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Author Topic: Another newbie question  (Read 2185 times)

TubGuy 21

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Another newbie question
« on: April 09, 2007, 10:48:30 am »
I had noticed a couple of times when I open the cover, that the ozonator is not running...I though this ran all the time.  The only thing I that I found in the manual was that it will turn off when the temp is higher than the setting and it is trying to cool down.  I probably closed the cover without letting it cool down to the set temp after it was a few degrees higher.  Should I leave the cover off for awhile to let the temp cool down to the setting if it rose due to the pumps running? I am afraid that if the cover is closed and the temp is set a few degrees cooler than it is, than the ozonator will not run the whole time it is covered....Does this seem right?  I noticed yesterday that I do have a film around the water line....could it have happened if the ozonator didnt run all night?  I have a guy from my dealer coming out next week to level my tub a little since my patio slope causes more than an inch diff in water level on the filter side (high side).  I will ask him, but I figured someone here could help.


Hot Tub Forum

Another newbie question
« on: April 09, 2007, 10:48:30 am »


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Re: Another newbie question
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2007, 10:56:32 am »
No, that doesn't seem right at all.  

Sorry I can't be much help, but no, a quality tub shouldn't be flucating in temp (like you mentioned in your other posts) and the 03 unit should be working the majority of the time.   I have a full foam tub and don't experince the issues you have.
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Re: Another newbie question
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 11:09:53 am »
Apparently there are some tubs out there that will shut off their circ pump when it gets too hot. If yours does that then you won't be seeing bubbles since it turned off the circ pump.

TubGuy 21

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Re: Another newbie question
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2007, 11:16:23 am »
Apparently there are some tubs out there that will shut off their circ pump when it gets too hot. If yours does that then you won't be seeing bubbles since it turned off the circ pump.

thats what it said in the manual when I read it....I guess I will have to make sure that the temp is not more than a degree or so above the setting before I cover it again since it doesnt seem to lose any heat with thte cover on....I am just afraid that the circ pump would not run the whole time it was covered of the temp didnt drop down.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Another newbie question
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2007, 11:16:23 am »


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