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101, did they also compare electrical consumption between the different brands? I'm guessing the brands tested were in the same range.
Jim how many jets are there in the one seat you can dirvert to ?I hope we don't get some crazy rating about pumps and gpm as most would concede that it would be almost impossible to claim anything above 200 and when truly rated most high performing are going to be in the 160 to 180 gpm range.This is an interesting thing about the training and having your competition there to do some side by side compassions. Maybe just maybe Marquis is taking a cue from the 300 billion dollar a year plus auto industry to learn that being able to touch, feel and try your competition is a good thing rather than just assuming you would take the time or have the opportunity to do so on your own. Also this was free and open for you to make your own collusions as you were free to move from any tub of your choice and it was not at lead by anyone at Marquis basically you just had the chance to shop the tubs at your leisure.
Bonni, just know this you are not going to get 160 gallons of water per minute that is concentrated to target one body area for deep therapy from anyone other than Marquis. I mean no one else is even close.
The Power pro MX jet puts out a chit load of water.
Jim,first let me say that I appreciate you and your desire to keep a open but positive discussion going. But Jim you have to help me if those jets were 150 gpm and you had 3 running than that would be 450 gpm that you would need to power them with and I would say its very safe and reasonable to know that there is no one pump or even 2 pumps that work in a spa are going to be 450 gpm.
My Coleman Spas have a flow rate of 160 gpm per pump....guess i might disagree with this contention.
I am not english teacher....but huh? One pump has a circulation of 160 gpm, the second has a 160 gpm this equals 160 gpm per pump. I am thinking gpm is not combined......
MSRP on the Vanguard is around $9995 if this helps.Term
lol...YES they do and they are powering how many jets ? No matter the take on this without the 3 way diverter you can not direct all 160 gallons to only 4 jets and the jets would have to be built and rated for 40 gpm if you did, the hk 40's are disigned for that hence the name. Please remember if your spa was not designed to be able to direct water to only 4 jets than the jets used are not built for that flow rate.
Term remember that the Spa most competitive with the Vanguard would be the 630u or 530u, and would have a similar suggested MSRP. both spas by the way are 2 pump 30 jet spas and are the spa in a non or a double lounge version.