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I just heard a sound bite on the news the other night about chlorine and a link to higher cancer risk. Specifically I think they were talking about bladder cancer. Beyond the link to drinking water they said something about skin absorption.Did anyone hear this? Anyone know any more info, was this a new study? I know there were some studies back a few years ago but I am not finding any info on the web about any new study.
You know Verm, (May I call you Verm?)
Side note - I run my spa so that there is usually 1PPM or less when I soak. I think most of us do. I add Dichlor after I soak, and it is usually back down to <1PPM the next time I go to use it.
DBPs actually have a number of forms - the group cited in the study are the Trihalomethanes (THM's). THM's have been reportedly linked to cancer for years. Many drinking water suppliers are switching away from the use of "straight" chlorine to chloramines (!) or ozone, followed by chlorine or chloramines in an effort to reduce DBP levels in their treated water and to comply with more stringent EPA regulations.
The plant I work at switched to chloramination for that reason. After ironing out the commissioning problems two years ago, things seem to be working well
Out of curiosity, did you notice any more Total Coliform positives in your distribution system after your switch to chloramines (assuming that in Canada, as in the US, water systems have to routinely sample a number of points in their distribution system for total coliforms)?Vermonter
Strangely, part of the reason for the change over was due to the number of coliform "hits" in the distribution system. Two years have pasted and things are now alot better