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Author Topic: Local spas maker question?    (Read 7289 times)


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Local spas maker question?  
« on: January 18, 2007, 01:24:01 pm »
I am doing some intense research and visiting many different avenues to getting the best hot tub for the amount of money that we will be putting into it.  I visited a dealer yesterday that specializes in spas, pools, and decks.  After talking with the salesman he says that the company makes their own spas right out of a factory in the Tidewater area where I am located.  He said that they have been in business for 20 years.  He also went over the warranty and such, and it seems to be a good deal.  The question that I have is about the insulation and plumbing.  He said they do a process of shrink wrapping the tub and then spraying the insulation on.  Has anybody heard about this and is it effective?  He being a salesmen said that the electric bill would only go up about $15-$20.  The hot tub that they manufacture is called a seaons pro II.  It is 82'' X82" 35" Deep.  The weight is 665 pounds dry.  Capacity is 375 Gallons.  Pack:  240 V electronic 2-pump pack with digital topside control.  The pumps are 4 HP High Volume 2 speed and 6 HP High Volume 1 Speed with a frame of 56, whatever that means I am not so sure.  The filter is 50 Sq ft pressure filter.  It has 52 hydro-therapy jets, 1 ozone jet, diverter valve for multizone therapy.  Cabinet is made of permawood and has 4 removable sides.  It also has 2 handrails, 3 spa pillows, and light.   He said that $4,900 and then a special they are running would be $500 which includes lifter, stairs, spa caddy, towel rack, and led light system.  We called the BBB to see if there was any major complaints with this dealer and in the past 36 months all they keep track of there was 3 incidents that were reported, 2 of which were resolved, and 1 of which was administratively closed because the BBB felt the business did everything they could but the customer was still unhappy.   Any thoughts about this would be greatly appreciated, just trying to educate myself.    

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Local spas maker question?  
« on: January 18, 2007, 01:24:01 pm »


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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2007, 01:32:48 pm »
I would tend to stick with the major manufacturers, if I were you.  "You get what you pay for" certainly holds true with spas as well as with most other appliances/services.

Should you decide to pursue a spa from this manufacturer and since the "factory" is in your area, I would ask to see the factory.  That way you should be able to see spas in various stages of completion.  Run away as fast as you can if you see one guy working on one spa in a neighborhood garage... 8-)
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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2007, 02:09:55 pm »
Also ask to see the warranty- IN WRITING.  Read it and make sure you understand it.
Especially find out how you'd get service, and who'd be doing it.
 Spraying on insulation doesn't really tell much- how much and what type of foam?
  In warmer climates or places with lower electric rates it might not matter- but if you have high power rates or cold climate, insulation is important.
 Ask what they base this $15 increase in electric bill on- if the salesperson states a dollar amount, ask to see that stated in writing too, or don't put any credence in it.  
 What brand name are these spas sold under- and do they have a website?


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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2007, 02:33:34 pm »
I do not believe they have a website but they are produced by Creative Spas & Decks Inc.  


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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2007, 03:04:32 pm »
Before committing to this type of a deal, you owe it to yourself to check out the components, construction and warranty of a couple of well-known brands to compare to your local alternative.  Building spas is not rocket-science, and this may  be a well-made unit -- but there are also a lot of poorly constructed spas that look/sound good on the internet or in a sales presentation.


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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2007, 04:12:51 pm »
Before I/we purchased our lastest tub,which is a Caldera...we went the route you are considering. We purchased a spa which is made in town,for around 2500 bucks. Sadly,I did no research prior to THAT purchase,and not knowing chit bout tubs etc,thought it was a good deal/tub.  After 3 months of ownership,we sold it at a loss,and then I did hard core research and WET-TESTING of various tubs etc.

My suggestion would be,to take your time and research any and all tubs you can in your area,and most importantly,WET-TEST! As others have mentioned,see what the warranty/service will be like during the duration of ownership etc.

Lastly,I would stay away from internet purchases as far as buying a spa/hot-tub.


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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2007, 10:49:31 pm »
I have heard this factory mention on another Forum site. I was in va beach today, and travel there weekly, Thought I'd seen all the dealer in area , Just haven't come across this Creative Spas & Decks Inc. ,, have you got address for the dealer. not that I am looking a spa, just like to check out the locals. I would agree on this with the other poster's. and make sure the shell or tub isn't thin. so not to crack on you . and How many model do they have? 20 years and no dealer's here on outer banks N,C  that I know of. for  two pumps,all you mention to boot, seems like a deal. Do look hard at were they are cutting cost. Let us know what you find out on this factory. Best of luck


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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2007, 08:17:55 am »
Mack the address is 1949 Lynnhaven Parkway Virginia Beach Virginia 23453.  You know off had what they were saying about this company off the other forum?  Thanks.  


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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2007, 11:31:28 am »
The one thing I think of here is the price they quoted you.  If they are as small as they sound, they cannot buy materials anywhere close to what the majors are buying them for.  Thus, there are tradeoffs.  Find out what they are not doing that the majors do so you know what they are.

What I have found is:

You can get a great spa with lots of features, but its not cheap.

You can get a great spa that is cheap, but not a lot of features.

You can get a cheap spa with a lot of features, but it is not great.

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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2007, 11:52:04 am »
The one thing I think of here is the price they quoted you.  If they are as small as they sound, they cannot buy materials anywhere close to what the majors are buying them for.  Thus, there are tradeoffs.  Find out what they are not doing that the majors do so you know what they are.

What I have found is:

You can get a great spa with lots of features, but its not cheap.

You can get a great spa that is cheap, but not a lot of features.

You can get a cheap spa with a lot of features, but it is not great.

Simmilair to the adage we used to say in software engineering "Quick,- cheap -good" pick any two

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"Cheap- good - features"  pick any two
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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2007, 06:54:32 pm »
http://www.hottubsparatings.com/cgi-bin/reviews.pl  .....check out this web address you may find it very help full. I look on other forums and searched pass threads no luck on creative spa. I cannot remember any thing except someone posting and asking about them and there wasn't much known about them. I will be in va. tuesday if I got time I will look them up; You may look at rec warehouse. start there their spas are very cheap made hit on the side of one and the shell will sound like a hollow door. From there you are at the bottom lol and hopefully on your way up.before christmas at home depot in great bridge was a spa for 1500 and the seat was cracked real bad good 14", I asked a sales person what happen and she said someone jumped in to it,,, No good ,,


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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2007, 12:36:06 am »
The brand of spa is sold under the Futura name and I'm going to assume that Futura Marketing Ltd, 3700 Progress Road, Norfolk, VA is where they are manufactured. Phone Number 757-855-0381.

The description of the company lists it as a wholesaler for swimming pools, equipment & supplies, and a manufacturer of prefabricated wood buildings and plastic swimming pools. It doesn't mention the manufacturing of hot tubs though. I couldn't find any website info for the manufacturer or the store either.


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Re: Local spas maker question?  
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2007, 12:36:06 am »


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