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Author Topic: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem  (Read 15225 times)


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2007, 07:12:12 pm »

I'm no water expert but 2 TBS of dichlor post soak every day seems a little excessive. I would think 1 TBS should do the job of getting your water to the 3-5ppm range 20 min after dosing with a tub your size. What do you use to test with? Have you been checking the FC level 20 min after your post soak dose? What kind of dichlor do you use and what is it's % of active chlorine?
If you smell chlorine it's probably time for a shock as that's a good sign you have a high amount of chloramines(CC) present.

I test with 6-way test strips called AQUA CHEM.  They register hardness, total chlorine, free chlorine, bromine, ph, total alkalinity, and stabilizer.
I've never done that.  Hmm?  I just get out, throw in the dichlor, set and forget it.  
Is there a reason to wait 20 minutes before checking and treating?
I use SPA TIME chlorinating granules for spas and hot tubs: active ingredient' sodium-s-triazinetrione.
When I shock, I do it every Saturday and I use the same dichlor product, however I use 3-4 Tablespoons, depending upon how long the water has been in the tub.
Are some brands of test strips and dichlor better than others?

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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2007, 07:12:12 pm »


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2007, 07:20:48 pm »
One of the benefits of BaquaSpa is gentle on the hair.

Tell me more about BaquaSpa...
is it as easy Vermonters?


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2007, 07:29:38 pm »


You really shouldn't be getting a chlorine smell. I've been told that if you do smell chlorine, you either have high levels or it's time to shock the tub.  You said you tested the tub before getting and it a slight positive reading? Is this below 2 ppm?   You toss in two tablespoons after each use? What levels are you getting 10 minutes after adding 2 tblspoons? (you want it around 5 pmm, not more than that, not less than 3 ppm).

How many times has the tub been used since the last time you shocked?


Confession... I have gotten lazy and I stopped testing after adding the 2 Tbl and 10 min pump run.    I'm busted, huh?


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2007, 03:29:55 am »
Is there a reason to wait 20 minutes before checking and treating?
Yes, to make sure the chemicals you just added have enough time to get thouroughly mixed. It doesn't have to be exactly 20 some say 10 will suffice. I just think that giving it a little longer might be a little more accurate.

I use SPA TIME chlorinating granules for spas and hot tubs: active ingredient' sodium-s-triazinetrione.

Oops, I meant available not active... :-[
Somewhere on the bottle it should say  __% available chlorine. Anywhere from 52-62%.

Are some brands of test strips better than others?
I don't think any of them do any good besides maybe measuring high FC. Their "accuracy" just isn't as accurate as I like to be. I have used both strips and now a Taylor kit and I'm amazed at how much my readings differed. You might want to think about getting one b/c if used properly their foolproof especially when telling you when to shock. There's no guessing. To be honest I would have paid 4 x the amount I paid for it($45). It's really helped me THAT much. :)

Are some brands of dichlor better than others?

 I try to only use brands that have 99% or higher sodium dichlor-s-triazinetrione dihydrate with only 1% inert.
The lower the % available chlorine in a product the more you will have to add to get suffice readings.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 03:44:44 am by WHY_NOT »


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2007, 07:01:51 am »
Bama I just learned a pretty simply formula for calculating how much dichlor to add to a tub. I posted it in the  Can treating a spa be easy thread. :)

gallons of tub x ppm x .000128 / % available chlorine in your dichlor product = amount in ozs to add.

So if your tub is 650 gallons, your dichlor is 55% available chlorine, and you want a 3 ppm post soak... this is the formula-

650 x 3 x .000128 / .55 = about .45 ozs(about 1 TBS)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 07:02:19 am by WHY_NOT »


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2007, 07:42:14 am »
This thread reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend who was describing a woman he had just met.
He said "She has beautiful, thick black hair down her back......too bad it's not up on her head."  :)
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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2007, 02:53:01 pm »
Thanks so much all.  You guys have helped me to realize  I've been adding way too much dichlor.  I believe I've had to compensate for the hair conditioner going into the tub.   I cringe at the thought of cutting my hair off, but I don't know what else I might do, because all of the hair conditioner I have to use to manage my long hair finds it's way into the water.  Yes, I put my hair up, but I have a whole lot of hair and there is only so much room up there on top of my head.  Hmmm...decisions???


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2007, 03:05:33 pm »
twist, pin, and do-rag....just think of all those biker chicks that have the long, flowing hair that they have to keep manageable. ;) Or you might need to just change hair products....'regular' store bought brands fry my hair in a couple days....I've changed over to biolage (great clips carries it), and I use WAY less for WAY better conditioning results.
Good luck!


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2007, 04:22:55 pm »
I agree that there is a huge difference in the products that you can use on your hair, and I think that even long hair CAN be manageable. I had hair down to my waist for a few years, and for hot tubs or whatever I could put it in a french braid and then wrap that on my head with clips or pins. It sounds like a lot of work, but once you get good at it, it takes about 1 minute. I use grocery store conditioner, but only Finesse or Pantene. It sounds so upity to by picky, but every other brand leaves my hair icky.
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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #39 on: January 07, 2007, 08:35:20 am »
My hair was down to my waist until just recently when I went to shoulder length.  It is really thick so I know what you mean by having a lot of hair.  I just used to braid it before putting it on top of my head and that made it easier to manage.


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #40 on: January 07, 2007, 04:16:57 pm »

Seems like it would be a shame for you to cut your hair just for the spa. Why don't you try shocking with MPS instead of dichlor. MPS should help oxidize those organic materials. I normally wouldn't recommend it but you could also use a clarifier (small doses) on a more regular basis to get that stuff out.

How about a routine something like this:

Dichlor after use, generally 0.5 teaspoon per person, but you can test this and just get your tub to between 3-5ppm after dosing. You have a big tub so you may need more. Hopefully by the next day when you are ready to use the tub again you'll be down below 1ppm.

Weekly shock with MPS. Just follow the directions for your tub size. The good thing about MPS is you don't have to reach a specific level of MPS in the tub for it to work.

I assume if you think you're getting conditioner in the tub you might be able to see a film on the water surface, kind of like an oil slick. A little clarifier along with the MPS should help get that out. Leslie's pool supply sells a product with both of these combined, I think it is called Fresh and Clear. I would only recommend this if you have a specific problem to solve though, you shouldn't normally be adding clarifier. Both MPS and clarifier will add to your TDS. You could also try a 'Dirty Duck', sponge like material that just floats in your spa and is supposed to soak up those organics.

Monthly you could replace the MPS shock with a dichlor shock, that gives you the super sanitizing effect you miss by using MPS for shock.

Hopefully you can find a chem routine that adapts to you rather than adapting your lifestyle to the tub.

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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2007, 04:21:51 pm »
How about a routine something like this:
Dichlor after use, generally 0.5 teaspoon per person, but you can test this and just get your tub to between 3-5ppm after dosing. You have a big tub so you may need more. Hopefully by the next day when you are ready to use the tub again you'll be down below 1ppm.
I already calculated about how much her post soak dose should be. ;)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2007, 04:22:56 pm by WHY_NOT »


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2007, 06:26:46 pm »
I also have long, thick hair (see pic at left).  I just tie it up on top of my head.

I use Nature 2, so I don't have any chlorine problems.

The hair at the base of my neck does get wet, but I just leave it tied up until it drys.

And 2 tablespoons each soak is way too much chlorine.  I shock once a week with 2 tablespoons.

My wife has long hair, too.  We get hair all over the house.  It was even worse when we had a dog.



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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2007, 08:26:05 pm »
I think if I combine all of your suggestions I can't help but get it right!!!

Tatooed-I'll tie up my hair....then you're invited for pancakes!!!

vlady-braiding my hair should help to keep it on top of my head

Anne-I'll change hair products, I use expensive salon crap that is great for my hair, but probably destroying my spa pumps.  Also, because I was using too much dichlor my hair was frying, so then what did I do....more conditioner!!!  

Why Not- I'll cut back on Dichlor.  Thx for the calculations!!

Steve-next time I purchase supplies, I pick up some MPS, yes there is a shine in my water, as well as a foam problem that I'm forever addressing.

Geeked- geez, you do have a lot of hair!!!!  YOU ROCK!!!  Tell me more about Nature 2.

Term---thanks for the cigar!

I know it seems like my hair is a big deal, but it's just that I have a routine.
My job as a Flight Attendant requires that my hair not fall forward when I lean forward.  That means either tie it back, put it up,  or have it short.  Also, it's quicker to get ready for a 4:45 lobby call when all I have to do with my hair is pull it back.  Long hair is actually easier for my job.  The weight of long hair makes it dry straight therefore, requires no blow drying...it's wash and go!  I really don't want to cut my hair off.... So thanks for all the help!
« Last Edit: January 07, 2007, 08:27:02 pm by Bama »


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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2007, 08:29:36 pm »
Bama, is this really you? :o :-*
« Last Edit: January 07, 2007, 08:30:24 pm by WHY_NOT »

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Re: Help, my freakin long hair is a problem
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2007, 08:29:36 pm »


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