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Topic: Inside or out? (Read 5372 times)
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Sundance Maxxus Super Tub
Inside or out?
February 12, 2007, 10:09:38 pm »
I am curious. Anyone who has read my posts knows that my wife and I hardly ever use our tub. We were discussing this last weekend with some friends and they thought we were avoiding it because of our cold temperatures. That combined with the fact the tub is 8' outside our back door under the stars and past a snow mound may very well have something to do with it. Think snow walking in slippers, robes, etc. Anyone else experience this lack of winter tub use? How often does everyone use their tubs? Would an inside tub be more used? Please sound off!
Hot Tub Forum
Inside or out?
February 12, 2007, 10:09:38 pm »
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #1 on:
February 12, 2007, 10:27:55 pm »
My new tub is going inside. We are adding a few additons onto the house this spring and the tub will start off in there. I will be able to move it outdoors easily if I choose to in the future.
I have some young children that I think will get more use out of it year round indoors. My wife is a wimp and hates the cold so I know she will use it more indoors. I must say after seeing "tubaholics" room I was inspired to create a room similar to his.
Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 10:30:44 pm by xrdirthead
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #2 on:
February 12, 2007, 10:33:30 pm »
I use my spa almost every night in the winter but I don't have the cold weather to deal with in So Cal. I was thinking the snow would make it more enjoyable.
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #3 on:
February 12, 2007, 11:58:28 pm »
My tub is indoors on my back porch...I use it 1 or 2 times a day.....I have windows....I can see the snow and the sky
I know if it were outside, I would NOT use it near as much.
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #4 on:
February 13, 2007, 03:11:41 am »
Mine is outside, and I wouldn't have it any other way.......but I do live in CA!
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #5 on:
February 13, 2007, 03:20:22 am »
I'm with Anne, I would have it no other way. I find I use it more in the winter (here in Northern Minnesota) than I do in the summer. Perfect tubbing weather is around 30 degrees with light snow.
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #6 on:
February 13, 2007, 06:03:58 am »
Mine's outside.
For me, the experience of soakin' with nature's elements is what makes it that much more enjoyable.
If my tub was indoors I would use it less for the reason above.
I've been averaging 4 times a week this winter.
Last Edit: February 13, 2007, 06:13:31 am by WHY_NOT
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #7 on:
February 13, 2007, 07:21:22 am »
I also do not think I would use it as much if it were inside. For me, the whole experience is being outdoors.
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #8 on:
February 13, 2007, 08:29:58 am »
Mine is outside but under a roof. I didn't want to shovel snow to use my tub.
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #9 on:
February 13, 2007, 08:46:36 am »
If a tub is outdoors in a cold climate, proximity to the house is critical. If I had to walk very far, I would probabaly rarely use it....My tub is about 4 feet from my back door..I love it outside because it gives us a chance to experience the winter in a way so different than we ever have. My husband HATES winter, snow..cold anything to do with it..But because we have the tub, he claims he can now enjoy it..
So for us, it needs to be outside..but close to the house
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #10 on:
February 13, 2007, 09:25:46 am »
My tub is outside in New England and I love it. I bought it specifically to use during the winter (Get me out of the house, and able to enjoy the backyard and fresh air). I love having a drink after work and sitting outside. I don't use it when it's bitter cold (say below zero) but love it when it's snowing. My tub is only about 3 feet from the door, so it's not a big deal, but I love the tub so much, from what I hear 8 feet doesn't sound too far.
The only problem I have in the winter is dry skin. The cold dry air really does a job on my skin and I found if I use the tub every night...forget it. I'll be red and itchy. Even if I use creams and lotions. In the winter, I use my tub about 3 times a week.
A big storm is heading in tonight. I'll be counting the snowflakes from the tub tonight.
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #11 on:
February 13, 2007, 09:32:54 am »
i prefer an outside hot tub here in Texas.....
if i want an inside soak.... I simply slip in my oversized jetted bathtub.
this way you have either option.
Last Edit: February 13, 2007, 09:33:18 am by Zep
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #12 on:
February 13, 2007, 11:31:02 am »
My tub is outdoors but under a deck with an under deck roof in a moderate climate in Georgia and only a few feet from the door. For example it was 65 yesterday but will likely be a high of 40 and lows in the 20's by tomorrow. Don't get a lot of snow. But I don't think I would want it indoors even if I did live in the frozen north although some type of mostly glass sunroom that could be opened or closed as desired or partially protected porch might be nice in a really cold/windy/snowy environment. Not being used to really cold weather I might not use it much either if it were unprotected and well away from the door.
And I do like that it is protected/covered during rain or the rare ice/snow occasions even here where the weather isn't too bad.
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #13 on:
February 13, 2007, 12:30:00 pm »
We love it outside and never even considered putting it inside and we're in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Up Nort eh?) I've never timed it, but I think I have the tub opened up and stepping in in less than 15 seconds. Even when it's below 0F I go out in just the towel, bare feet and all. I keep the deck cleared of snow so my feet are fine. BTW, our tub is about 10 feet from the door.
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #14 on:
February 13, 2007, 12:49:03 pm »
We are also in MN, and use our outdoor tub much more in the winter than in warmer weather. As others have said, being able to sit and enjoy the out of doors, even when temps are below 0, is the best part about owning a hot-tub for us.
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Re: Inside or out?
Reply #14 on:
February 13, 2007, 12:49:03 pm »
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