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The fill is almost done. The water seems to have a very green tinge to it. The funny thing is that if I put some in a glass it looks clear. My guess is that I have lots of iron. Not good.Any idea what can I do about the color / rust? Stain & Scale Defense? Will it clear with the shock? Or am I scr*wed?
Could you post a pic from you water?what is the color of your shell?My water look also a bit green do to the shell color and the use of bromine
Your dealer should have given you instructions that would have allowed you to duplicate what they did on the first fill. It sounds like you should use a metal remover. Usually you put that in right away, let it filter for a day to remove as much metal as possible, then rinse the filters before continuing on with balancing the water. If you don't get the metals out, your first shock will oxidize them, and you may see even more color (think rust). Check your stain/scale product. Some of those are for calcium, not metals.I'm surprized that your dealer recommended all soft water, most of the time I have seen recs for partial soft because softened water can be corrosive on sensitive components. Make sure your warranty won't be affected by the use of soft water. Sometimes color tints in the water can be reflections from the surrounding area. One respected member here had us going 'round when he was a newbie, trying to help him clear up a green tint that turned out to be a reflection from a nearby tree.
No one has answered, I hope this is the right thing to do...First DON'T shock yet...you need to remove the iron before you add any chlorine products. I will take a guess that the green tint may be from the low Ph and...(if you have copper pipes).Anyway, you have filled your tub and need to remove the residual iron that your softener missed by using a stain and scale before you do anything else. Chlorine will make the rust much worse, you need to first remove it. I usually add my stain and scale as the tub is filling and let it run for a couple of hours before adding any sanitizer. after you have let the tub run...(I wait until it is up to temperature), add the other chemicals to adjust your ph etc. Then when they are pretty much right, add your sanitizer.
pshew! Glad you read before you dumped in your sanitizer...you would have really been unhappy tomorrow!I have well water but I turn off my water softener. I tend to get iron too, sometimes a lot of iron! My one set of filters are so stained that I have decided to keep them to just use on refills..that way both sets of filters aren't so rusty looking. Just curious if you have thought of a neutralizing system for your water? The low ph will eventually do a numer on your copper pipes...pitting them and causing leaks... :-/ Just something to think about...
This is a very interesting discussion, especially for us new people. It sounds like you are getting some good advice. It will be interesting to see if you have the problem solved by tomorrow. I hope you do! Good Luck.Neo
With well water high in iron, I would use a metal sequester such as Leisure Time Metal Gon. A stain and scale product protect more against calcium problems. Though some stain and scales help with metals, a product just to suspend or sequester metals is safer, IMO. I use Leisure Time Products because it is what my dealer sells. I have high iron and manganese. Metal Gon is only used at a new fill. Leisure Time stain and scale is Defender used weekly or biweekly. It does not sequester metals.