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I'm not sure if my taylor kit has an issue? Â What could cause this?
And, i also added the thiosulfate drops prior to the phenol red to neutralize the chlorine.
 My bromine (floater) is at 3-4PPM. Â
how can the PH be 8 on the taylor and low 7s on the strips (2 unique strip makers too).
Thanks all. Â I have the K-2005 complete (high). Â I'm sure it is much more accurate than the strips. Â Thats why i bought it., but man, how can the PH be 8 on the taylor and low 7s on the strips (2 unique strip makers too). Guess the only way is to bring it to a dealer to test.
 How often should I have to refill the regents in the K-2005? Â
I posted the original post here and wanted to follow up. Â There is definitely an issue with the taylor test kit, or something in the water interfering with the PH test.I took a sample of tap water and tested it. Â The test strips (2 brands) both came up with ph sub 7 (6.7 or so). Â The taylor kit gives me a purple/red result that is closest to 8.0. Â The tests for alk, calcium, and chlorine/bromine all matched between the strips and the taylor kit (40, 100, <1, respectively).So what is happening? Â I've tried adding the thiosulfate in 1, 2, and 5 drops. Â The tap water test removes that from the equation anyway.Perplexed.
Where's the best place to get a Taylor test kit? How much would I expect to pay?Thanks,Bluesman 8-)