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Author Topic: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem  (Read 15224 times)


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #60 on: January 08, 2007, 02:37:34 pm »
I though the photos was of "Trixie" until Bama said that it was her......since it is obviously a professional shot. But how cool that your job lets you do photoshoots on the side! You certainly have the right attitude for the camera! I'd hate to be there when they say, "We'll take you, you and you......but you....not so much..."

And dont worry, anyone looking at the photo is not thinking to themselves "how old is she?"

And I am fully with you on the long hair being better for work. I have cut mine much shorter than ever before, but it must be ponytail-able or able to get put up with a claw clip, or it is just too much work.
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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #60 on: January 08, 2007, 02:37:34 pm »


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #61 on: January 08, 2007, 02:42:29 pm »
You know, I'm a semi proffesional photographer and have contacts inside the modeling word. IF there are other attrative women out there that are interested in doing some modeling work, I could probably help you out.

I can make you a star, baby. A Star.  8-)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #62 on: January 08, 2007, 04:38:10 pm »
You know, I'm a semi proffesional photographer and have contacts inside the modeling word. IF there are other attrative women out there that are interested in doing some modeling work, I could probably help you out.

I can make you a star, baby. A Star.  8-)

Thanks Drewstar.
Funny...I see lots of stars in my line of work, and I'm not impressed and have only asked for one autograph in my life.  I've even been asked out on dates by the rich and famous.  I've had opportunies if I had wanted to take advantage of them.  But, I'm orignally from the Arkansas Ozarks...I'm a hillbilly and I like being a hillbilly!  
The modeling I have done...a swim suit (see photo)  a fur coat, and a pair of shoes.  The only reason I did those photo shoots was the fact that I had nothing else to do while I was waiting in the Chicago Flight Attendant lounge for my flight home and the sets were right there in the airport.  Effortless.  
Otherwise, I just want to do my scheduled flight line and fly home to Alabama.  
My husband is an airline pilot and time together is tricky.  I wouldn't want to take on something that causes more time apart.  But, your offer is appreciated anyway. :)
Good luck with your photography career.   If you live near an airline hub, you might go to the Flight Attendant Base Manager's Office...you'll have to call the airline and set up an appointment first.  Ask to be allowed into the Flight Attendant's Lounge to set up a table.  You will need security clearance.  Also you will need a good reason such as looking for models for a specific magazine layout, a specific store's sale catalog, etc.  Your store or magazine must be well known and the airline must be in a good mood.  LOL.  Good luck.


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2007, 04:41:31 pm »
I though the photos was of "Trixie" until Bama said that it was her......since it is obviously a professional shot. But how cool that your job lets you do photoshoots on the side! You certainly have the right attitude for the camera! I'd hate to be there when they say, "We'll take you, you and you......but you....not so much..."

And dont worry, anyone looking at the photo is not thinking to themselves "how old is she?"

And I am fully with you on the long hair being better for work. I have cut mine much shorter than ever before, but it must be ponytail-able or able to get put up with a claw clip, or it is just too much work.[/quote


Yes,  you know exactly what I mean when I say hair can be too short!  It it's too short you can't put it up and keep it dry!    You go girl!


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #64 on: January 08, 2007, 04:48:22 pm »
I though the photos was of "Trixie" until Bama said that it was her......since it is obviously a professional shot. But how cool that your job lets you do photoshoots on the side! You certainly have the right attitude for the camera! I'd hate to be there when they say, "We'll take you, you and you......but you....not so much..."

And dont worry, anyone looking at the photo is not thinking to themselves "how old is she?"

And I am fully with you on the long hair being better for work. I have cut mine much shorter than ever before, but it must be ponytail-able or able to get put up with a claw clip, or it is just too much work.

FYI...Little known fact:

Flight Attendants are treated as sub-contractors and not hourly wage earners, therefore the company has no say so what we do on our own time.
It is gracious of them to allow an outside company to set up "shop" in a vacant gate.  However, I assure you they got paid plenty for that gate rental.  


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #65 on: January 08, 2007, 06:16:18 pm »
I would hope that everyone who has posted their photo is truly of themself.  Mine is.
How weird would that be to post someone else's photo?
  However, since I am a woman I do reserve the right to lie about my age! ;)
So, you see I can not lie about WHO I am, but only how OLD I am. ;D
Well now I feel bad.....That pic I put up of me, isn't really me. It is of my daughter, and now I feel terrible.  :-[


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #66 on: January 08, 2007, 06:52:53 pm »
Why not,

The formula is great to know, but keep in mind that it assumes 0ppm in the tub and doesn't account for bather load. So it is always best to test under your spa's normal conditions to determine your daily dose.

You are correct sir.   :)
Most of us here use Vermonter's method, so it should relate just fine but thanks for making it clear again. :)


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #67 on: January 08, 2007, 10:32:38 pm »
Why Not,

Yes many of us do use Vermonter's method, myself since 2005 when I first started posting on this forum and at rhtubs forum.



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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #67 on: January 08, 2007, 10:32:38 pm »


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