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What about Lithium? Just a thought.
Lithium hypochlorite is a chlorine compound. Is there another lithium based approach I'm not aware of?glfahlc, if you haven't already, take a look at the Vermonter and Northman approaches in the FAQ at rhtubs.com. A lot of us use a chlorine dose-after-use approach that results in little exposure to chlorine while you are soaking. I'd try that before moving on to more costly alternative programs. If you decide to consider the Vermonter approach, be sure to check out a contentious thread on sanitation from the last two weeks for both sides of the issue.
Nope, thats the one. some of our customers who find the Chlorine too harsh are using Lithium.
Don't worry about shock this or that or sanitize the other thing and all that other stuff.
Here is what I've done for most of the past 20 years. Get a 10 buck little floater chlorine dispenser and put 1" chlorine pucks in it at the rate of 1 puck per 100 gallons (get the cheapest tabs you can find - usually at Wal-Mart). After a fresh fill, open the dispenser half way. After a day or two, close it down to where only two tabs (or vents, depending on model) are shown. When the puck is the diamater of a quarter, repeat. If you get that strong chlorine smell after the first day, shut down the dispenser for a day or so and open slowly each day thereafter.Depending on how heavily the tub is used, you may have to adjust the vents a bit one way or another but you'll soon find the "sweet spot" on the dispenser and unless your habits change it will be automatic from then on. Don't fool with Ph unless the water feels too soft or too hard to your body - that is the real test, not what some strip says. Don't worry about shock this or that or sanitize the other thing and all that other stuff. You will go nuts trying to get everything perfect and chances are you'll mess things up worse more often than not. The less you fool with chemicals the cheaper it will be and the better for you and your equipment. Just be sure to change or clean the filter every month (again, depends on use), refill the tub fresh at least quarterly and stabilize the water right away to where it smells and feels right to you - that is the real secret.
...my very first post asked why was there all this over analysis and almost rabid obsession with chemicals... It was scary until I learned some people are just obsessed with this subject... it is not the rocket science some chem addicts make it out to be...