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The only problem  I can see (but you are the pro sales person) is  how will alll these people feel being togehtor, and trying to do a wet test....wouldn't a one on one, more quiet setting be better for them if they are seriously considering a purchase?
and receives room and board with the Term family.
Shiite, I'll pay anyone who wants to come babysit Ol' Meanness' Tiny Little Ball of Pissin' Hate and Big Mean Like Her Momma Sister!Term
I have no doubt that you'd be an excellent babysitter, drewstar. Â Your resume is impeccable:
LOL, it seems as if Drewstar has an "Innie"!!!
I'm also good with animals. Do you have any pets Term?
I'll be happy to be the "middleman" again, PM'ing any images deemed inappropriate yet still requested by most of us out here...... Leaky
Quote[/LOLOL. Love it Term!!!Someone needs to insert a caption,as to the thoughts of the man staring at the top of the greatest spa delivery service/show on earth!
[/LOLOL. Love it Term!!!Someone needs to insert a caption,as to the thoughts of the man staring at the top of the greatest spa delivery service/show on earth!