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Author Topic: Sundance's chem regimen  (Read 4362 times)


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Re: Sundance's chem regimen
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2007, 06:46:49 pm »
Reese or whoever else is familar with mixing chambers, this is the Proclear system that Jacuzzi uses. I have a question, is number 6 the mixing chamber and does it come standard with the actual ozonator? When the tech came to install my ozonater I don't recall him adding anything but the actual ozonater. I will be checking to see if I have #6 when the rain stops. I'm concerned that I don't as you can tell from my previous posts that all my plastic parts above the waterline are starting to discolor alot, even my cover is lookin pretty bad. Reese brought the mixing chamber to my attention and now I'm rather curious to see if I have one or not. Do they really help in minimizing the discoloration of the plastics? I think I might just get rid of it altogether. Anyone interested in a 4 month old ozonator? ;)



1. Two 60 Sq. Ft. Filters drive the ProClear filter system. One filter is dedicated to the 24-hour circulation system pump, turning the water over an average of 25 times each day. The second filter (not shown) works during normal use for maximum purification.
   2. 24-hour circulation pump operates on .5 amp of electricity (same as a standard light bulb) slowly and efficiently moving water through the system. This pump is ideally balanced to work effectively with all components in the system.
   3. Heater features an ultra low-wattage, energy-conserving stainless steel heating element. The energy-saving system allows water to pass over the heater slowly, increasing the efficient transfer of heat to water.
 4. ProClear Ozone Injector* infuses a steady stream of ozone into the spa water, maximizing the purifying effect.
   5. ProClear Ozonator* utilizes corona discharge technology, producing three times the concentration of ozone over standard UV-ozone systems. The ProClear process will consistently produce cleaner, clearer water day after day for worry-free use.
   6. ProClear Dispersion Chamber System* maximizes the ozone effect through prolonged contact with the water. It increases sanitization and eliminates residual ozone as it is returned to the spa through the ozone jet.

Part number six is your mixing chamber.  It should be visible from the equipment compartment, right side...unless they have changed things in four years.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sundance's chem regimen
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2007, 06:46:49 pm »


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Re: Sundance's chem regimen
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2007, 06:51:51 pm »
Yes, that is the "mixing chamber".  That part, combined with the length of tubing between the injector and the fitting that returns the water to the tub are intended to increase the contact time to get the ozone into the water, rather than just off-gassing without doing anything other than damaging your cover and headrests.  Many systems just rely on a length of tubing, with no extra canister to try to increase absorption, so at least Jacuzzi is trying something to address the issue.  I have no idea if it is effective or not, and I don't know if Jacuzzi tubs come with the mixing chamber pre-installed.

There can be a lot of use left between initial discoloration and  noticable damage/need for replacement, and I'm sure some colors are more susceptible than others.  Be aware that chlorine off-gassing can also cause discoloration, especially if the cover isn't left open after application.  Bromine tubs, with the bromine/chlorine mixture constantly dissolving/off-gassing can get similar damage. Since you aren't satisfied, it is worth a visit with the dealer and/or a Jacuzzi factory rep to document your concerns.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2007, 06:54:27 pm by Reese »


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Re: Sundance's chem regimen
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2007, 07:09:09 pm »
Thanks guys. :)


I'm pretty sure that I'm giving the chlorine enough time to off gas. After my post soak doses, I always wait atleast 10 minutes before shuttin' her down. In the 4 months I've I had my tub, I've only superchloronated 4 times and I leave the cover fully open for a minimum of an hour. Is this enough or should I be waiting even longer?


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Re: Sundance's chem regimen
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2007, 10:04:16 pm »
... After my post soak doses, I always wait atleast 10 minutes before shuttin' her down. In the 4 months I've I had my tub, I've only superchloronated 4 times and I leave the cover fully open for a minimum of an hour. Is this enough or should I be waiting even longer?
IMO, that's plenty.  I figure that as long as you wait until the initial chlorine cloud is gone, you're good.  I notice a big dropoff in off-gassing after 5 min on a regular dose, and 15 on a shock.  I give it more time (15/30) when the weather is nice, but cover it up sooner in the winter to save heat.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sundance's chem regimen
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2007, 10:04:16 pm »


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