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Author Topic: Why so difficult to get wet tests?  (Read 4059 times)


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Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« on: December 19, 2006, 11:17:56 pm »
After reading this forum I spent weeks convincing my wife about the importance of wet testing before buying.  She was self conscious and didn't want to wet test.  She finally relented and agreed to wet test a few tubs.  

However we're having trouble finding dealers that will let us test he models we want to test..

We wanted to test both the Jacuzzi 470..and the Jacuzzi 480 because we're not sure if we prefer lounger or open seating.  Both Jacuzzi dealers only the 470 availble for wet testing.

Similar story at both HotSpring locations..  Can test the Envoy at both locations.  One also has the Vanguard, and the other a soverign or something,  but neither will let us test the Grandee or Vista.

Sundance dealer (more of a pool place) changed the subject when we asked about wet testing.  We decided we didn't like the dealer anyway so we left without pursuing the wet test question any further.

Similar story at Caldera..

Is this standard across the country or just the dealers in my area?  I thought wet tests were standard pratice and that most dealers would be accomodating.  But that hasn't been my experience.  

I'm gonna stick to my guns and not buy a tub I haven't tested, but it sure is limiting my choices of tubs at this point.

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Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« on: December 19, 2006, 11:17:56 pm »


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2006, 03:33:11 am »
I wish more dealers would put more power on their showroom floors so it would be easier to wet test.  I do think it is very important to wet test.  When dealers have limited power on the floor, it is very difficult for them to move spas around to get one filled.  I don't think they are trying to hide anything, it's just difficult.

Having said that, I do think the dealer should make every effort to fill a tub and let you test it out.  But, you are correct, it can be difficult.
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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2006, 05:53:32 am »
Myself and most others on this forum will agree it is imperative to wet test a spa you are thinking about purchasing.
When I was shopping around, almost all the dealers in my area did whatever it took to get me in the spa I wanted....wet tests and all. If they have the model you like on the floor, there are no excuses  why they can't move things around and get it filled. That is part of their job. If they're not doing it for you that's a good sign that you'll be getting the same half-a$$ service when you need a tech sent out. I'd pass on any of them that are so reluctant to let you wet test a certain spa.
Not sure if it made a difference but when I was shopping around I made it perfectly clear that I was 100% serious about buying a spa. Good luck with your continued quest of spatopia.


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2006, 07:43:05 am »
I totally agree with WHY NOT about the dealer moving tubs around so that you can wet test.  
My experience was the dealer attempting to make ME feel ridiculous for ASKING to wet test.  "Wet test, what is that"?  ...Why, people don't normally get in the spas on the show room floor", he said.  He added, I've NEVER had anyone to do that".  
I believe he didn't want to go to the trouble of filling a tub for me.  So, I quickly learned not to ASK if I may wet test, I made it clear that I EXPECTED to wet test if that tub was to be considered.  I made it clear (in a nice way) that I would not buy a tub that was not available for wet testing.
I'm so very glad I took everyone's advice here on this site and did the wet test!
Seats are very different when the tub is filled with water and you can't gauage the comfort without the water.


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2006, 07:50:00 am »
Its been over 3 years since we wet tested but had now problem at any of the 4 dealers we went to.  All allowed us to come at closing time and stayed an hour extra to allow us to wet test.  They offered to fill others and to to come back another day if we wanted to test different models.  One dealer even had towels, slippers and robes for us along with candles in the changing room.


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2006, 09:51:23 am »
One dealer even had towels, slippers and robes for us along with candles in the changing room.
A nice touch. Not to influence you or anything  ;D


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2006, 09:56:54 am »
Our experience was totally the opposite.  Our Hot Springs dealer pretty much required a wet test.  Most tubs were on the floor running.  24 hours notice and they would have any other tub filled and ready to go.  After hours tests were not a problem.

They let us take our time and really worked with us to find a tub that met our needs.  It was a great experience and I will buy from them again when the time comes to upgrade.

There were a couple of other dealers in the area carrying other brands.  We never even considered them due to the great treatment we got at the Hot Springs dealer.


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2006, 10:11:17 am »

You were treated the way all of us should be treated.  Congrats on finding a dealer that made you feel at home and treated you the way you should have been treated.


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2006, 10:12:41 am »
I think Chas made a good point a few days ago somewhere on one of these forums.  I think what he does is make you soak in the tub he has running.  If you still require him to fill up a specific spa, I think he will do it.  I think that is an equitable solution for both the dealer and consumer.

One thing you should realize is that the major manufacturers cheat a lot when designing a spa.  Hotspring is pretty damn notorious for it and their certified engineers will even tell you that.  I have sat in plenty of Hotspring Spas and I can tell you that the Soothing Seven and Moto-Massage hits me in the same spot no matter what spa I am using.  I stand by this statement even if one spa has a lounge or has no lounge.


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2006, 10:13:37 am »
As much as I hate my dealer, I have to admit they went above and beyond for my wet test.  We were pretty sure we wanted a Sundance Optima and fortunately they had one available for a wet test.  However, I thought I might like the Cameo better and REALLY wanted to try it.  They didn't have a wet one on the floor (although they had a dry one) and when I first asked they said they couldn't fill it.  Well, long story short I called my sales guy that I'd met at the local fair (who was a regional sales guy and didn't actually work at my local dealer).  Told him I needed to wet test the Cameo before committing to either tub, and an hour later he called me back and told me he'd "worked out an arrangement" with the dealer.  They ended up taking a CUSTOMER TUB that was going out for delivery the next day, unwrapped it (which they'd have done anyway to install the ozonator), filled it, and connected the wiring.  We tested it right there in the warehouse... and of course decided we preferred the Optima.  ;D

Why they didn't just transfer water and power to the Cameo they had on the floor I'll never know.  Moral of the story though is that if you push hard enough they can probably accomodate your desire...
Paul G.
2006 Sundance Optima


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2006, 10:21:43 am »
PG - I hope they let that customer know they were doing that with their brand new tub!!!


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2006, 10:28:56 am »
One thing you should realize is that the major manufacturers cheat a lot when designing a spa.  
Please explain. :-?
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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2006, 10:46:50 am »
PG - I hope they let that customer know they were doing that with their brand new tub!!!
Based on their overall lack of professionalism I highly doubt it.  It bothered me somewhat, although at the same time I was glad to get the wet test.  I hear what you're saying though... it's kinda shady.  Still, every tub is wetted down at the factory anyway, and the wrapping comes off at my particular dealer so they can install the ozonator so I'm sure the customer would never know...
Paul G.
2006 Sundance Optima


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2006, 11:18:13 am »
Please explain. :-?

I think I already did.  

Instead of cheat, maybe I should have said, engineers use the designs from other popular spas to design new spas.  

It certainly is not a coincidence that the rotary jets, Soothing Seven, and the Moto-Massage hit the same person pretty much in the same way.


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Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2006, 12:27:11 pm »
PG- sounds like the Marquis dealer I dealt with.....SHADY!!!!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Why so difficult to get wet tests?
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2006, 12:27:11 pm »


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