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Author Topic: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems  (Read 14537 times)


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Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« on: January 06, 2007, 01:57:00 pm »
I don't have a stereo in my HS Envoy but I sure wish I did. I would like to build my own system but I don't know where to start. Any recommendations from dealers or owners who have built their own?

I'm not looking to spend a ton of money but want something that sounds decent. Can someone provide a list of components I could look at?
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

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Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« on: January 06, 2007, 01:57:00 pm »


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2007, 01:59:34 pm »
To start with I'd put most of your money in the speakers. I like the outdoor Bose. Then I would go with something at Sam's to juice them with.


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2007, 02:02:51 pm »

Buy a good Quality Speaker... You won't need an extremely powerful AMplifier unless you are planning on throwing alot of outdoor parties. Bose makes great outdoor Speakers!


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2007, 02:09:53 pm »
Well I've been thinking of an el cheapo way is an MP3 player and a set of computer speakers. You can up that to an IPOD and one of their speaker accessories. If it's for personal listening ... a MP3 player and headphones.

Getting fancier, a cheap stereo and some water resistant speakers. Picking up a $100 stereo and some Bose or other outdoor speaker may sound great. Put the stereo into something waterproof and you got something there. I've also thought of wireless speakers.

Next would be a marine stereo and enclosure with marine speakers or outdoor speakers. You might be able to mount the stereo inside the cabinet (there may be some extra voltage) coming out of the controller and if there were marine speakers ... put them into the cabinet as well.

I guess ultimately the best would be running speakers from the home stereo. I know my stereo will accept an auxillary IR recptor for controlling the sound from another room (or outdoors).

Quite honestly, I doubt I would listen to much music anyway since it would have to be fairly loud when al the pumps are on especially with air ... it would definately disturb the neighbors.


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2007, 02:15:30 pm »
I don't recall if your tub has the option for a Spaudio or not - does it have four buttons on the Aux panel?

If so, you might consider buying a set of transducers from a reputable, good-looking HotSpring dealer. That will give you lots of bottom end, and you will never have to worry about the speakers succumbing to weather or water damage.

To get that real crisp, clear high-range sound, you can add a set of outdoor speakers. If you go speakers only, then do as has been suggested and spend most of your budget on the speakers. But if you are adding them to a system with the Transducers in the tub, you can go with almost any outdoor speaker and get great results.

BTW - I have a couple of Spaudio amps (the first ones, not the new digital ones) which I would sell at cost - but be warned that they are heavy beasts, so the shipping would be a few bucks.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2007, 03:12:48 pm »
We offer outdoor speakers, The best value I know of are the Wave Audio, they are designed by the engineer who was with Klipsch and also Polk audio, the only speaker I know that are par with them for sound are the Klipsch but for more dollars. Yamaha has very nice sounding speakers that are very reasonable. We also carry both entry level and high end rock speakers as well those made by TIC that are nice and blend into a flower bed or garden.


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2007, 07:49:07 pm »
We offer outdoor speakers, The best value I know of are the Wave Audio, they are designed by the engineer who was with Klipsch and also Polk audio, the only speaker I know that are par with them for sound are the Klipsch but for more dollars. Yamaha has very nice sounding speakers that are very reasonable. We also carry both entry level and high end rock speakers as well those made by TIC that are nice and blend into a flower bed or garden.

Thanks 101. Is this what you sell?

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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2007, 08:36:54 pm »

How do you like your HS Envoy. I looked at one at my local dealer today. The lounge seat is real comfortable. How long have you had yours. They want 9K complete with delivery and set-up for an '06 floor model dry.(premium steps, cover, lifter and starter chem kit)


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2007, 09:21:12 pm »

Thanks 101. Is this what you sell?

Yes and if you want to drive up to hear them let me know. I understand their are some Bose fans here but I think most would agree that if you can see the $399.00 speakers at Best Buy and A/B the Bose and Klipsch there is no comparison. The wave Audio can be bought for under $300.00
« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 09:21:40 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2007, 10:50:09 pm »
Funny, when I was building my home theater system I was looking at the Klipsh Quintet series speakers and I know that Klipsh was a name that was good back in the 70's as was Advent. But I hadn't been into stereo systems for quite a while and thought that Klipsh may have gone the way of Advent. The last pair of speakers I bought before the home theater was a pair of Polks and they sounded great. I keep hearing a lot of positives about Klipsh.

I realized how far speakers have come in design so I opted to buy smaller speakers, hence the Quintets, but couldn't find a center channel for them at the time. I bought BIC DV-32's instead and they sound very good. I have the BIC DV-52 for outside and they sound good as well. I was a little sorry that I didn't buy a better speaker system but as I get older I relize that I can't hear the higher frequencies anyway.

I used to have a graphic equalizer on my stereo system that I planned on using but unfortunately my HT reciever can't accept it and it's a Yamaha ( I always wanted a Yamaha) - shows you where the mind set is these days - it'll produce 6 different sound fields BUT I can't taylor the sound of the speakers for music to offset where they are placed.

Oh, BTW the cost of my BIC speakers were $10 a piece + shipping - perhaps the greatest find I ever had!


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2007, 09:30:06 am »
I can't speak on how the Bose compares to the Klipsh or Polks, but I do have a pair of the Bose 251 enviromental speakers out on my deck and they are fantastic.  I have a large yard, (the back "area" where I entertain is about 100' x 250')   and they can fill the place nicley during a cookout with quality sound without a problem, as well as provide  nice background music while I have a quiet dinner on my deck. (keep in mind, outdoor acoustics are significantly different than indoors )   They've been mouted out on my deck for 3 years now and perform flawlessly.

A close friend has the Bose 151's and while decent, I don't think the sound quality can compare. The drivers in the 251 are angled to provided  greater range than drivers mounted in a conventional speaker.

If you are considering outdoors speakers, you should at least listen and compare the Bose 251.

The only thing I'd give a heads up on, is to get quality sound in the hot tub, the speakers really need to be close to the tub, and angled towards the tub. I honestly don't get great sound in the tub with the jets on full, and my outdoor speakers are off to the side, near the dining area.

Anyhow,  I like them, would compare them to any other outdoor speaker, and would suggest you listen for youself.

Yup. I'm a bit biased towards Bose, as they are a local company here in MA, and have a great reputation. My lovely wife just gave me a pair of these for our living room.  Once again, I am beyond pleased with them. :)

« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 10:09:58 am by drewstar »
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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2007, 10:35:24 am »
Drewstar....I have the same Bose set in my den....and love them.

Do you know if those speakers that are encased in the fake rocks are any good?

I saw some recently at a really upscale Dallas hotel atrium and they sounded pretty good.



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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2007, 10:46:00 am »
Drewstar....I have the same Bose set in my den....and love them.

Do you know if those speakers that are encased in the fake rocks are any good?

I saw some recently at a really upscale Dallas hotel atrium and they sounded pretty good.


I don't know. I've seen some rock speakers at some discount stores for around $50.  I don't know of any who has a pair  either.   I thnk there are several manufaturers of them as well.


The Bose 201 are nice. I have a small formal living room that opens to the kitchen and the 201's really sound nice.  I wanted to free up some floor space and got rid of my wife's  old, very larg technics speakers (Circa 1985. They still sounded nice, but I didn't care for the size/apperance.)

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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2007, 04:08:28 pm »
For you Bose guys, I know you love your speakers and they are very pleasant sounding. lol....now  don't pick up any rocks to chuck at me but if you happen to know any audio guys ask them about the saying no highs and no lows than they must be Bose.... ;)......They are very warm and nice sounding but do not have the dynamic range of say a Klipsch but if you like the sound than thats what matters if you get a chance to a/b them sometime do a blind test and just listen and see what you pick..... :)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 06:45:37 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2007, 04:13:00 pm »
BOSE......buy other speakers eventually..........seriously tho, any real audiophile hates Bose for what they really are, a speaker that is cheaply made, and not full spectrum range...look at comparably priced speakers at any big box store and you will be happier with them in the long run.

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Re: Recommendations for DIY stereo systems
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2007, 04:13:00 pm »


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