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funny to read this thread....i was out of the store this afternoon and my wife was in charge. A pregnant lady walked in and started talking about having her baby in a hot tub. The hot water is natural anestisia. She would have a mid-wife in the water with her. Beyond that the details became sketchy.....strange day my wife thought......bless her heart
...We have read that a pregnant woman should not get into hot tubs because it raises their core body temp and could effect the baby.
A study published in the November 15, 2003, issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology found that women who used hot tubs or Jacuzzis in early pregnancy were twice as likely to have a miscarriage as women who did not.
I am looking for scientific medical studies that have led to this conclusion. The only one I've been able to find was poorly done --confused bathtubs/whirpool baths/hot tubs, and didn't accurately record water temperatures or length of immersion. Can anyone help?Thanks
I did not look at the links that Why Not posted--perhaps they have some good info. Another forum friend, Fatman, chimed in with his advice--perhaps he'll see this thread and PM you.
I had broached this topic here a couple months ago, as I am pregnant and due in August. I am 17 weeks now....
We have a 5 month old baby...
Continuing on my little mission of spreading a little sunshine... Congratulations! That explains why we haven't seen much of you lately! Boy or girl? Name? Now, please post a picture of him/her in the Stumpinator thread.