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Author Topic: Fill Startup +dead ozonator = cloudy water?  (Read 2435 times)


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Fill Startup +dead ozonator = cloudy water?
« on: September 26, 2010, 05:08:48 pm »
Okay, I need the experts.   

2003 Sweetwatr Bahia.   We've had the startup process down pretty perfectly for seven years, until - a water change siz weeks ago.   Since then water quality has been a TREMNDOUS struggle.    What happened six weeks ago is the ozonator was keeping my tub from powering up, so I disconnected the power to the ozonator and then the tub powered up fine.   I've pretty much been of the belief - ozonator. schmozonator.  I'll live with out.   But perhaps I'm wrong?

In the last few weeks, we've changed the water three times trying to keep it clear. 

Generally we'd fill, then MetalOut and then PH Balance.   One hour after the PH Balance, cloudy.   

The last time it was fill, then a new filter cartridge, MetalOut.  (NO PH Balance)  Clear thus far.  PH lookin' good.   Then a soak and i throw in the usual dose of di-chlor.   Uggggh, now it's getting cloudy again.   

So, is this dead ozonator the culprit?   Is it a problem to leave the ozonator in line, (from a plumbing perspective), but have the ozonator power disconnected?   Do I have to remove the ozonator completely?

Advice?  anyone?

Thanks, - tim

Hot Tub Forum

Fill Startup +dead ozonator = cloudy water?
« on: September 26, 2010, 05:08:48 pm »


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Re: Fill Startup +dead ozonator = cloudy water?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2010, 07:23:36 am »
I figure my ozonator has been out at least 5 years. Anything else change? Somebody using a new moisturizer that they aren't showering off before?  What are you using to balance the PH?  Is the metal out really old?
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Re: Fill Startup +dead ozonator = cloudy water?
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2010, 07:46:03 pm »
I agree with Bill about the ozonator (or lack thereof) not likely the cause of your cloudy water.  I happen to feel that the more you "do" to clear up a water issue - the worse it gets! 

My ozonator light hasn't been 'on' for 2 - 3 years - yet I have clear water.  I do very minimal chemistry for my spa - a Marquis Quest.  Mineral cartridge & Bromine cartridge in the 'in line' circulation system.  Shock once per week.  One hour circulation time twice per day - and I always have clear water until TDS (todal dissolved solids) gets high around 4 - 5 months - and I know it is time for a water change! 

Try the "kiss" principal and see if your problem 'clears' up! 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Fill Startup +dead ozonator = cloudy water?
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2010, 07:46:03 pm »


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