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Author Topic: And I'm not even open on Sundays!  (Read 14224 times)


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2007, 11:11:17 am »

Just being a realist and stating a fact, thats all. But thanks for being a unbiased moderator.

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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2007, 11:11:17 am »


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2007, 11:14:46 am »
Is it... I wonder? My weekend consisted of a 2006 J345, 2007 J335 and a 2006 J480. All customers were first time in the store. All were told to by me to compare my Jacuzzi® hot tubs to Sundance and Hot Sprigs for quality to quality comparrison, all left the store with signed contracts. Yeah, that's what I said, compare quality with Hot Spring, you  may find that hard to believe coming from me, you just will never find me cheerleading for any other brand on the internet.

The forum is what the members make it. I try to stay as hands off as possible. Nobody is stopping you from cheerleading it.  In this case Chas did it in an way he though was interesting, and I'll bet a lot of people did.

I'm growing weary of all the childishness, which seems to be on the high end of the cycle currently.

It may be my time changed induced bad mood, but I'm sick of it.  It might be time for me to move on.  
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2007, 11:16:11 am »
If you got it, Flaunt It, baby, Flaunt It!! :)Maybe this should read if You think you got it
I would think that the  (#1 hot tub seller in the world) would win more business with a little more humility. Remember a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down as the song goes.

If opening the store on an off day to help out a potential  customer results in 2 sales and happy customers, I'd think Chas would be very happy to "take his medicine".  

How can you try to turn a post from an Independent dealer, and member of this board who decides to use his day off to help someone shop, and you turn  into some negative Hotsprings insult is amazing, and more a reflection on  yourself than anything else.

congrats Chas.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2007, 11:17:12 am »
re: Maybe you should just go ahead and rename this forum to  
whats the best hot spring .com  - That pretty much what this board
consists of most of the time

Well Huggieville (are Huggieville & waylon33 the same person?)
there is no doubt this board is dominated by Hot Spring
but that does not mean you can't get tons of great free advice.

Hot Spring is one of the biggest sellers of tubs so it is logical
that they are going to have alot of fans touting the product.

In my opinion this board is at it's best when it is problem solving
giving out technical advice on broken parts, chemical advise, and
showing a potential buyer what to look for in general terms like
wet test, warranty, trip-charge, pad design, electrical hook-ups, ect....
and this forum is at it's worst when it is between the lines
"my tub is better than your tub".

So Huggieville...as with anything....there is good and bad....
I suggest "soaking" in the great free advice and ignoring
the other non-sense.


« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 11:33:15 am by Zep »


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2007, 11:26:29 am »
Me thinks everyone here has missed the point, possibly even Chas! What this is about is "Customer Service". Granted, tub brand plays into this however, the customers found a dealer "Chas" who obviously knows the value of service before the sale. Which also makes me think he knows the value of service after the sale.  I would think the vast majority of dealers that contribute to this site are very customer service oriented.  
The customer obviously had a desire to look at a Hot Spring spa.  What would of happened if Chas opted not to open on Sunday?  Another dealer may have met the customers desire and made the sale(s).  Chas won not by providing Hot Springs, but rather by providing a dealership based on customer service that happened to sale the Hot Springs brand!


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2007, 11:29:27 am »
Hey Zep,

You are right there is tons of great free advice on this board and that is why I started coming to it regularly for help and advice since I first discovered it. I was a frequent visitor but never posted until just recently. But you have to admit to people just visiting or to people not associated with HS, this board in our eyes is biased towards that brand. Every time people come on here asking about buying a differnt tub, there is at least one HS dealer if not more coming on here and saying look at this or that, sometimes even sending links to the HS dealer site. Just gets old after while. If you look at the forum rules it says this is supposed to be a unbiased free board for advice and it is the fartherst thing from unbiased.
Seems that this is turnign into a frequesnt conversation on a weekly basis. What does that tell you.

Also, sorry I forgot to say until now. but congrats Chas on selling 2 spas.


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2007, 11:30:39 am »
Nothing is stopping anyone from posting a similar story- Sundance, Cal, Arctic etc...
all could have done the same thing as Chas, and posted a similar story.  
 What would the reaction have been if this was a Marquis or Coleman or (insert spa brand here) any other brand?  



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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2007, 11:32:51 am »
You managed to get there during his open hours to purchase the spa, what is preventing you from getting there to "look at your new spa" during his open hours? Why not just wait for it to hit your back yard, then you can look at it every day? For me, many kudos to the dealers that close on Sunday. TAKE THE DAY! Enjoy your familys. I wonder how those dealers that close on sunday feel when they get to a store they wanted to check out and find it closed on a Sunday? The NERVE!  ::)

I am always surprised (ok, annoyed) that many pool and spa places are closed on Sunday.  >:(

What's the busiest day for you dealers? How late do you stay open?

I have still yet to see my new hot tub, as the dealer is only open 9-5 Monday -Friday.  

I agree.
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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2007, 11:34:08 am »
Hey Chas, just curious...does working Sunday's contradict your beliefs in Christianity in any way? Sundays can be lucrative with sales but some won't open at all or sell due to their beliefs of the day of rest.

As for the “cheerleading”, anyone is open to do so and if you have a great story to tell about a successful event or weekend, I’m sure we would be open to seeing it. I think more importantly, it would interesting to know what you did to make it successful from a pricing, advertising, marketing and sales perspective rather than just “we sold 5 spas today”. We can all learn from the more successful dealers and this is a great format to share those things I think… Just my $.02…

Steve – Soon to be posting less (I promise)  ;)


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2007, 11:36:26 am »
I LOVE daylight saving time! Sun is up late, I don't have to drive home in the dark, I still have time to get out of doors things done, YEAH DST, YEAH DST, YEAH DST GO DST, there's my cheerleading! Save the cheerleader, save the world!

It may be my time changed induced bad mood, but I'm sick of it.  
If you like it and you want it BUY IT!


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2007, 11:39:42 am »
Saturday and Sunday were supposed to be days off for me...I went in because I felt a pull to do so. Sales have been slow, weather has affected us poorly.

Before I did I said a little prayer, asked for it to be productive for me to be in there and that I make a difference to my customers and crew.

Started the day with some training on sales and customer service (I don’t usually do the training myself but I will more often!) and it really pumped the guys up.

We sold 12 spas and have wet tests scheduled on at least 2 more!! 2 were D1's but most were Marquis...one of our best weekends ever without a sale going on.

Great weekend...glad I was prompted to be part of it.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 06:43:40 pm by stuart »


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2007, 11:42:42 am »

First you said this:

Maybe you should just go ahead and rename this forum to  
whats the best hot spring .com  
That pretty much what this board consists of most of the time

And then you say this:


Just being a realist and stating a fact, thats all. But thanks for being a unbiased moderator.

I missed something. What "fact" were you stating again?

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2007, 11:49:52 am »
re: "......I'm sick of it.  It might be time for me to move on."

wmccall I would hope you would never "move on".

this place would not be the same without you.

you are a "fair & balanced" moderator and greatly underappreciated!


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2007, 11:52:12 am »
Every time people come on here asking about buying a differnt tub, there is at least one HS dealer if not more coming on here and saying look at this or that, sometimes even sending links to the HS dealer site. Just gets old after while.

This used to be a big pet peeve for me (I've mellowed on it a bit). It can be annoying if done the wrong way and I don’t doubt you’ve seen a Hot Spring owner/dealer do this but it happens with MANY brands. There are owners/dealers who do this for Marquis, Sundance, Jacuzzi, Artesian, Cal Spas, ETC. It is very often done with the best of intentions yet other times its just “homering” and can be annoying, but its hardly a Hot Springs thing.

Sometimes the subject title of the post may even be specific where they may state "I'm considering brand A or B" yet someone may respond "how about brand C" or "you really should see Joe Blow over in Springfield who carries XXXXX spas".

I’ve commented to a few people who were over the top with it in the past but the poster asking will just need to filter as needed. It's not like they're soliciting their opinions to unsuspecting kids on the playground.

BTW, well done Chas and Stuart.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 11:57:52 am by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2007, 12:04:07 pm »
You managed to get there during his open hours to purchase the spa, what is preventing you from getting there to "look at your new spa" during his open hours? Why not just wait for it to hit your back yard, then you can look at it every day? For me, many kudos to
the dealers that close on Sunday. TAKE THE DAY! Enjoy your familys. I wonder how those dealers that close on sunday feel when they get to a store they wanted to check out and find it closed on a Sunday? The NERVE!  ::)

Nope.  I won the tub.   ;).

I need to talk cement pads and since this guy does decks too, I want to try and give him lots of my money for that too. I just wish he made it easer for me.   >:( I mean, come on, no weekends and m-f 9-5?  That's pretty bad.  There's a pool place nerby me that has similliar hours which is a pain for me (and  I imagine others too), but at least that guy is opne during the week later than 5:00.
Other stores manage to keep some after 5:00 hours and be open on the weekends. I wonder how?   ::)

Every time people come on here asking about buying a differnt tub, there is at least one HS dealer if not more coming on here and saying look at this or that, sometimes even sending links to the HS dealer site. Just gets old after while.

well the forum is named whatstheBESThotub, afterall.  :)

/actuallly, I never owned a hotsprings but find their dealers here are consistently some of the best posters.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 12:08:31 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: And I'm not even open on Sundays!
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2007, 12:04:07 pm »


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