nlittle.....I am sure it will not be a problem.
mine have never broke....but they do seem like
they could break pretty easy
ya know actually right now I dont even use
mine and the cover never moves and it
gets pretty windy here in Dallas at times
i keep my front and back gates locked
but I should probably use the cover
locks too....i'm just to lazy!
Here is a real spa cover lock!

STEELCORE'S locking security straps are the best spa cover locks in
the marketplace.
Our hot tub locks will give you peace of mind knowing that your spa or
hot-tub cover is secure from unauthorized use and the weather.
The typical hot tub and spa cover locks are made of plastic with a small
plastic key. The plastic locking buckle is connected to a small piece of vinyl that is sewn
into the side of the spa cover. With just one yank the plastic buckle can break
or the stitching comes apart. Now your hot tub is open to unauthorized use or
it becomes vulnerable to small children.
STEELCORE'S security straps for spa covers are locking security straps that
will secure the entire spa cover. Even the strongest winds won't blow your
hot tub cover off.
For the best hot tub lock and spa cover locks, your choice should

Why should I replace my existing plastic spa cover locks?Lack of Strength: Plastic buckles might be strong enough to hold together
backpacks and toys, but not for the serious business of keeping children
safe and preventing unwanted access to the spa.
Easily Defeated: These plastic locking buckles may be opened simply
by striking them or just pulling them apart, this breaks the small plastic tabs
in the buckle or pulls apart the stitching. The lock is easily unlocked without
the key just by inserting any slim object such as a fingernail file or pocket
knife into the key hole and turning opens the lock
They don’t last: The plastic buckles wear out quickly and deteriorate
in the outside elements becoming brittle and consequently fall apart. Even
high winds are known to blow off spa covers that held down and locked
with these buckles.
They are costly and time consuming to repair or replace: Though they
are initially inexpensive to buy you have to take the cover apart removing
the foam from the cover and then transport the vinyl either to where you
purchased the cover or to an upholstery repair shop to have a new plastic
buckle sewn on then reassemble the cover Remember the plastic buckles
break easily so you will be doing this all over again. It is easier safer and
quicker just to switch to Steelcore security spa straps