Well- I am in my 4th month of ownership of my Niagara. It's overall a great Tub. I have three issues since I got the tub.
1st: One of the screws sets for the panel came out with the door upon installation. No biggie...a little glue
2nd: One of the hand jets did not work after a few weeks. Since the tech has been out, it has never worked the same. The hand jets are different....it's annoying. Once it warms up I will clean those jets and see if that makes a difference.
3rd: the light and air control on the secondary switch do not work anymore. This is a pain, I will need to move the tub out of it's location for them to work on it......I will wait till the spring.
The service from Watson's has been outstanding, however I don't think the initial quality is a 10.
By the way....I am in it 5 times a week and am loving it!

Hope this helps others.