So it's the week after New Year's and it's 11:40pm and it's 65 damn degrees outside
It should be freezing!!!!
I haven't used my tub for about 3 days. The last time I used it the water was perfect.
Tonight I get in the tub and turned on the jets and it was like someone poored a capfull or two of shampoo in the tub

It will hit a record high tomorrow (72 - 75 degrees) and although I did a drain and fill a month ago, I just might do a quick drain/fill and take advantage of this freaky weather.
I just put 4 tbs of MPS in the tub and will run it for about 30 mins tonight. I will replace the filter tomorrow and see how much foam I still have.
Do you think one of my 3 kids might have had a tub party in the last 3 days?

ps. You guys in the midwest (read Denver) don't need to post pictures of your record snowfalls. It's damn depressing for both of us.....
pps. Do you know that this board takes the word (d a m n) and automatically changes it to darn! Darn PC BS!