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Author Topic: Another mod to vermonter method  (Read 2910 times)


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Another mod to vermonter method
« on: March 21, 2007, 12:01:11 pm »
I'm the newb who posted about shocking with bleach.  Since having my tub only a short while, I've been thinking of ways to improve the "standard method."  Here's another idea:

After use, I use dichlor.  I then go inside and leave the cover off for 10-20 minutes.  I then go back outside and put the cover on.  I live in cold St. Louis (at least in Jan and Feb) and hate going back out.

Would there be anything wrong with adding a tsp of dichlor before soaking, instead of after?  I know the advantage of adding after is that you don't soak in chlorine water, but 1-3 ppm doesn't bother me (same as my swimming pool.)  It seems that if adding one tsp can kill all the kreppy-krawlies that come off your body after a soak and still leave behind a small residual, then adding one tsp before a soak could kill them as they come off your body, and still leave a residual.  This way, the off-gassing occurs while you're in the tub.  After soaking, just close the lid and go in.

Assuming I am not bothered or irritated by soaking in 1-3 ppm clorine water, would it be just as effective to dose with dichlor before soaking as it is to dose after?

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Another mod to vermonter method
« on: March 21, 2007, 12:01:11 pm »


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Re: Another mod to vermonter method
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2007, 12:20:55 pm »
Actually, the preferred method, recommended by the chemical companies, and approved by the EPA which regulate pesticides (which chlorine is) is to add the dichlor before use.  You then have active sanitizer in the spa while you are introducing the bacteria which need to be killed.
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Re: Another mod to vermonter method
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2007, 01:48:04 pm »
When I first got my tub, I post soaked dosed. For the past few months however, I've been adding it whenever I know I won't soak for atleast a couple of hours. I'm not sensitive to chlorine. I'm with you, it became a hassle. Plus with the N2 cartridge I've been using, I can get by with only bringing my FC to the 3-4 ppm range a couple of times a week. It sure beats going back and forth out to the tub after soaking. :)

Btw, I live in the STL as well.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 01:49:25 pm by WHY_NOT »


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Re: Another mod to vermonter method
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2007, 03:10:51 pm »
... This way, the off-gassing occurs while you're in the tub...
I think that exposure to the offgassing is the issue.  If you add dichlor right before use, you will be exposing your lungs and eyes to the chlorine gas that comes off immediately after application.  If you follow Whynot's approach and give the chlorine some time to offgas before entry, it shouldn't be a problem.  As HTD said, soaking in 1-3 ppm sanitizer is actually the conventional approach.  (Props to Steve, who has made sure we are all aware of that fact. ;)).


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Re: Another mod to vermonter method
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2007, 07:45:40 am »
After use, I use dichlor.  I then go inside and leave the cover off for 10-20 minutes.  I then go back outside and put the cover on.  I live in cold St. Louis (at least in Jan and Feb) and hate going back out.

I actually put the dose in after soaking, close the cover and put the clean cycle on (10 mins).  Then I don't have to go out after.  I only leave it open when schocking. Even if you didn't have a clean cycle, going to to turn the jets off is a lot quicker than closing the cover etc.
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Re: Another mod to vermonter method
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2007, 09:04:42 am »
Actually, the preferred method, recommended by the chemical companies, and approved by the EPA which regulate pesticides (which chlorine is) is to add the dichlor before use.  You then have active sanitizer in the spa while you are introducing the bacteria which need to be killed.

Interesting. Do you have any links?

Is that to say that the chemical manufactures and EPA do not recomend post soak dosing? Are the hot tubs companies that promote sucha a routine no in line with EPA and manufacaturers recomendadtions?
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Re: Another mod to vermonter method
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2007, 10:56:44 am »
Actually, the preferred method, recommended by the chemical companies, and approved by the EPA which regulate pesticides (which chlorine is) is to add the dichlor before use.  

You mention that EPA recommends the approach of adding chlorine before use.  Would you be able to give me the specific EPA link or citation for that reference?

Also, do you know if the industry recommendation is to only add chlorine before use and NOT to check chlorine levels after use?  Or is it to add it before and after use?




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Re: Another mod to vermonter method
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2007, 11:00:25 am »

Interesting. Do you have any links?

Is that to say that the chemical manufactures and EPA do not recomend post soak dosing? Are the hot tubs companies that promote sucha a routine no in line with EPA and manufacaturers recomendadtions?

Drewstar, sorry...

I didn't read your email prior to my asking pretty much the same questions.  I hadn't been around much on the board and was reading down through and thought I would ask - I should have gone through all the posts.

There are some very solid (in my opinion) reasons why you do not need to worry about killing bacteria/microorganisms that you are introducing while you are soaking, but, for the moment, I'm interested in whatever information and or studies (I doubt there are any) that would indicate it is important in a private, residential setting.



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Re: Another mod to vermonter method
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2007, 11:00:25 am »


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