 0
TC = .5
PH = couldn't read the color (always have trouble determining what it is with the strip)
ALK = 100
THEN I did the meter:
CL = 0   (meter said low......duh)
PH = 7.2 (meter said ok)
ALK = 165 (meter said high)
I redid my ALK with the Taylor and got 120 the 2nd time.
Sooooooo I really have no idea what my true readings are except the chlorine.
Do I need to adjust my ALK? Not even sure how to lower it anyway.
Anyway, I realize this is just my first attempt with this meter, but it sure didn't take any guess-work out of the process.....it's still a mystery to me what my true readings are!


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2007, 11:11:12 pm »
Both you and wmccall's comparisons are rather similar.

FC - both your tests were pretty close
pH - both your tests were off a small margin
alk- both your tests were off a large margin

I'm very interested to see what a third means of testing would show.

Btw, I'd leave your alk alone unless pH starts to drift.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2007, 11:12:31 pm by WHY_NOT »


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2007, 11:18:50 pm »
Both you and wmccall's comparisons are rather similar.
FC - both your tests were pretty close
pH - both your tests were off a small margin
alk- both your tests were off a large margin
I'm very interested to see what a third means of testing would show.
Btw, I'd leave your alk alone unless pH starts to drift.

Thanks Chad, I won't worry about the alk right now then.
I DID do 3 different tests....What other test do you mean?
I will try another round of tests tomorrow to see what happens.


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2007, 11:28:21 pm »

Thanks Chad, I won't worry about the alk right now then.
I DID do 3 different tests....What other test do you mean?
I will try another round of tests tomorrow to see what happens.
Your welcome.
Sorry, I forgot you tested with strips as well. Do you use the same strips for the Aquacheck as you normally do or are they a "special" type that came with it?


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2007, 12:01:52 am »
Your welcome.
Sorry, I forgot you tested with strips as well. Do you use the same strips for the Aquacheck as you normally do or are they a "special" type that came with it?
The meter comes with it's own special strips.


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2007, 07:35:08 am »
Recieved mine last week, just waiting a few days before I put up a review.  
Quality seems fine- unit is sealed and comes with a wrist strap- probably for swimming pool owners who are also potential users of this system.

 So far I like using the machine.  The test strips are specific to the machine, and test for free cl (and br), Ph, and alk.  The unit is convenient to use- and the strips cost about the same as the other test strips.  In fact, they pretty much look just like them- a narrow plastic strip with 3 pads.  

Turn on the machine, dip the strip in the spa, shake off excessive water, place the strip in the slot on the machine, press a button and in about 10 seconds you have the reading.  In addition to the specific numbers, it also says for each reading if it's low, high, or OK.  The device turns on instantly, doesn't need any "boot up" time.
Can dip the strips right into the spa water- you don't have to take out any water in a sample bottle like I did with one brand of test strips.

The last 9 readings are held in memory, and can be scrolled thru using one of the 3 buttons on the reader, something I really like.   People who use bromine will have to take the Cl reading and multiply the number displayed by 2.2 to translate to bromine.  I use dichlor so that doesn't matter to me.  It may matter to bromine users.

I have not had time yet to compare the readings on this machine against my liquid test kit, but intend to do so in the coming days.

So far I am impressed with this system.  I think it will appeal to those using the dip strips who have trouble translating the colors on the pad.  That was why I switched to a liquid kit.  

This system may not appeal to the chemists in the group- those with the Taylor kit may not be satisfied with the 3 basic readings this device provides.  


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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2007, 07:54:46 am »

Did you wait 3 minutes and use the same test strip or a new one?

Have you ever had your water tested by another method other than the HTH kit? If yes, were the results close to the HTH kit? Of course different lot of chems can be measure differently.

Does it test for CC?  Calcium? I assume no since you didn't post. Do you test for these?

Please post results when you do other tests.

Other than crappy test strips, I've never used any other method than the HTH kit.  I'm confident it gives me ballpark numbers, but it is still somewhat subjective in looking at colors. (Have yet to try a Taylor)  Annually our local water company gives reports and what they have to say about our water matches what my HTH kit says.  I still have to finish reading all of the instructions on this thing. Will do that tonight as I have no calls this afternoon or evening.   I did try the tester on my tap and bottled water and got results that were what I suspected and consistent when repeated.  I think I'm going to like this thing.

It reports  CL/Bro  PH and Alk, which is all I ever check for. I know what my hardness is and its consistent so I don't worry about it.
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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2007, 07:59:41 am »

Btw, I'd leave your alk alone unless pH starts to drift.

I agree.
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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2007, 01:08:42 pm »

 So far I like using the machine.  The test strips are specific to the machine, and test for free cl (and br), Ph, and alk.  The unit is convenient to use- and the strips cost about the same as the other test strips.  In fact, they pretty much look just like them- a narrow plastic strip with 3 pads. ....................

So far I am impressed with this system.  I think it will appeal to those using the dip strips who have trouble translating the colors on the pad.  That was why I switched to a liquid kit.  

This system may not appeal to the chemists in the group- those with the Taylor kit may not be satisfied with the 3 basic readings this device provides.  

I think my sentiments match yours.   I'll check both my liquid kit and this tester when I get home this afternoon.   I put in some  "PH down" last night.
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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2007, 10:25:47 am »
I guess I'll add my experience with the new Aquacheck digital meter too...

Got it about a week ago off the internet.  I needed something that my wife could use when I'm away on business and we both agreed that determining PH with the regular strips was too difficult to do accurately.

I played with the tester for about a week and found it very simple to use.  Just turn it on, dip a strip, put the strip on the meter and press one button for the results.

Yesterday I went to my dealer for some shock and to have them test my water.  I brought the digital meter with me to compare readings on the same sample.  Here are the results:

PH  - Dealer = 7.2  Aquacheck = 7.3
Free Cl - Dealer = 1.8  Aquacheck = 1.7
Alk - Dealer = 70  Aquacheck = 64

Looks to be pretty darn accurate.  Even the dealer was impressed.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2007, 10:26:36 am by Sudzz »
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Re: Preliminary test review - Aqua Check Trutest
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2007, 10:25:47 am »


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