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Love my new Epic...a couple questions
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Topic: Love my new Epic...a couple questions (Read 3518 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 47
Love my new Epic...a couple questions
April 19, 2007, 10:41:59 am »
Okay, I've had my Epic now for about a month and a half. Totally AWESOME therapy. The 10K isn't seeming so bad now.
As far as the filters go, my husband cleans them with the water hose sprayer every two weeks or so. How often are you supposed to use the filter cleaner and soak them overnight? I guess we need to go buy two more filters when we do that, or can we get by without having to buy two more?
Also, we're having cloudy water issues. We have the spa frog automatic bromine thing and we shock once a week. We don't use chlorine granules unless it's more than just us in the tub. Do we need to start putting some in everytime we use it? We keep our spa frog on #4. Oh, and our bromine cartridge is only lasting about 2 weeks. Is that normal?
Thanks in advance!
Hot Tub Forum
Love my new Epic...a couple questions
April 19, 2007, 10:41:59 am »
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'05 Marquis Epic
Re: Love my new Epic...a couple questions
Reply #1 on:
April 19, 2007, 11:19:18 am »
Cajun, Your tub will remind you when to change out your filters, I believe the message is RCL, but check your book. It should appear about every 30 days. It is good that your husband is so proactive in cleaning the filters (much better than I am). I keep an extra set of filters, cleaned and dry to switch out when I need to remove and clean the ones in the tub. You don't really want to run the tub without filters while your dirty ones are soaking. I love the filter cleaning wand that Doc sells, it makes cleaning between the pleats so simple and it also helps get all the cleaning agent out so you don't get tons of bubbles.
Which bromine cartridge are you using? Green or yellow? I never set my cartridge above 2. Can you post the details of your typical water routine? Why are you adding chlorine? We can help you if you tell us exactly what you are doing.
Glad you love your tub!
Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 11:20:18 am by Bonibelle
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Junior Member
Posts: 47
Re: Love my new Epic...a couple questions
Reply #2 on:
April 19, 2007, 11:29:25 am »
First of all, I have a Taylor kit on the way (K-2005) so hopefully I'll get the most accurate reading.
I have a green bromine cartridge. The dealer told me to set it at 3, monitor, and change it either way if I needed to. Well, at 3, the bromine wasn't in the right range per the AquaCheck bromine strips, so I moved it to 4. I have clear water for a few days to a week, but then it ends up getting cloudy. I shock once a week with the marquis brand shock. Other than that, I've added chlorine granules a few times when we've had 4 people in the tub instead of 2 (which is what dealer told us to do). It just seems like my bromine level doesn't stay where it should. And, like I said, my cartridge is only lasting about 2 weeks. We are in the tub almost every day, once a day.
When I get my Taylor kit in, do I need to check for chlorine levels or just bromine?
BTW, my pH and alkalinity and hardness are all good.
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Re: Love my new Epic...a couple questions
Reply #3 on:
April 19, 2007, 12:03:01 pm »
I regiously clean my filters every time the water stops flowing through them and change my bromine cartidge when I realize that my water is not staying clean..
Clean your filters at least once a month.
Use the green cartridges they are a better value and last longer.
Change your water every quarter if you can and every 6 months if you can't.
Don't set your bromine above 2 but open the silver cartridge all the way.
Always pull both cartridges at fill or drain until the spa is hot so you don't dump to much bromine in the system.
If you don't use the spa for a week or so open the cover, throw in some shock or chlorine and let it breath for an hour or so on the weekend.
Make sure your CC setting is no more than 2 hours and your filter cycles are no more than 4 hours per day total. I set mine for 2 hours at day and 2 hours at night.
Use the same suits for the spa all the time and don't wash them in commercial cleaners. We just rinse and hang them, this will prevent foam.
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Posts: 2922
'05 Marquis Epic
Re: Love my new Epic...a couple questions
Reply #4 on:
April 19, 2007, 12:13:18 pm »
Stuart, with the bromine set at 4 I wonder why she needs to add chlorine? I guess I am confused now. When my tub gets cloudy, I add granular bromine, does it matter?
We should share Chas law of new tubs with Cajun, Your best bet with a new tub, when you start having problems, is to dump and refill. You will suddenly be blessed with water that is much easier to manage. That first fill is the toughest and I don't think anyone on here will dispute Chas' advice...
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Posts: 47
Re: Love my new Epic...a couple questions
Reply #5 on:
April 19, 2007, 12:41:14 pm »
Okay, I'll turn my bromine to 2 and the minerals all the way and see what happens. Does this mean I'll need to replace the minerals at 3 months instead of 6?
As for the filters, when you say clean once a month, is that with the filter cleaner soak solution or just hosing them off and soaking them once a quarter when you do the drain/fill? Also, after soaking in the solution and then hosing/spraying off with water, do they have to dry before putting them back in?
Thanks again!
Junior Member
Posts: 47
Re: Love my new Epic...a couple questions
Reply #6 on:
April 19, 2007, 01:41:47 pm »
Forget the mineral comment. I just went to change it and it was alread on 6, the highest. It says to replace every 4 months or when you drain/refill your spa. So I'm good on that.
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Re: Love my new Epic...a couple questions
Reply #7 on:
April 19, 2007, 07:26:55 pm »
The cartridge probably drained out within a week with the setting you had it on. I agree, never put the green cartridge over a 2 setting. Also be sure to shock at least once a week with the cover off for at least 20 mins.
Junior Member
Posts: 47
Re: Love my new Epic...a couple questions
Reply #8 on:
April 20, 2007, 07:18:50 am »
We'll do. I talked to someone in Denver that sells Marquis and she said to put 2 oz. of sodium bromide in when I drain and refill and that might help keep my bromine levels up. I guess I'll drain in a couple of weeks (since I just put in a new bromine cartridge) and try that.
Thanks for the input!
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Love my new Epic...a couple questions
Reply #8 on:
April 20, 2007, 07:18:50 am »
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