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Author Topic: Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance  (Read 3223 times)


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Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance
« on: November 20, 2006, 08:03:14 pm »
I'm going to be getting my Cameo in early Feb with the stereo.  The dealer presented the Sundance remote and I thought it was a good idea for controlling the stereo easily, my only issue is that I will have an ipod or sattelite radio hooked up to it as well and I don't think it will be able to control those.

A little bit of research turned up the Dolphin programmable remote, which can learn from other remote, but this would mean I would need a sundance remote to do the intial programming, correct?  Can the dolphin remote control all of the controls on the Cameo (lights, pumps, air in addition to the stereo?)  Anyone have the dolphin remote?  Are you happy with it?  Anything you would change about it?

If the dolphin can do it all then I'll probably skip on the sundance remote.  Perhaps the dealer can help me train the dolphin remote with an existing sundance remote?


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Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance
« on: November 20, 2006, 08:03:14 pm »


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Re: Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2006, 09:15:20 pm »
I'm going to be getting my Cameo in early Feb with the stereo.  The dealer presented the Sundance remote and I thought it was a good idea for controlling the stereo easily, my only issue is that I will have an ipod or sattelite radio hooked up to it as well and I don't think it will be able to control those.

A little bit of research turned up the Dolphin programmable remote, which can learn from other remote, but this would mean I would need a sundance remote to do the intial programming, correct?  Can the dolphin remote control all of the controls on the Cameo (lights, pumps, air in addition to the stereo?)  Anyone have the dolphin remote?  Are you happy with it?  Anything you would change about it?

If the dolphin can do it all then I'll probably skip on the sundance remote.  Perhaps the dealer can help me train the dolphin remote with an existing sundance remote?


I just did a google search on dolphin remotes and was very impressed. Although I can't stomach the price tag. Seems like alot of bucks to save a couple of steps.
I'll still probably look into geting one though. Anything that can make my soaking experience more relaxing is worth the money.
Sorry I don't have any feedback on them but thanks for bringing them to my attention. :)

BTW, I think they come standard with Marquis Spas. Maybe a Marquis owner will chime in and give us some feedback.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2006, 09:17:43 pm by tileman »


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Re: Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2006, 09:30:41 pm »
I have a remote, that is waterproof and it controls everything. Even the air blower. This was added after I bought my tub. I added the control board.  I don't know about the dolphin.


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Re: Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2006, 06:50:53 am »
I have a Cameo with the Sundance remote.  I've used the stereo with my XM radio by using the FM transmitter with no problems.  The XM radio has its own remote for changing channels.

The Sundance remote comes with a transmitter and you hook wires up to the pump wires so I don't see how the Dolphin one could control the pumps and lights.


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Re: Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2006, 06:57:19 am »
I have a Cameo with the Sundance remote.  I've used the stereo with my XM radio by using the FM transmitter with no problems.  The XM radio has its own remote for changing channels.

The Sundance remote comes with a controller and you hook wires up to the pump wires so I don't see how the Dolphin one could control the pumps and lights.


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Re: Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2007, 12:41:31 pm »
I'm awaiting my HS Aria with remote control (optional) that does everything from changing the water temperature, to changing the radio station and even reminding me when it's time to test the water.  It was expensive but what the hell..
...better a bottle in front of me, than a prefrontal lobotomy...on second thought, fire up the spa, Ma


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Re: Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2007, 08:19:31 pm »
we have a new optima that has the radio with remote and from what I understand and read in the owners manual the remote is supposed to control the ipod.  I have not tried it yet but I will soon try and will re-post when I find out.  I do know for a fact that the remote would control the pumps but it requires the purchase of a module to connect the remote to the pump controls.



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Re: Remotes Dolphin vs Sundance
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2007, 08:26:35 pm »
I see, so the 07's come with a remote if you buy the stereo, but you can't control the jets without an additional module.

I haven't taken delivery yet, so it looks like I will just go with the included remote, don't need to control the jets, just the ipod.


Larry Becker

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Dolphin Remotes
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2007, 01:17:30 pm »
I have a D1 branded Dolphin Remote that has the codes built in it for my D1 Sarena Bay. It runs the spa lights, fountain and jets pretty well. I didn't get the stereo option with my spa, but the remote is a universal programmable remote that can control basic functions of a stereo, much like any other universal remote. I haven't had time to set it up to run a receiver, nor do I have one to use outside yet, but I CAN vouch that it runs the spa ok.

I DON'T know how you would program the spa controls into the remote... as I said, mine came that way from D1. I didn't see in the remote setup manual any way to tell it what spa you have. Maybe a generic Dolphin would have that capability?

Anyone have one of these that ISN'T branded for a particular spa?

2005 D-1 Sarena Bay

Hot Tub Forum

Dolphin Remotes
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2007, 01:17:30 pm »


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