I was refilling my tub (1st time) and was reading all the bottles ...this time.
when I noticed this issue.
The leisure time strips say that your calcium should be 250-400. It also says that once you have your PH and AKL correct and the calcium correct then add PH Balance/PH Balance Plus this is suppose to take the ups and downs out of the PH and lock it in for 3-4 months.
My issue is with PH Balance it states on the bottle that it shoulb only be used with Calcium levels of less then 150. Everything over that amount should use the PH Balance plus. OK.....then what is the PH balance for? If you are suppose to only use it in tubs of less then 150.....but less the 250 will give you problems?

The local dealer was just as perplexed and called leisure time....leisure time rep told her ...yeah your right, not sure what you would use PH Balance for.
Any help on this mystry?