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Author Topic: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Updait  (Read 16564 times)


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Re: Little Tyke Spas and the Mean Ol' Alligator
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2006, 03:18:48 pm »
Lovely comparison Term, but that bad water is a chemistry issue, not a filtration issue, as you well know.

I agree.  I was playing devil's advocate with myself.

That didn't come out right, but you understand what I mean.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

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Re: Little Tyke Spas and the Mean Ol' Alligator
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2006, 03:18:48 pm »


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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2006, 03:34:31 pm »
Hey Term,
Pls tell me those spas were being offered as "factory seconds"?? As we all know, every manufacturer has these and some dealers bring them in for greater discounts. I may even go out on a limb to suggest HS might even produce the odd one? ;)

I do agree however that pictures don't lie and those spas are BRUTAL in their construction. I do agree that even with the basic, industry standard filtration systems offered by a lot of manufacturers though that clean, clear water can be achieved. No doubt that with a HS spa, improper watercare could easily produce the swamp we see in that picure. Nice sell though! ;D

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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2006, 04:25:56 pm »
Damn, that girl is hot.  Beautiful face and smile.  I should think about moving south.


What were we talking about again?


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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2006, 04:38:33 pm »
Damn, that girl is hot.  Beautiful face and smile.  I should think about moving south.


What were we talking about again?

I think Term said they have to bus the good looking spa girls in from out of state.  ;)
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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2006, 04:56:24 pm »
Damn, that girl is hot.  Beautiful face and smile.  I should think about moving south.

Go west young man.  She lit out for California back in January. :'(

« Last Edit: April 27, 2006, 04:56:50 pm by East_TX_Spa »
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Re: Little Tyke Spas and the Mean Ol' Alligator
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2006, 05:36:08 pm »
Just wanted to keep her on the page  ;)


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Re: Little Tyke Spas and the Mean Ol' Alligator
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2006, 05:45:25 pm »

Where are all the people that normally rave about MasterSpas quality??? Then again there isn't normally photographic evidence to the contrary.

Don't know that there are many people that rave about MasterSpas quality on this site.  As a matter of fact, I'm only 1 of but a handful that own an MS spa who still frequent this site.  As you can see, it is rather tough to be in such a minority when those who ride other bandwagons are so opinionated and happily so.  Search my past posts, especially ones with Stuart to see that I certainly acknowledge the "flimsy" panels used.  Also notice that I knew this from jumpstreet and, to this day, it does not bother me in the least....certainly not like it bothers Term, Wisoki and others (it REALLY bothers them it seems....they sure like to harp on it).  I have absolutely no problem with the quality of my tub....it is NOWHERE like the pics Term is representing as the entire MS line.  I am very sorry that there is not an MS dealer close to him so that he could see another view....or maybe he's real happy that an MS dealer is not that close so that potential customers won't wet test and find what I believe is superior therapy to his HS line (and, yes, I did wet test the HS line when I was looking)...but this is my story and I'm stickin' to it.  

Or maybe MS's quality has sunk to an unacceptable level since I bought my tub 2 years ago (but I doubt it having looked at the tubs in my MS dealers showroom).....Term will not know if he doesn't bother to look for something other than the worst.  Yet I do understand that this is the closest MS has come to his neck of the woods so it is understandable if this is all he sees.  Actually, it's more just the attitude that is presented by Term, Wisoki and others...the safety in numbers phenomenon.  For me, I have no problem at all recommending MS and will do so until I see a reason not to.

Does MS bring some of this on themselves...probably.  But then, maybe people see what they want to see.

As for photographic evidence, look here:
MasterSpas LSX
Interesting how my water looks without the sacred "100% no-bypass filtration".....or maybe I'm just looking for the best in things, not the worst.....

BTW, I'll pass on turning my spa on it's side to show the bottom.... 8)

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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2006, 06:13:42 pm »
Nice pics Dog.

The MS traveling circus has been to my area many times and the program seems to be that they bring as many spas as they can to give a big impression.  Some of the models are actually "dummies" with no guts so they are easier to move ( those get "sold" signs right away)  Anyway, most have the same issues as Term's pics but that was part of why they were such a "great deal".

As I have said before.  I used to sell MasterSpa and we had alot of happy customers.  It is the company's sales practices/quality that went into the toilet.
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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2006, 06:26:32 pm »
Windsurfdog, I'm not trying to put down your spa.  Yours does look very nice in the pictures and I'm glad you're happy with it.  I've never had a problem with that brand and even stuck up for them and their right to market the spas the way they see fit.

But, I also have the right to call it the way I see it and I was flabbergasted with what I saw.  Maybe those spas have been rode hard and put away dry over and over again, I don't know.  They were presented as new spas and at no time did I see any indication they were "seconds".

I've done many a show over the years and sold many a spa (HotSpring) and I've only run across 1 that made it to my store that had a blemished shell.  Maybe they send us the pick of the litter, maybe all my clean living is paying off, I'm not sure.  There is no way we (East Texas Spa) would display items in that shape to the general public, even if we had some.  We had a tent cable fall across a brand new pearl Envoy at the Balloon Race 2 years ago and scratched the shell.  My boss took that one home with him that day and we put another one out to show the shoppers.

That's all I'll say about Monday.  If anything new occurs in the immediate or distant future, I will report in. :)

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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2006, 06:32:35 pm »
I'm a happy, satisfied MS (LSX) owner since mid '04.  Picked my unit up at the factory as a "blem" with substantial reduction in price.  Althought I saw only the factory "front end" and loading area, I was impressed with the operation.

That said .. what the Term presents in words and pictures is awful.  A business would have to have empty heads to put such crap on the street for sale.  I wonder if somehow, someone picked up a bunch of blems and is now trying to market theml.

MS would have been better to bulldoze that junk!  


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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #40 on: April 27, 2006, 06:40:44 pm »
That said .. what the Term presents in words and pictures is awful.  A business would have to have empty heads to put such crap on the street for sale.  I wonder if somehow, someone picked up a bunch of blems and is now trying to market theml.

MS would have been better to bulldoze that junk!  

I went to a Master show as well earlier this year and had similar thoughts. The poor cabinetry really stood out along with 3 or 4 very obvious shell blems. I was not impressed at all with the cabintry and I'd expect them to look like that from traveling around as the material and design were flimsy IMO. The blems really caught me off guard as you wouldn't think they'd travel the country showing that off. Unfotrunately, they didn't have any gators in the spas when I saw them.
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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2006, 10:20:30 pm »
My $.02 on this is pretty simple....
If you've got a product that you're trying to sell, and you're doing shows to sell these and get the word out to the largest possible group of potential customers....you'll pull out your best product, not the crap of the crop. What Terms pics showed was something that should've been listed as blemished, factory seconds, etc. If they're sold as new, and THAT is what the company is sending to represent itself, then it's a fair assumption that what you see is as good as it gets. Now....if that's true or not...different story, maybe.
Anyhow, I feel it's laughable that a company that's seriously striving to keep selling spas has sent these piles out to be viewed by the public...


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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2006, 11:08:52 pm »
Fair enough, all.  I certainly agree that I would pass on any of the equipment in Term's pix....like I said, maybe MS brings some of this onto themselves.

Term, your last post was fair and appreciated.  Just to let you know, I monitored this thread from the beginning and felt my input would not be beneficial.  Apparently, that changed.   8)  I would be the last to ask anyone not to call it like they see it.  Yet, I was the first, in this thread anyway, to take exception with the presentation/representation.  

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Re: Little Tyke Spas and da Mean Ol' Alligator Upd
« Reply #43 on: April 29, 2006, 06:18:39 pm »

We put up a tent out near the other show and we've got a little head to head action going.  The other folks added a bunch more spas and have them circled around like cowboy wagons.  I'm stuck at the store but I'm leaving for the wine festival in about 30 minutes.

Our count at our tent sale so far is 4 today (our first day).  I've had a pretty rocking day at my store (7, a new record for me), and my underling Amy is negotiating a deal at the winery with the owner of the local country club for 2 Grandees and a Jetsetter.  Freakin' unbelievable day and my head hurts because I'm not used to actually working when I'm at work.  So I'm headed to drink some wine and eat some hot links.

Ya'll take care and gotta go!

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Re: Little Tyke Spas and the Mean Ol' Alligator
« Reply #44 on: April 29, 2006, 07:16:09 pm »
What part of Califorinia? She was your best model.  :o

Just wanted to keep her on the page  ;)

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Re: Little Tyke Spas and the Mean Ol' Alligator
« Reply #44 on: April 29, 2006, 07:16:09 pm »


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