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Author Topic: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy  (Read 10989 times)


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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2007, 02:00:31 pm »
I thought the work was just slang, and therefore was phonetically spelled. I think it is funny that it is a really word, though.

It's a derivative of the word "glockenspiel", which is a type of semi-automatic handgun used in the closing of a commissioned sales spiel, thus the confusion.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2007, 02:00:31 pm »


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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2007, 02:00:50 pm »
Marquis spas has had a consumer digest Best Buy spa every year I have been with them. Personally and perhaps mistakenly I do not use it as part of my sales presentation just a personal choice of mine. I guess I feel that way because for many, the credibility of the endorsement is questionable. And with no disrespect to any of the fine Hot Spring guys here but How long has the Aria been out ?. I would have thought they might have chosen another model for the endorsement since again going back to the credibility thing, since the Aria is so new it would be tough for me to think it is much more than marketing at this point. I am sure its a fine product as are all of the Hot Springs spas.

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2007, 02:39:38 pm »
This may have to be in 2 poarts due to size  :D

Some years back Consummers Digest called and talked to me about receiving their "award". As I recall,  the basic gist of the conversation, or their "schpeal" (their words were very carrefully chosen) translated to, if I gave them something like $10k they would test our hot tubs and allow me to use their logo for a year (if so awarded). They had no interest in "testing" our hot tubs if I wouldn't commit first to paying to use their logo "if" it was awarded to us.

Consumers reports........... yes they accept no advertising. BUT, did you know they accept donations? Here's some interesting stuff I've aquired over the years..............;

This is the "educated opinion of someone who's post was found on a totally unrelated message board;

Consumer Reports results are more common sense or tainted.

Many years ago they published an early review of scientific calculators and downrated the HP's because of their reverse Polish computation method. A raft of letters from scientists convinced them that they had used the wrong criteria to rate the calculators and they changed their ratings.

They compare apples to oranges; a $299 drill versus a $29 drill. It does not take a mental giant to figure out the better made of the two. But is average Joe going to buy the $299 drill or is that for a professional?

A taller than wide vehicle is liable to roll over. Wow, earth shattering news. This would also be true for the old VW and army jeeps, based on poor wheel support rather then logical observation, but I never saw them report it.

Every time they judge glass cleaners, half the article boasts their home mixture is better and cheaper. I have tried it; it does not work as well as the Gunk glass cleaner I use on my windshield, not even close.

I have read that they have accepted six figure donations from Honda, and I have to wonder, do they always rank Honda the best car because of fact or .... Have you ever noticed how a new model Honda has a top mark in reliability based on manufacturer reputation, while others get a N/A or average mark?

I am not saying all they have to say is useless, it does give you some insight into products, but CR does not play fair ball with the ratings far too often. You cannot place a $100 item in the same category as a $1000 item and expect it to be better. They always decide one of the higher end items are better, but does average Joe need to spend or can afford to spend the money on the higher priced unit? Is a Miata going to compete on even ground versus the Aston Martin Vanquish? And which should average Joe buy?

But they fail to take that last question into consideration. Yet they rate products together that have extreme cost differences.

As for accuracy, obviously if they report that a specific model of car is going to be made, they know something no one else on the planet seems to know. Was this a scientific observation, inside information that BMW shared only with them, or just the misguided opinion of the writer? And how much of that flows over into their product ratings? Is that little circle ratings thing more opinion than fact?

I have purchased products they rated as one of the best and been woefully disappointed, and been delighted on products that they have downgraded for one reason or another, the reason never becoming apparent to me after years of use.

After a few years, I started wondering if the ratings had some hidden agenda to facilitate their conclusions and had to stop paying for their statements of the obvious, opinions, apples to oranges comparisons, and sometimes misguided speculation.

Just my humble opinion based on my observations and experience.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2007, 06:57:34 pm »
OK. I have a way to finally put an end to this.

I have found a place where you can get a completely unbiased opinion of spas -

right here, right now.


[size=14]"I think HotSpring makes a fine product. So do many other makers."

There you have it folks! That is my honest opinion, based on years of hands-on research, sales, service, ownership, and careful evalutaion. And not one thin dime of advertising money changed hands.

Now, was that so hard?

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2007, 07:31:44 pm »
I just got through trying out the Aria and ejnoying some Shineer Bock whilst doing so.

What INCREDIBLE POWER!  Jimmy the cricket, the corner seat nearly blowed me across the spa and I ain't a little fella like I'm portrayed on TV.  I found that by putting my foots on the foot jet, I had two equalized forces propelling agin' one another and that was  a pretty unique experienc3e.

The lounge wif the MojoMassage DX was extremely comfrotable and the little ol' heel diggums were fine and dandy for propping agin' the flow.  The calf and kneee jets felt pretty good, but tinier folks would probally get tumped over tail unless they throttle the power back a might.  There waws a  little foot ridge to help keep the mighty Jetstream jet from pussing you out of the back seat.

It was Jimmi Hendrix hour on 96X that i listened to on the radio.  They played Hey JMcD, Arey You Expenrinendced, Purply Haze, Allloonong the Watchtower, and Let me Stand with yoiur Fieere.  It sounderd jgood but I hadve a headache (not fromt he soundysysem, I've have a busy day today gettine g vendours for our VIOP party, which has been changed to Aprile 28th because the 21st is prom night, so if any of you are plaining to come, mark the channege on you calendar.)

I give that little basteard spa a two thumb up!

Gotta go take Meaness and JEsee to Leon's Steakhouse (Savanna is spending night with Lindsey).  Be good to ya'll!

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2007, 09:13:28 pm »
Hopefully you have a designated driver  ;)
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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2007, 10:41:02 pm »
Do your own research and you shouldn't/won't need Consumer's Digest.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2007, 10:43:51 pm by WHY_NOT »


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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2007, 12:19:52 pm »
Do your own research and you shouldn't/won't need Consumer's Digest.

Simplest and truest statement in the thread  ;) ::)
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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2007, 10:49:20 pm »
Does the fact it's consumersdigest.[size=16]com[/size] not org give any indication what it's all about.

pbs.org ... nbc.com

local listener supported radio stations: wwfm.org, wxpn.org

Also the fact is that there is no real test that any manufacturer is that far superior than the rest. There are indications that there are a few manufacturers that are really inferior.

Every aspect of spa ownership or ownership of anything for that matter is subjective.

But what do I know, I own a Hyundai and my dog is not pure bred ... funny though her tail wags and she's happy to see me every time I walk through the door.  I guess you don't need a brand to be happy!


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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2007, 01:50:55 am »
my dog is not pure bred ... funny though her tail wags and she's happy to see me every time I walk through the door.

Yeah, but keep an eye on that thing. You never know. One day, it could be all tail wagging and drooling, the next day she's had her nose pierced, sportin' a tattoo and hangin' out with bikers.


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Hotspring Aria - Consumer's Digest Best Buy
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2007, 01:50:55 am »


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