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Author Topic: Bubbles after Cleaning Tri-X Filters  (Read 2720 times)


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Bubbles after Cleaning Tri-X Filters
« on: February 24, 2007, 11:29:46 am »
I ran my filters through the dishwasher this morning.  I have done this two other times without problems.  No heat, No Detergent, No Rinse Aide.  Put the filters back in the tub and got bubbles like I've never seen before.  I have scooped out as much of the suds as I can.  I am shocking the tub with full shock Chlorine dose and some MPS for good measure.  

Assuming some soap has gotten in the tub, will shocking help?
Any other suggestions?
(I use Nature2 silver cartridges so I don't want to use any defoamer if I can avoid it)
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Bubbles after Cleaning Tri-X Filters
« on: February 24, 2007, 11:29:46 am »


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Re: Bubbles after Cleaning Tri-X Filters
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2007, 11:38:59 am »
What I have found works is to scoop out as much as I can and then hit it with a dose of MPS.

I don't use a dishwasher but do use a filter cleaner in the summer months ... I have found using a bucket of clean water, inverting the filter (opening on top) and pulling the filter briskly from the bucket of water, soaking and repeating works great. I do this about 3 times - I soak the filter, pull it from the water quickly, push it back into the water, repeat about 4 more times, change water out, let it soak again in clean water for 1/2 hour and repeat ....

I have 2 sets of filters so it may be easier for me to do ....


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Re: Bubbles after Cleaning Tri-X Filters
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2007, 12:27:57 pm »
You probably had a soap residule in the bottom of your dishwasher...

How do you get into the pleats using the dishwasher? Don't the pleats go at an angle that you can't reach? Maybe you still have some residule in there that you just stirred up with the dishwasher.


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Re: Bubbles after Cleaning Tri-X Filters
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2007, 12:45:27 pm »
You probably had a soap residule in the bottom of your dishwasher...

How do you get into the pleats using the dishwasher? Don't the pleats go at an angle that you can't reach? Maybe you still have some residule in there that you just stirred up with the dishwasher.

I think your right, Stuart.  I must have had some soap in the bottom of the dishwasher.  Next time, I'm gonna let the machine fill and empty first, then put in the filters and restart the cycle.  It's just weird that this didn't happen the first two times I did this.

I just started using the dishwasher with the Tri-Ex filters since HS says its ok.  But in the summer when its warmer, I think I will also do the high pressure garden hose rinse after the dishwasher.

What a mess!  I hate suds in the tub!
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Re: Bubbles after Cleaning Tri-X Filters
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2007, 12:51:48 pm »
I'm still wondering about the volutes....Again, don't those pleats go at an angle that you can't see into the bottom corners? If so you could easily built oil, lotion and soaps that would cause foam if you just took the top layer off.


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Re: Bubbles after Cleaning Tri-X Filters
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2007, 02:54:49 pm »
I'm still wondering about the volutes....Again, don't those pleats go at an angle that you can't see into the bottom corners? If so you could easily built oil, lotion and soaps that would cause foam if you just took the top layer off.

That is a thought.  The pleats are as you describe.  But the filters are fairly new as they came with the tub.  I was planning on soaking them in cleaner next month when I do my first re-fill.  I shocked with both chlorine and MPS and scooped out a ton of suds.  Doesn't look too bad right now.  

My water has been absolutely perfect during this first fill.  Much better than with my old Prodigy at this point.  (No ozone/using bromide)  I think it must be the Ozonator and/or the Nature2.  Whatever it is, I'm not gonna change it!
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Re: Bubbles after Cleaning Tri-X Filters
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2007, 02:54:49 pm »


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