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I found this on the net and thought this is good information, that was until I did some math and found out just about every one of the companies is blowing more smoke than a forest fire.
Why would anybody buy from such unethically companies, they sound like another guy in Colorado.
I found this on the net and thought this is good information, that was until I did some math and found out just about every one of the companies is blowing more smoke than a forest fire. I found out that a company can submit their numbers and California does not check or ask for back-up documentation. Â So how so you feel about a company that is bald face lying about these numbers. We have some smart folks on here and I am sure they will do the math and see what a joke it is.http://www.energy.ca.gov/appliances/appliance/excel_based_files/pool_products/Some of these did not just tell little white lies, they are trying to sell you ocean front property in Arizona.
Could it be because those of us who buy them are purchasing a product that WE FEEL offers superior therapy and value for our dollar? Â I'm constantly amazed how some around here really get their panties in a wad over something as inherently persuasive and purposely deceptive as marketing is as a whole. Â Gary, please continue to find and point these things out but do us all a favor and leave us customers out of it. Â And take a chill pill...
So, are you saying that as a customer, if you knew a company lied and was unethical, you'd still buy from them?Marketing surely hypes. Â However, ethical companies like Sundance, Watkins, Marquis, et al, are not going to out and out lie. Â Some companies in this industry make it a habit to do so.I'd like to think consumers would like to know which companies are ethical and which are not.
So, are you saying marketing equal bull$shit?Are you saying all marketing is lying?
Try this one:there is no such thing as HS kool aid.