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Author Topic: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?  (Read 4433 times)

tommy tunes

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Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« on: March 29, 2007, 09:38:07 am »
So, the wife and I are having preliminary "discussions"  ;) about getting a tub.  Now, I know most folks just put thier tub out in the open.  The argument: "we're not getting a tub until you build something to put it in.  I don't want to deal with all the bugs".  We live in MA, sort of a country town, we do get a lot of bugs around (mosquitos and gnats, etc).  

What experiences have you had with the insect population?  Are they a nusience around tubs, or is there anything about the chemicles in the steam that may drive them off at all?

Personally, I'd rather be able to look up at the night sky.  But if I must build, then build I shall.  ;D

Thanks in advance for any input.

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Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« on: March 29, 2007, 09:38:07 am »


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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 09:55:30 am »
Don't know why exactly, but I never have insect issues in our spa.
And we have a pond behind the house- so there are mosquitos around.  They can get pesky when we're outside at dusk, but not when we're in the spa.  Not sure why that is.


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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 10:11:03 am »
So, the wife and I are having preliminary "discussions"  ;) about getting a tub.  Now, I know most folks just put thier tub out in the open.  The argument: "we're not getting a tub until you build something to put it in.  I don't want to deal with all the bugs".  We live in MA, sort of a country town, we do get a lot of bugs around (mosquitos and gnats, etc).  

What experiences have you had with the insect population?  Are they a nusience around tubs, or is there anything about the chemicles in the steam that may drive them off at all?

Personally, I'd rather be able to look up at the night sky.  But if I must build, then build I shall.  ;D

Thanks in advance for any input.

Hey Tommy, I'm in Central MA and have my hot tub on some pavers in my back yard, very close to the door. I have had no problems.

Does your wife want a whole area around the tub?   I'm not sure what the problem is? Decks and patios in MA are not a problem. Is it that your wife doesn't want bugs?

A gazebo won't control gnats or misquitos.   A fully enclosed structure would have venting issues.  IF bugs are the problem, maybe a mosquito-dleto would work?  Do you spend anytime in the backyard in the summer?  DOn't enclose the spa.  Your first moonlight soak, you'll thank me.   Trust me, there is NOTHING like sitting outside in January, a glass of wine, the snow falling and taking a soak at midnight.... :D

They do sell products like this...

Then again, I use my tub the majority of the time in the COLD months, when there are no bugs.  ;)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 10:16:08 am by drewstar »
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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2007, 02:20:46 pm »
Personally, I'd rather be able to look up at the night sky.
I can't agree more.  Yeah,  the "no-see-ums" can be bad and the mosquitos can be hungry at times but taking away the entire night sky, especially those great meteor showers (and there's not a better seat in the house than a lounge in a hot tub!), would be a huge miss for me.

If you can, try installing the tub w/o an enclosure then see how everyone feels.  Good luck!
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tommy tunes

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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2007, 07:35:50 pm »
My first course of action would be to install it in the open and see how it goes.  Of the 2 of us, i'm more the outdoors type that likes to spend a lot of time outside.  I messed around with the whole "astronomy thing" for a while as really once dusk has come and gone they do seem to subside greatly.

Drewstar, I did consider an enclosure like the one you pictured.  cheap and easy.  Although i know i could slap a screen porch together pretty easy if I REALLY had to  ;)  I am working with a 12 x 24 patio that i'm planning on tearing up half of it to pour concrete for this.  I'd like to pour the whole thing, however some fool decided to point the well for the house right in the middle of the other half.  So I have to take the 36" diameter riser that's around it as well as under the patio into consideration.

We shall see........


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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2007, 09:09:25 am »
Hey Tommy, yesterday in the  mail Lowes sent me their spring backyard catalog, and they had several nice enclosures that could be used for tubs, simillar to what I posted before - but with a new style  for a few hundred dollars.;

Bugs in MA are really only a problem at Dusk, and in the summer months. An outdoor hot tubs is a year round thing. Also, I doubt you will be sitting in your tub for hours and hours. Most soaks are under an hour.  I wouldn't worry too much about bugs, and focus on the right tub for you and the location. and plan on having it uncovered. If you do find there is a big bug problem. there's a ton of solutions, including tents (like the above), enclosed gazebos, mosiqto-deleto propane units, etc, that can always be added latter.  :D

Where in MA are you?
« Last Edit: March 30, 2007, 10:00:17 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

tommy tunes

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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2007, 10:24:48 pm »
Hey Tommy, yesterday in the  mail Lowes sent me their spring backyard catalog, and they had several nice enclosures that could be used for tubs, simillar to what I posted before - but with a new style  for a few hundred dollars.;

Bugs in MA are really only a problem at Dusk, and in the summer months. An outdoor hot tubs is a year round thing. Also, I doubt you will be sitting in your tub for hours and hours. Most soaks are under an hour.  I wouldn't worry too much about bugs, and focus on the right tub for you and the location. and plan on having it uncovered. If you do find there is a big bug problem. there's a ton of solutions, including tents (like the above), enclosed gazebos, mosiqto-deleto propane units, etc, that can always be added latter.  :D

Where in MA are you?

I agree with you.  If the bugs become an issue I'd probably try a propane unit or a tent-style enclosure.  Allthough, I just happen to have my "TimeLife Home Repair and Improvement" books handy!  LMAO!

We're in Monson, <1 hour from ya.  We do get the annual plague of stink bugs and lady bug swarms, but they don't last too long.


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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2007, 12:14:57 am »
never had an issue with bugs...but I suppose most of my soaking is
during the winter

the enclosure can always come later

some things that you worry about when you are looking for a tub
or are a new owner.....end up not really being an issue.

i doubt once you have your tub you will decide to do the enclosure

keep us informed and please post pics!


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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2007, 11:46:20 am »
I have used Citronella torches when the mosquitos were a concern.  Never had a problem.  
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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2007, 01:54:08 am »
I'm at the beach in San Diego, so weather and bugs are not a problem.  8-)

However, small yards & close neighbors are a problem.  >:(

I've got 2 story neighbors on both sides, both with a window onto my backyard.  I've got 6 foot fences with a 2 foot lattice, and that gives some privacy, but it's not perfect.

I'm considering building a pergola with retractable shades this summer.  That would give privacy from above and some shade in the summer months, but allow the stars (when retracted) during the clear winter nights.

I've done some basic research into products, and I'm pretty sure I can make such a thing.

tommy tunes: in your situation, if bugs are a problem in the summer, I would use a tent or other temporary structure then.  You are going to get the majority of your hot tub use in the fall, winter and spring.  Don't compromise your cold weather tub use (which is best uncovered)  for the one low use season that bugs are a problem.


tommy tunes

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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2007, 09:50:01 pm »
Thanks for all the responses!  :)  I'm leaning toward the temporary structure thing if the bugs do become and issue.  I don't think privacy will be a big deal.  Our patio is sort of a "nook" behind the breezway and garage.  The house comes out on one side and my side of the garage has an 8ft extension on the back.  Garage side: no neighbor within sight.  House side: neighbor on otherside of a 6ft fence in a trailer.  To the rear: nothing but woods and sunsets  :)  I can put up one section of fence extending from the rear of the house along the patio edge to quell any prying eyes on that side, and possibly one on the oppsite side to balance it out appearance wise.  The patio is 2x2ft  pavers (the ones with the diamond pattern in them you've probably all seen at some point) so i'll probably tear up just enough to pour and 8x8ft slab for it when the time comes and leave the rest in place to keep our patio look. This should give me 3ft (at least) between the tub and two walls bordering it for service and maintenance.

We're still saving up for it (I'd rather pay in full if I'm able), but hopefully sometime in June all will be said, done, and WET!

BTW, any of you pitch your slabs for drainage, or is it level?  I did some searching on this last night, seemed to lean in both directions....


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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2007, 12:37:06 pm »
I built a deck on the pad and then enclosed it with a privacy blind...I didn't want to lose my star veiw!

« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 12:37:43 pm by stuart »

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Re: Pre-planning:  enclosed, or not?
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2007, 12:37:06 pm »


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