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Felt great getting in, not so good getting out. Last night, with the wind, it hit minus 28 and I braved it to take a soak. Water was set to 103 however the difference between my body temp and my head team (even while wearing a winter hat) was too much to bear.
That's a typical winter day in Ontario, Canada. Today it's back up to -15 Celcius, and it feels like Spring!
-28 Celcius? That's -18 farihenit for us Americans. Â Â Holly Molly! Â
Can you convert Kilometers as well?? I hate the metric system. Is anyone other than us, that's U.S., not using the metric system??
Thank you for the conversion (assuming it's correct ). Can you convert Kilometers as well?? I hate the metric system. Is anyone other than us, that's U.S., not using the metric system?? -18F is definitely cold. We're looking at a high of 1F for this coming sunday. It will be interesting getting in/out, especially if there is any wind at all.
:)I forget what life was like before Google.
I have to convert to Kg every day, because of our archaic, illogical system. I cant wait till the U.S. goes metric!!!!!! It is the rest of the world that has already figured it out!
 (Real minus, not that girly Canadian minus)
At 41 years of age I was in high school when Canada officially converted to the metric system