I've spent the last 2 weekends out at the Maude Cobb Convention Center participating in the East Texas Boat and RV Show and the East Texas Builder's Association Home Show, respectively.
Some of the things people says and does at these shows:
1. Redneck: "Are these them spas wif da TV's in them?"
Term: "Where in the world did you see a spa wif a TV in it?"
Redneck: "On TV."
Term: "Oh....no sir, our customers sometimes enjoy doing something BESIDES watching TV."
Redneck: "We really like TV."
Term: "I can tell. You might want to just get one of those little TV's and ducttape it to the front of yer baseball cap so you can have it with you all the time."
Redneck: "Sheeeet....dat'd be COOL!"
2. Redneck (lifting up filter lid on a Tiger River Sumatran): "Is dis a toilet in here?"
Term: "I suppose it could be.......actually, sir, it's the filter compartment."
Redneck: "Looks like a portapotty."
Term: "Most people looking at spas usually aren't trying to figure out how to use the bathroom in it as their first reaction."
Redneck (grunting sound): "Hhhnnnnnhh...I s'pose so. You could 'bout fit in der, tho."
3. Large woman riding a Little Rascal Scooter: "Are ya'll giving these away?"
Term: "Practically, ma'am. They start at $3,200."
Large woman: "That there's a LOT of money!!! Other people are giving things away!"
Term: "Yes ma'am....they're giving away pencils, yardsticks, balloons, and coffee mugs. I've got a brochure you can have."
Large woman snorts and burns rubber out of my booth.
4. Toothless woman (looking at Solana TX 2-person spa): "Ya got anything smaller?"
Term: "No ma'am....that's about as small as a spa gits."
Toothless: "Well, it's just too big. My house is only 8 foot wide."
Term: "That's pretty narrow!"
Toothless: "Yep, we live in a motor home."
Term: "Oh. Well, good luck."
5. Guy: "Yeah, we bought a spa from ya'll at the mall and it's broke."
Term: "You bought a HotSpring Spa?"
Guy: "Yeah, a Master Spa."
Term: "Ohhhh....you bought a Master Spa from the Master Spa people. We're not affiliated with them."
Guy: "Bullsquat!!! They said you'd fix it if there were problems."
Term: "I'm sorry, sir, they misled you. We only service HotSpring Spas."
Guy: "That's a bunch of bullsquat! Ya'll damn sure better take care of the problem!"
Term: "Listen here, WE didn't sell you a spa, WE have no agreement with you, and if you'll show me the paperwork where it says otherwise, I would just LOVE to see it."
Guy: "You just bet I will, buddy!"
Term: "Enjoy the show."
Nothing but good times!
