I have a story to tell.

Some of you may have seen my posts from this summer when I bought a Jetsetter and then from a couple weeks ago when I had issues with my well water on a refill. Everyone has been great - thanks for the help.
I had another issue. Water. Specifically, the lack of.
Early Dec I noticed one night that the water level was down about 2.5". We had used the tub a lot that week so I figured between usage, the colder weather, and evaporation that it was normal. Added 20 gal or so.
A couple weeks ago I did a drain and refill. I did NOT drain from the Jetsetter drain, I used a pump. Got my water issues straightened out and it was happy tubbing again.
Saturday I went out to do my weekly shock and cover wash. Water was down about 3.5". Added 35 gal of water. I know what you are thinking, I have a leak. Well, I was in denial. I noticed my cover was not really tight so I told myself that now that the weather was cold the issue was evaporation.
Monday night the tub was down about 1". No more denial, I officially had a problem.
Went down to my dealer (great people) and explained what was happening. They sent a tech this morning. Apparently the leak was from the tub drain. The valve was open and the cap was not tight. I know, I should have checked that first, but I've never drained using the valve and literally had not touched it ever! Embarrassing.
That's not the bizarre part. My ozone has always been kind of a trickle. Bubbles, yes but not a torrent. Never smelled ozone either.
When I opened the cover tonight there was a strange smell. I thought the water had an issue but then quickly realized I was smelling ozone. I flipped on the light and now there is about 10X the amount of bubbles from the ozonator and you can literally see the water flow up. I can hear the bubbles when the hit the surface. All of this is new.
Stupid newbie than I am I always thought the ozone was fine. Anyone have any idea why now the ozone has awakened? Obviously it has something to do with the service call, but they did not note anything other than the valve and cap. Could this and the leak be connected?
I have the Taylor kit coming tomorrow. That ought to be a new adventure.