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Author Topic: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of all  (Read 11841 times)


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2007, 12:07:17 pm »
Anything is possible, for a price.  I'd hate to have to pay the price for a "we promise under all situations to have a tech at your house at an exact moment".  Imagine the overstaffing and resulting labor rates that such a system would require.
No thanks.


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2007, 12:07:17 pm »


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2007, 12:51:25 pm »
Anything is possible, for a price.  I'd hate to have to pay the price for a "we promise under all situations to have a tech at your house at an exact moment".  Imagine the overstaffing and resulting labor rates that such a system would require.
No thanks.

I show up about 95% of the time when I say I will be there. It is not that hard to do. The other 5% I call.
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Re: Looking for service te and need opinion of all
« Reply #32 on: April 11, 2007, 01:12:02 pm »
Are you serious? How do you account for traffic, A job that takes longer than expected. Any thing that happens to a tech on an everyday basis.  Unless a tech is underbooked and has the ability to sit and wait for 30 miniutes after every job, then the concept of "to the miniute" is unrealistic.
Is your tech's time any more valuable than the customer's?  If not, why is it fair to expect them to schedule to be home for 2-3 hours, but not for the tech to sit for 30 minutes?

Now that everyone has cell phones, the compromise the I find to work well is to agree on a window that everyone can plan around, and have the tech call the customer a couple of times and update them as to the likely ETA as their day unfolds -- with a final call 30 minutes prior to arrival.  That way the customer can stay productive until it is time to leave to meet the tech.  Under that scenario, even if the previous job runs long, the customer views the tech as being a few minutes late, as opposed to having sat there for two hours plus.

Stuart, to answer some of your questions:

1-3.  While I never had a spa tech come out, because I have handled the few repairs I've needed myself... I work with other service people in a wide range of ages, appearances and abilities -- and know that appearance does not equate to skill/customer service.  As a matter of fact, some of the best service people are the ones that look the worst, because they care about the work, not their appearance.  Nonetheless it is always reassuring to have someone show up at your door looking professional, in a shirt or uniform that makes it easy to know that they are representing the dealer.

4.  The only concern I have with compensation is that it is enough to attract and retain quality employees, so that I see the same faces from time to time.  As a matter of fact, I think it is a good idea to give the customer a choice between the earliest available appointment, and a later one with the tech that they have dealt with before.

5.  I do want to be home, so that I can see what is done, what parts are replaced, make sure all my concerns are addressed, and hopefully learn something.  As I said earlier, all I ask is that my time be respected as much as the service/delivery person's.

6.  For small things that don't affect use or safety of the tub, I am comfortable waiting several days.  If my tub is down, I'd be hoping for same or next day service.  I like places that leave at least one appointment slot available each day for emegencies, jobs that run long, or a well deserved break for the tech.  I also like places that have a number that a customer can call for emergency service.  If somone's heat goes out on a freezing Saturday night, I doubt they feel comfortable waiting until Monday to hear back from someone.  Some of the vendors I deal with rotate responsibility for carrying the "emergency number" cell phone nights and weekends.  They may shut off the ringer and let calls roll to voice mail, screen them and call back later if appropriate,  but at least the customer knows that someone is aware of their problem and will get back to them soon.  The service person may just call back and recommend a temporary safety measure until Monday, but it gives the customer has a chance to discuss their concerns.

7.  I think that is is fair to ask customers to have all pets restrained from the service and access area for the duration of the tech's visit.  I know my own pets can be a pain checking out my tools, and getting in the way.  I wouldn't expect a stranger to like it any more than I do, nor would I expect them to know that the barking and jumping is just friendly greeting.  I'd just remind the owner of that requirement when scheduling, and if they are loose when the tech shows up, have the tech tell the owner that they "may need to use some chemicals that aren't safe for pets to be around" and that it is best if they are kept away from them.

Somewhere along the line follow-up calls got discussed.  I certainly appreciate a manager that shows interest, and if there are unresolved issues I want follow-up... However, if it is just a courtesy call by a secretary or a survey, I prefer not to be interrupted, so that is better handled with a post-card or e-mail.

I think this thread is a good idea, hopefully you are surveying your customers as well.  If you summarize the results, please share them with us!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 01:17:45 pm by Reese »


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2007, 01:53:58 pm »
Hey Stuart, start me at 85K a year plus a company truck (maybe a another Hummer), paid vacation, 401K, and pay half my medical and I would consider Colorado. :)
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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2007, 02:24:24 pm »
1. How well do you like your technician?

I like some of them really well, even to the point where we'll go out and get a beer or go to a baseball game.  I've got other techs that I absolutely can't stand, but I'll respect them as long as they do their job well.
2. Does the tech's hair length or physical appearance play a part in your opinion of them when they get to your house? This may sound crude but do crooked teeth, scars or other appearance items make you feel differently about how good they would be at fixing the spa?
I don't pay any attention to how a guy looks.  His body, his choices.  If I can get on a ride at a carnival, I can talk to a tech with a few tattoos.  As long as they're clean, it doesn't matter to me.  Customers will pass judgement, but that's why you send them on the jobs when they're not home.

3. Does age play a part in your opinion? Do you feel a young tech in his early 20's would not be experienced as an older one or would you prefer a young energetic tech to someone in their 50's or 60's because you feel they are sharper?  

I prefer someone who is always willing to learn.  Experience is important, but cooperation is just as important.

4. How much per year would you think a spa technician should make? For those of you that are tech's in other fields feel free to PM me with what you make along with industry people PM me with what you pay/make. For consumers remember that most warranty reimbursement is between $40 and $70 for the entire call, that means from the support staff in the store taking the call, the parts storage mileage time and everything.  

We pay our techs (I believe) starting around $15/hr.  They also have benefits and 401k.  Pay is something that you should decide for yourself.  I'd recommend calling some of your competitors' techs and inquiring.  It's worth a try, and you might just be able to hire a good one that way.

5. Do you feel you need to be at home when the tech arrives or, for industry people, do you require someone there before your tech comes out?
It depends on what the job is.  Most of the time our customers aren't home, and we don't require them to be.

6. As a consumer what time frame do you think is reasonable for a tech to be at your house from the point of calling it in? What about a weekend call, if you call on a Saturday do you expect a tech on Monday considering most service departments won't get the call until Monday morning?  


7. If you have a friendly dog do you feel the tech should be as comfortable with your dog as you are? Do you always put your dog in during service?  

I would expect my techs to treat a customers' dog like they would treat a customer.  With disdain.  Hyuck, hyuck.

8. Last, if you are looking for a job as a tech and want to live in Colorado feel free to PM or Email me.

I'm not good with my hands, but it's tempting.


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Re: Looking for service te and need opinion of all
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2007, 02:25:44 pm »
Is your tech's time any more valuable than the customer's?  If not, why is it fair to expect them to schedule to be home for 2-3 hours, but not for the tech to sit for 30 minutes?

If a tech has lets say 6 calls in a day and gives two hour windows, he can get 6 calls done.  If he has to be "to the miniute" and allow extra time for trafic and unforseen issues, then he can only schedule 4 call a day.  Who do you think would end up paying for that.  It would also mean that most tech's couldnt always get to everyone in a timely manner... One day turns into two, three, or four.  For the rare customer that need an exact time, that is the first call of the day.  It may take a few extra days to get to the first call but if someone "REALLY" needs it, it would be worth waiting an extra day or two.  
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2007, 02:38:41 pm »
Hey Stuart, start me at 85K a year plus a company truck (maybe a another Hummer), paid vacation, 401K, and pay half my medical and I would consider Colorado. :)
Lose the Redneck accent, buy a better bike that doesn't hurt my ears to be around, stop playing with guns, seek help for your Nascar addiction and leave the X-Box out there and I MIGHT consider everything but the Hummer...I can't afford the gas or parts on two of them!

Oh! I almost forgot...you would probably have to lose that pair of ugly old black crocs so I'm sure it wouldn't work for you!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 02:48:11 pm by stuart »


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2007, 03:12:28 pm »
Lose the Redneck accent, buy a better bike that doesn't hurt my ears to be around, stop playing with guns, seek help for your Nascar addiction and leave the X-Box out there and I MIGHT consider everything but the Hummer...I can't afford the gas or parts on two of them!

Oh! I almost forgot...you would probably have to lose that pair of ugly old black crocs so I'm sure it wouldn't work for you!

Damn the Crocs were a deal breaker, them shoes are ugly but comfortable. I am not giving up my Crocs. ;D
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Re: Looking for service te and need opinion of all
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2007, 03:45:07 pm »
...Who do you think would end up paying for that...
Not to sidetrack this thread, but who do you think ends up paying for the 2-3 hours that the customer has to be home (assuming that they are employed and do in fact, need/want to be there)?  It either comes out of their pocket or their employer's.  All I'm saying is that I see companies that seem to realize that the customer's time is valuable, and others that don't.  Stuart asked what people's opinions were, and I much prefer someone who can tell me when they will be there, and then shows up on time... but as I said there are compromises that allow everyone to be more productive -- and keep the total cost of a service event to a minimum for all parties.

I know that service areas will vary in terms of size, density, traffic, number of techs, etc.  but, IMO... if the only way that you can make more than 4 calls a day is to have the customer waiting for potentially 2 hours, you need to take a look at your initial screening/troubleshooting, job estimating, routing/scheduling, parts inventory, navigation, dispatch and communications capabilities.  I know large time windows were the norm in the past and that plenty of companies still operate that way, but with today's technology, some are able to service the customer much more efficiently.  I guess if I ran a spa service department, I'd be asking Gary how he is able to give the customers an exact time and meet it, rather than tell him it is unrealistic.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 03:54:22 pm by Reese »


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2007, 04:04:47 pm »
Anything is possible, for a price.  I'd hate to have to pay the price for a "we promise under all situations to have a tech at your house at an exact moment".  Imagine the overstaffing and resulting labor rates that such a system would require.
No thanks.

Thats what I was trying to say, but it sounds better when you say it.
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #40 on: April 11, 2007, 04:09:37 pm »
No one would hang out at the Mechanics shop when you get your car worked on and if it takes longer than expected you wouldn't expect them to reimburse your time would you?

I'm not trying to be sarcastic I'm trying to prove a point....

Most cable companies require you to be at home and will give you no less than a 4 hour window to get your cable fixed yet most of those guys don't have a lot of professional training.

When you have to call a professional for service it sucks to have to be at the mercy of their schedule but that's kind of how the system works. I've often complained about having to wait an extra hour at the Dr.'s office so that I could pay more than my rent to see him one his schedule but I go anyway.

What we are trying to accomplish is a happy medium where we can fix the problem while trying to appease the customers schedule.

I came to an epiphany about a year ago were I used to give store keys only to those employees that absolutely needed to have one when it occurred to me that if I was worried about them having a key they probably didn't need to be working for me! Same thing applies to your service center...If your worried that you need to be there because you don't trust them to do the service correct without you home your probably using the wrong service.

I still think that unless we are able to charge enough to employ more tech's per customer base there is no other way to do this than to give a "window of opportunity" and unless special circumstances apply, like an indoor spa or power in the house I think that the only fair way to do it is charge more if we need to meet a specific deadline.

We are unique in the respect that we drive all over the mountains, sometimes the tech doesn't have cell service and often we are held up by weather. In most cases we can't expect things to go perfectly enough for us to be somewhere at a dead set time unless it is in the first few calls of the day.


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2007, 04:30:02 pm »
Exactly the point.  Many times there are unforseen circumstances that cannot be easily predicted, hence the time window.

All it takes to throw off a whole day is one event.  If my spa was being worked on, and the repair was taking longer than expected for whatever reason, I'd be super p*ssed off if the tech left because she couldn't be late for the next appointment.

This is why I have no problem with a floating time frame, especially if the tech. calls me to say he is on the way and what his eta is.  

Last time the tech actually called to let me know he could get their early if I wanted- that call was really appreciated.



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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2007, 05:42:23 pm »
I have to say I'm surprised that a thread about customer preferences has taken this turn.  I'd think you'd be more interested in how Gary is able to make scheduled appointments work, than a rationalization of current approaches.  I didn't want to sidetrack this thread, but since it is yours, and you are interested in this tangent, I'll keep going. ;)  

No one would hang out at the Mechanics shop when you get your car worked on and if it takes longer than expected you wouldn't expect them to reimburse your time would you?  I wouldn't begrudge someone taking the time to do the job correctly.  What I wouldn't care for is having them know I was waiting, but then go lunch before starting my car, and not let me know so that I could go eat too.  Or worse yet, be backed up when I come in for an appointment, but not tell me so I can make other arrangements.  I used to go to a nearby tire shop for oil changes that didn't take appointments, but always told me it would be a 15-30 minute wait.  After a couple of 1 - 2 hour visits I gave up on them.  If they had just been realistic, I would have come back another time, and I'd still be a customer.  Not communicating also cost them a sale of a couple of sets of tires.  IMO, Respect for the customer, their time, and communication are probably as important as technical skill in creating a positive service experience.

When you have to call a professional for service it sucks to have to be at the mercy of their schedule but that's kind of how the system works. I've often complained about having to wait an extra hour at the Dr.'s office so that I could pay more than my rent to see him one his schedule but I go anyway. Funny you should bring that one up.  My wife's clinic has gone to a new scheduling system where they estimate the time required for a patient's stated reason for the visit more accurately.  They also leave more blanks in the schedule, so that there are slots available for same-day appointments, and allowing physicians to spend more time with a patient if necessary without backing up the schedule.  When those blanks aren't needed, the physicians use the time for charting, paperwork and study -- things they usually left for the end of the day.  Their appointment day runs longer, but their actual time worked remains the same.  The patients are much happier, able to get in to see the doc on the same day for urgent needs, able to see on a board how close the doc is to on-time when they check in, and rarely waiting more than a few minutes.  The staff is also happier, not constantly behind, and with some flexibility in their day.  The downside is that routine visits often are scheduled out two weeks or more.

What we are trying to accomplish is a happy medium where we can fix the problem while trying to appease the customers schedule...If your worried that you need to be there because you don't trust them to do the service correct without you home your probably using the wrong service.I like to be around when service is done on site, for the reasons I stated before, and because I prefer not to have strangers in or around my house unattended.  You know and trust your service people, the customer may not have met them before.  I don't prejudge someone's service ability by their appearance -- but I may be a little concerned about a seedy type I've never met before roaming my property.

I still think that unless we are able to charge enough to employ more tech's per customer base there is no other way to do this than to give a "window of opportunity" and unless special circumstances apply, like an indoor spa or power in the house I think that the only fair way to do it is charge more if we need to meet a specific deadline.If it is a busy day, I would have no problem paying a reasonable charge for being able to schedule a time, rather than sit home waiting for someone to show up.  As I said, I think the best compromise is establishing a window that both sides can plan around, but then communicating so no one is sitting around longer than necessary.

We are unique in the respect that we drive all over the mountains, sometimes the tech doesn't have cell service and often we are held up by weather. In most cases we can't expect things to go perfectly enough for us to be somewhere at a dead set time unless it is in the first few calls of the day.
Obviously in some situations, a "call before we come" approach may not always work.

Here I've been going on about wasting time, and I've spent way more time here than I should. :o ;D


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #43 on: April 11, 2007, 08:41:51 pm »
That was not to be directed at you...so you know part of it was directed at Gary's response (although I had called and berated him already earlier on the phone).  ;)

When I wrecked my motorcycle last year I spent 4 hours a few days later (when I could get an appointment) getting an x-ray that should have taken 20 minuets. Went back a week later because they wanted another x-ray and walked out after 2 hours without being seen.

Last month my phone line had a problem and we had to have an adult at the house between 8AM and 12PM for the service....They showed up about 12 and never needed us or to get in the house. They did the job wrong and we have to schedule again.

I took my hummer to the shop, they charged $3500 3000 miles out of warranty for a bearing in the transfer case. They left it apart, on the rack for a week while the ordered parts. As I pulled out of the dealership it locked up because they put it in wrong and it stayed another 2 days.

I deal with this in my personal life also and empathies with you completely. We are not so stanch that we can't make a call when we are on our way or try to narrow the time down more but I do think we get more then our share of unreasonable customers at times. We always work around them but it is frustrating....

That's what this post is about however, getting opinions like yours to see where we can make changes.


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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #44 on: April 12, 2007, 11:14:23 am »
Stuart,  your post just reinforces that an attitude of "this is the best we can do" leaves organizations wallowing in mediocrity or worse.  I know from reading your posts that you are always looking for ways to do things better, and it is too bad the service examples you cited aren't doing the same.  My recent experiences with the same types of providers were almost 180 degrees different than yours.

I dislocated my shoulder skiing and damaged the rotator cuff.  I have been to an ER, two physicians, and a surgeon - and had 3 sets of x-rays and an MRI in the last 2 weeks.  We also had to take my daughter in for one emergency, and one regular appointment in that time.  I have never waited more than 10 minutes at any appointment, or in the urgent care settings, and usually walked in right on time.  I was able to schedule my appointments for the day that I wanted (usually ASAP), except for once where I had to wait until the next day, because the doctor was out of the office.  I have had to reschedule the surgery twice to accomodate changes in my schedule, with neither a complaint or a problem getting the new date I need.  I have never been more impressed with an large organization than I have with the care I have received at this clinic/hospital. :)

I have two local GM dealers.  One offers service hours until midnight, and can usually look at my car the same day I call.  The other offers free loaners, and lets you keep it until the repair is complete.  Sometimes repairs there have to be scheduled out a couple of days to ensure loaner availability.  Both do an excellent job keeping me informed as to what is going on with the repair and when I can expect it to be complete. 8-) Again, I have no complaints about the service at either of these places -- wait I take that back, the "open 'til midnight place always tries to sell an additional service or a "value package" which is not really needed, in a blatant attempt to add revenue to the ticket. :P

Let you think that I am just  a "glass half-full" guy, or lucky enough to live in service nirvana, my cable and phone companies are no better than yours.  I bet they think that is the best they can do, for the same reasons that you and Micah have stated. :-/  Perhaps Gary was just blowing smoke, but again, if I was running a spa service department, I'd be asking him how he does it, not "berating him";), or explaining why that can't work.

p.s.  I didn't think your post was directed just at me, nor is this one only for you, even though I started it with your name. 8-)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2007, 11:17:27 am by Reese »

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Re: Looking for service tech's and need opinion of
« Reply #44 on: April 12, 2007, 11:14:23 am »


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