good right? We are 3 weeks into our second fill (Optima, sunpurity/n2, no ozinator, vermonter method)... Last soak was Monday nite or Tuesday. Been a busy week and I knew I needed to add chems but kept putting off.. Needless to say.. come Saturday.. CLOUDY water.
Normal dicholor amt is approx 1Tsp + a bit more (about 4 tsp) so I added normal amt.
-20 mins later: 0 free chlorine & water still very cloudy. Added another 4tsp.
-20 mins later: free clorine is 4 or 5, water still cloudy. Added 6 capfuls of clarifier (4 per 300 gals) (ok so I
probably overdosed a bit.. added 5 capfuls then felt like I should add one more for good measure

-10 mins later: BROWN foam! Ttub has been foamy... so foam is not not a surprise.. but the brown color was.
I assume that brown foam means the nasties are coming out of the water and this is good right? I'm going to scoop out the brown foam ... Am I doing this right? Or should I give up and dump water? At what poind do you stop dumping chemical ($$) into tub and dump it?